Agriculture: Backbone of Louisiana's
Sincerely, Jack L. Bagent
![]() 1999 Summary, Agriculture and Natural Resources Animal Enterprises Beef Cattle Dairying Horses Poultry Rabbits Sheep & Goats Swine Fisheries and Wildlife Enterprises
Plant Enterprises
The statistical information in this summary is compiled from estimates made by agents of the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service after consulting with agricultural agency representatives, agricultural and agribusiness leaders and others and after study of various reports and resource materials.
Although this material is reasonably accurate and can be used for planning and other general information purposes, this is not the official document of agricultural data for the state. Official statistical data are gathered, summarized and published by the Louisiana Agricultural Statistics Service, P.O. Box 65038, Baton Rouge, LA 70896. Reproduction or publication of information in this summary should acknowledge the unofficial nature of the statistics.
A gross value has been computed for each commodity, which in some cases includes a value from natural resources and, consequently, does not represent income to farmers. The gross value is an indicator of the commodity's contribution to economic activity, but is not an indicator of farm profits. Production costs cut heavily into profit for many commodities. Even where there might have been an increase in gross income over previous years, there might have been a corresponding increase in the cost of production.
In the state summaries, the value added in marketing, processing and transportation is estimated in order to indicate the total contribution of agriculture and natural resources to the state's economy.
The state summary is not an exact summation of all parish reports. Some adjustments have been made, considering changes in average prices received, reports from statewide agricultural agencies and organizations and information from other sources.
In each parish table, only the commodities that were of economic value in that parish in 1999 are listed. Where the number of producers or the number of acres is omitted, that information was not available. An asterisk indicates that the number was so small that its inclusion might have revealed confidential information on individual producers.
Within some commodity groups, such as grains, fruits and commercial
vegetables, the total number of producers has been omitted because some
producers grow several different crops within the group. Adding together
the producers of individual crops would not give a true total for the group.
Animal Enterprises
Beef Cattle
Beef cattle are the second largest animal production enterprise in Louisiana. Prospects for improved prices for calves and better weather conditions resulted in a 4.5% increase in cow numbers from 617,410 head in 1998 to 645,576 head in 1999. The number of producers in 1999 declined to 12,958 from 13,111 in 1998. This was a 1.2% reduction in the number of producers.
Gross farm income from beef cattle was $236.9 million in 1999, up $10.5 million from 1998. Value added to beef cattle in 1999 was $26.0 million. Total value (gross farm value plus value added) of beef cattle in Louisiana in 1999 was $263.0 million, up from $251.3 million in 1998.
The number of steer calves with a weight range of 300-600 pounds declined from 238,755 head in 1998 to 237,553 in 1999. The number of heifer calves in the same weight range also declined from 205,483 head in 1998 to 200,600 head in 1999. The reduction in the number of calves sold reflected the cow herd reduction that occurred in 1998. However, the value of the calves increased from $75.2 million in 1998 to $87.5 million in 1999 for steers and from $57.6 million in 1998 to $64.3 million in 1999 for heifers. The increase in gross farm value is due to higher prices for calves in 1999 as compared to 1998.
Yearling cattle sold numbers in 1999 increased to 67,166 head from
66,782 head in 1998. The gross farm value for this type of animal increased
to $29.4 million in 1999 from $27.8 million in 1998. Cow-calf pairs declined
both in the number of animals sold and gross farm value in 1999 from 1998.
Producers looking to higher calf prices in the future did not sell as many
pairs as in 1998, a time of lower calf prices. Cull cow and cull bull numbers
sold and values also declined in 1999 as producers looked to the future.
Milk production was reported by 24 parishes in 1999. Three
parishes in the southeastern part of the state and one parish in the northwest
accounted for about 87% of all milk production in Louisiana. Dairy farms
decreased from 506 in 1998 to 486 in 1999. The number of milking cows decreased
from 60,862 in 1998 to 57,553 in 1999. Total milk production decreased
from 742 million pounds in 1998 to 706 million pounds in 1999. The on-farm
value of milk decreased from $118.7 million in 1998 to $110.8 million in
1999. The value of cull cows and calves was an estimated $8 million
in 1999. Total income from milk and animal sales to Louisiana dairy producers
was $118.8 million. The total economic contribution from dairying in Louisiana,
including animal sales and added value, was $290.5 million.
The horse industry is an important economic asset for Louisiana. Approximately 225,000 horses are owned by an estimated 75,000 people. The average recreational horse owner spends about $2,000 per year on feed, equipment, tack and veterinary supplies and medicines. This results in an estimated $425 million of economic activity.
