CADDO Parish 1999 Crop Production          
                                                                              Total         Gross
Commodity                    Producers    Acres      Measure      Yield     Production   Farm Value
COTTON                            31     14,185                                                    
  Lint                                   14,185   Pounds              720   10,213,200    5,412,996
  Seed                                   14,185   Pounds            1,152   16,341,120      817,056
 Cotton (Total)                   31     14,185                                           6,230,052
  Pine Pulpwood                                   Cords                         41,488             
  Hardwood Pulpwood                               Cords                         47,352             
  Chip N Saw Pulpwood                             Cords                            932             
  Pine Saw Logs                                   Board feet                31,493,081             
  Hardwood Saw Logs                               Board feet                 1,691,250             
 Forestry FOB Mill (Total)                                                               21,859,570
 Forestry Stumpage (Total)**                                                             14,286,959
  Christmas Trees Retail           *         15   Trees Sold                       500       15,000
  Fire Wood                       10              Face Cords                       500       62,500
 Forestry (Total)                                                                        21,937,070
  Blueberries                      *         11   Pounds            2,800       30,800       30,800
  Muscadines                       *          5   Tons                  5           25        6,250
  Peaches                          *         22   Bushels             150        3,300       49,500
 Fruits (Total)                   10         38                                              86,550
FEED GRAINS                                                                                        
  Corn (Field)                    32      9,734   Bushels             130    1,265,420    2,543,494
  Grain Sorghum                    7        904   cwt.                 42       38,239      116,630
 Feed Grains (Total)                                                                      2,660,124
GREENHOUSE VEGETABLES                                                                              
  Tomatoes                         *      2,800sf Pounds                5       14,000       16,100
 Greenhouse Vegetables             *      2,800sf Pounds                5                    16,100
HAY, SOLD                                                                                          
  Alfalfa                          *        201   Tons                  5        1,005      130,650
  Grass                           10      3,000   Tons                  3        9,000      540,000
 Hay Sold (Total)                                                                           670,650
HOME GARDENS                  18,000              Garden                                  3,960,000
NURSERY CROPS (Commercial)                                                                         
  Floraculture & Bedding Plts     10              Acre                                    2,200,000
  Woody Ornamentals               10              Acre                                      250,000
  Foliage Plants                   *              Acre                                      125,000
 Nursery Crops (Total)            25                                                      2,575,000
  Improved                         7        700   Pounds              220      154,000      154,000
  Native                           *        200   Pounds              200       40,000       20,000
 Pecans (Total)                                                                             174,000
SOD PRODUCTION                     *         40   Acres                                     133,400
SOYBEANS                          38     17,900   Bushels              28      501,200    2,305,520
VEGETABLES - COMMERCIAL                                                                            
  Cabbage (Fresh)                  *          3   Sacks 50#           400        1,200        6,000
  Collards (Fresh)                 *          2   Doz. Bunches        600        1,200        8,400
  Eggplant                         *          2   Bushels 33#         450          900        9,000
  Irish Potatoes                   *         30   cwt.                 80        2,400       72,000
  Mustard (Fresh)                 15         90   Doz. Bunches        600       54,000      324,000
  Okra (Fresh)                     *         10   Bushels             175        1,750       26,250
    Banana                         *          1   Bushels 25#          75           75          900
    Bell                           7          3   Bushels 28#         375        1,125       11,250
  Snap Beans (Fresh)               8         15   Bushels 30#          60          900       15,300
  Southern Peas (Fresh)           10         85   Bushels 24#         115        9,775      195,500
  Squash (Fresh)                                                                                   
   Yellow Squash                  10          7   Bushels 45#          70          490        3,920
   Zucchini Squash                 *          3   Bushels 45#          70          210        1,680
  Squash (Processing)                                                                              
  Sweet Corn (Fresh)               *         25   Doz. Ears           900       22,500       56,250
  Tomatoes (Field)                10         18   Lugs 20#          1,200       21,600      388,800
  Tomatoes (Green Mature)          *          4   Boxes 25#         1,200        4,800       48,000
  Turnips (Fresh)                 16         60   Doz. Bunches        600       36,000      216,000
  Watermelon                       *          3   cwt.                151          453        2,718
 Vegetables (Total)               20        361                                           1,360,168
WHEAT                              8      2,551   Bushels              43      109,693      301,656
TOTAL ALL CROPS                                                                          42,410,290
* Fewer Than 6 Producers
                          CADDO Parish 1999 Fish & Wildlife Production        
                                                                              Total          Gross
Commodity                    Producers   Production  Units    Measure       Production     Farm Value
  Crawfish (Farm)                     *      60      acres    Pounds Sold       24,000         16,800
  Catfish  (Farm)                     *      18      acres    Pounds Sold      100,000         71,000
  Minnows                             *       5      acres    Pounds Sold        2,500          8,125
  Fishbait                            *              acres    Pounds Sold          500          3,250
  Other Species                       *      40      acres    Pounds Sold       13,000        143,000
 Aquaculture (Total)                                                                          242,175
FRESHWATER FISHERIES                                                                                 
  Catfish  (Wild)                    15                       Pounds Sold       46,990         23,495
  Buffalo                            15                       Pounds Sold       23,874          5,969
  Gar                                                         Pounds Sold          194            213
  Other Finfish                                               Pounds Sold          828            166
 Freshwater Fisheries (Total)                                                                  29,843
FUR ANIMALS                                                                                          
  Pelts                                                       Pelts                347          1,114
Fur Animals (Total)                                                                             1,114
ALLIGATORS - Wild                            10                                     75          1,350
HUNTING LEASE ENTERPRISES             *   5,000      acres                                     15,000
HONEY                                 *      15      hives    Pounds             1,125            562
TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE                                                                       290,044
* Fewer Than 6 Producers
                          CADDO Parish 1999 Animal Production                 
                                                                              Total          Gross
Commodity                    Producers   Production  Units    Measure       Production     Farm Value
CATTLE and CALVES                                                                                    
  Steer Calves                                                                                       
    300-400 lbs.                                              Head sold          1,798        601,485
    400-500 lbs.                                              Head sold          4,994      1,890,204
    500-600 lbs.                                              Head sold          2,696      1,123,518
  Heifer Calves                                                                                      
    300-400 lbs.                                              Head sold          2,860        801,701
    400-500 lbs.                                              Head sold          4,087      1,355,454
    500-600 lbs.                                              Head sold          1,227        462,542
  Yearling Cattle                                                                                    
    600-700 lbs.                                              Head sold            600        265,200
    700-800 lbs.                                              Head sold          1,400        609,000
  Cow-Calf Pairs                                              Head sold            175         99,750
  Cull Cows                                                   Head sold          2,302        677,018
  Cull Bulls                                                  Head sold            103         69,355
 Cattle & Calves (Total)            270  20,640      cows                                   7,955,227
  Brood Mares                         *      45      mares    Head sold             25        125,000
  Stud Fees                                   5      studs    Mares bred            50         50,000
  Pleasure Horses                    20              horses   Head sold            150        300,000
 Horses (Total)                                                                               475,000
  Show Pigs                                                   Head sold             25          6,250
  Feeder Pigs                                                 Head sold             25            481
 Swine (Total)                        *       7      sows                                       6,731
TOTAL ALL ANIMALS                                                                           8,436,958
* Fewer Than 6 Producers