Approximately 3,697 producers derive an income from the horse business. They owned 21,279 mares which produced 11,653 colts that were sold in 1999 for $26.4 million. These producers owned 1,084 stallions which were bred to 12,930 mares, generating income from stallion fees of $3.6 million for their owners. Total income generated directly from horse production in 1999 was $38,238,395.
The race horse industry generates a tremendous cash flow, but the industry is down slightly because of other forms of gambling in Louisiana. The racetracks employ about 3,000 people and generated an on-track parimutuel handle for fiscal year 1998-1999 of over $100 million. Off-track parimutuel handling was more than $200 million. Race horse breeding operations employ several hundred people and spend or invest over $150 million. Training of race horses involves several hundred people and estimated expenditures or investments of approximately $150 million. Related industries such as feed companies, health care sellers, farriers, etc. generate $25 million to $35 million on products and services. The combined effects of breeding, racing, race track operation and related industries generate more than $650 million in expenditures, employ thousands of people and require 30,000 to 50,000 acres of land.
Horse shows, rodeos and youth programs also have an impact.
An estimated 500 horse shows, rodeos and youth activities are conducted
each year and generate approximately $8.5 million in expenditures.
The total direct impact of the horse industry in Louisiana is about
$1 billion. The economic stimulus is provided to a great extent by
horsemen who list satisfaction and enjoyment as primary reasons for horse
Poultry production continues to be the largest animal agricultural
industry in Louisiana and is second only to forestry in total income production
for all agricultural commodities. More than 856.4 million pounds of broilers
were produced in 1999 compared to the 811 million pounds in 1998.
The gross farm value of these live, unprocesssed birds was $342.6 million
in 1999, up from $324.5 million in 1998. Broiler producer numbers fell
for the third year in a row from 711 in 1998 to 648 in 1999. Commercial
broilers are produced in 12 parishes including Bienville, Claiborne, Jackson,
Lincoln, Livingston, Natchitoches, Ouachita, Sabine, Union, Vernon, Webster
and Winn.
The total number of table egg producers in Louisiana was down from
1,521 in 1998 to 1,480 in 1999. Total eggs produced also increased by 15.1
million dozen from 26.2 million dozen in 1998 to 41.3 million dozen in
1999. Higher production also resulted in an increase in farm value
for commercial egg production, from $18.3 million in 1998 to $28.1 million
in 1999.
The gross farm value for all poultry production in Louisiana exceeded
$435.5 million in 1999, up from $388.4 million in 1998. The value added
for poultry production was estimated to be $418,164,949 (includes broiler
processing). The total value of poultry production in 1999 is $853,753,438.
Ratite and Other Exotic Fowl
The sale of ratites and exotic fowl generated $66,600 in Louisiana
in 1999. The decline in bird values continued. Total number of producers
in Louisiana fell to 136. There were 715 birds produced in 1999. Nine hundred
eighty-seven birds were sold for a farm value of $66,600.
Quail and Pheasants
There were 40,326 birds produced in 1999, down from 45,020 in 1998. Quail and pheasants generated a gross farm value of $38,360 in 1999, down from $90,650 in 1998.
The production of rabbits for meat and exhibition involved 455 producers in 1999, up from 399 in 1998. There were 300 fryer producers, up from 271 in 1998. This facet of the industry produced 431,150 pounds of meat. Louisiana rabbit producers generated more than $1,184,095 in gross income. Value added for rabbits was an estimated $112,489. Total value for rabbit production was an estimated $1,296,584 in 1999.
Fifty parishes reported production of sheep and goats.
Sheep were produced by 700 producers and goats by 587 producers.
Breeding ewes were estimated at 10,231 head, and breeding does at 8,470
Acadia (1,600), St. Landry (1,500), Vermilion (1,428), Evangeline
(900), Calcasieu (850), Allen (600), Lafayette (600), Iberia (450), Beauregard
(365) and East Baton Rouge (364) reported the largest number of breeding
Ouachita (600), Livingston (600), Concordia (525), Beauregard (500),
Vernon (500), East Baton Rouge (450), Calcasieu (450), Tangipahoa (400),
Evangeline (375), St. Landry (350), Natchitoches (300) and Union (275)
reported the largest number of breeding does.
Total number of lambs marketed (slaughter feeder and club
lambs) was estimated at 10,242 head. Call sheep numbered 1,944 head.
Stocker sheep numbered 1,005 head. Wool production was estimated
at 62,230 pounds.
Total number of slaughter goats was estimated at 5,551 head.
Stocker goats numbered 3,696 head. Call goats numbered 1,394 head.
Gross farm value from sheep, wool and goats was estimated at $1,908,558. Value added amounted to $171,770. Total value of sheep, wool and goats was estimated at $2,080,328.
Louisiana had 634 pork producers in 1999 compared to 542 in 1998. The increase in total numbers of pork producers is due primarily to an increase in the number of show pig producers. Fifty-three parishes reported production of pigs. The size of the breeding herd and the number of hogs produced decreased slightly, with the breeding herd at 5,303 head in 1999. The decrease in number of hogs produced can be attributed to several medium sized commercial hog operations liquidating.
Some 4,623 show pigs were sold in 1999, about the same as 1998. There were 20,431 feeder pigs and 42,489 market hogs produced and sold in 1999. Total pig production was 70,908 head. Gross farm value to swine producers was almost $6 million.
As in 1998, more producers retained gilts and used artificial insemination to produce high quality show pigs. The show pig industry continues to grow in Louisiana. The 4,623 show pigs sold averaged $250 per head for a total of $1,155,750. This premium income helped some producers to stay in business. Market hog and feeder pig prices increased slightly from the dismal prices of 1998 but still remained below 1996 and 1997 pork prices. Depressed hog prices contributed to the decrease in gross farm value of hogs in 1999.
The added value of processing pork in Louisiana was $1,478,400. The total value of hogs produced and processed in Louisiana was $7,392,001.
Although pond-bank prices were generally profitable for farm-raised catfish throughout 1999, the industry declined by approximately 17%, both in number of operations and total production. As a result of higher pond-bank prices, the value of the crop declined by only 14%. Acreage dropped by roughly 8%, continuing a decline that began several years ago. Industry observers cite limited marketing channels, poor access to capital, increased transportation costs for feed and hauling to processors, and producer demographics as primary causes for the decline in acreage and production.
In contrast, farm-raised crawfish production increased by 14% in 1999 while acreage and number of operations were virtually unchanged. The estimated value of the pond crawfish harvest reflected a 21% increase over the previous year's total.
All oyster production is reported in this volume under the Aquaculture classification because of Louisiana's extensive program of leasing oyster-growing areas. Oyster production again was excellent. The prices received by oyster farmers were higher. The benefits of shell plants on public grounds east of the Mississippi River following hurricane Andrew in 1992 began to yield significant production. Oyster growers and a state agency are in conflict over compensation to oyster leaseholders likely to be negatively impacted by diversions of fresh water to restore eroding wetlands.
Farm-raised alligator production was only slightly (2%) below the record high recorded for 1998, while the value of the crop was virtually unchanged. The number of alligator farms, however, decreased by roughly 6%, reflecting continued consolidation within the industry. Farm-raised alligator harvest data were provided by personnel at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries' Rockefeller Refuge.
The farm-raised minnow sector showed declines in acreage (20 %), production (16%), and value (18%). Continuing pressure from artificial lures limits the industry's capacity for expansion. Harvests of other aquaculture species (baby turtles, tilapia, hybrid striped bass, koi carp, redfish, ornamental fishes, soft-shell crawfish, etc.) decreased in value by roughly 5 percent. Recent E.U. market restrictions for baby turtles and continued depressed prices for live tilapia account for much of the decrease.
The harvest of freshwater and marine fish and shellfish in Louisiana continued to be a significant economic activity. Landings of the numerous species are recorded by two agencies. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) receives monthly reports from the initial buyers (processors, dealers, etc.).
Species, weight and dockside value of the landings are reported for all commercially harvested species. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is responsible for estimating the landings of shrimp. This is achieved via local NMFS data collectors. NMFS is solely responsible for estimates of recreationally caught marine fish and shellfish. Due to extensive delays in the availability of recreational catch data from state and federal marine waters, only the previous year's catch can be reported in this narrative.
The data for oysters, all freshwater fisheries and all marine fisheries
actually represent 1998 not 1999. It was necessary to report 1998
data because the official source of landings data, the Louisiana Department
of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF), began a new data collection method on
January 1, 1999. This new method initially resulted in delayed reporting
for 1999. At press time the 1999 data were not available. Fisheries
data for 1999 will be available from LSU Agricultural Center personnel
when LDWF finalizes its collections. This is projected to be in late
spring 2000.
The freshwater finfish production is comprised of catfish, buffalo, gar and miscellaneous species such as freshwater drum. Major catfish species are blue, channel and flathead. Combined catfish production in 1998 was slightly below 1997. The average price received was higher in 1998. The lower production associated with the higher price could be due to a successful wild crawfish season. One of the major river systems, Atchafalaya River, produces crawfish and catfish. Favorable crawfish production conditions, inclusive of price, encourages fishermen to focus more effort on crawfish. In 1998 crawfish production was essentially unchanged but price was 16% higher. Production of gar continued its slow decline. The effects of tighter controls on use of gill nets in salt water will have a lasting effect on the fishery for gar. Many gar were historically captured in the official saltwater area of the state. Other harvest methods in saltwater and increased interest by the freshwater fishermen will have to occur for production to increase. Overall, the freshwater fishery produced 31 million pounds of finfish and shellfish, making it number one in the nation.
The volatility of doing business in marine species was amply demonstrated in 1998. Landings were 20% below 1997. Menhaden and commercial finfish categories contributed to the decrease. Shrimp landings were higher in 1998. Value did not decrease in direct relation to the landings decrease. Lower prices for shrimp and commercial finfish, primarily yellowfin tuna, resulted in the value of landings deceasing. The slowdown in Asian economies which began in late 1997 reduced demand for shrimp in major consuming countries such as Japan. Imports into the United States consequently reached record levels. Prices for domestic shrimp fell when it was evident that local production would also be good.
Blue crab production and prices were both favorable. A moratorium on the sale of blue crab gear licenses ended December 31, 1998. License sales were expected to increase in 1999.
Marine recreational anglers are a large group of harvesters. Saltwater anglers are estimated to range in number from 400,000 to 450,000. The latest data available from the National Marine Fisheries Service indicate Louisiana saltwater anglers caught 23.5 million fish of various species in 1998. Fifty-nine percent of the anglers' catch was released. Thus, only 9.6 million of the 24 million fish caught were retained. This catch was 21% below the 1993-1997 average catch. Charter fishing guide businesses continued to increase. The Natural Survey of Hunting Fishing and Wildlife Associated Recreation for 1996 lists average annual expenditures per saltwater angler of $856.
The 1998-99 harvest of fur animal pelts and meat had a gross farm
value of $549,572. Value added components for this commodity raised
the total value to $674,874. The total value for the 1997-98 trapping
season was $3,561,872. Total production for the 1998-99 trapping season
was 140,913 for all fur pelts combined as compared to a production total
of 468,453 pelts in the 1997-98 season. These figures represent a large
drop in production numbers and value when compared to last year's numbers.
Nutria and raccoon pelts accounted for 82% and 11%, respectively, of the
total fur production in the state. The remaining 7% were derived
from the pelts of mink, opossum, river otter, red fox, gray fox, bobcat,
beaver and coyote.
Meat production from the fur industry was derived primarily from
nutria and raccoon. The total production in this segment of the industry
was 243,104 pounds with a gross farm value of $97,241. Low pelt production
numbers for these animals were the reason for the corresponding low meat
production values. Nutria continues to be used as a feed source in
alligator farms, but the trend in many areas is away from this product
and toward commercial feeds. The campaign continues to promote the
use of nutria as an item for human consumption.
Large inventories of furs from previous years, along with a very weak overseas market for U.S. furs, have combined to hold prices down for all fur animals that make up the trapping industry in Louisiana. Low pelt production numbers are a direct reflection of the unwillingness of individuals to trap fur animals in a market with such suppressed prices.
Production in Louisiana for 1999 was up slightly from 1998. Although losses were attributed to environment and mites, overall colony numbers were up approximately 4251 to 43, 400. Commercial production averaged 128 pounds per colony, with some hives producing an excess of 300 pounds. Total production average rose to 100 pounds per hive based on poundage reported. Commercial queen and package production in Louisiana continue to go down and more are brought in from various areas. Sales of bees and equipment in Louisiana returned $260,000 to the beekeepers. Pollination still remains the greatest value to the state with over $400,000,000 in service to the state's homeowners, farmers and wildlife. The lack of feral bees still is of concern among the residents as some 4000 hives were leased for pollination services, adding $112,000 to beekeepers' income. There is strong interest in beekeeping in Louisiana presently, but problems on the horizon may cause some regression in the future.
Honey prices continue to decrease with the potential for changes
in the tariffs and quotas on imported honey. Over the year prices
averaged 50 cents per pound down an additional 6 cents from last
year. Honey production continues to increase due to improved management.
In 1999 beekeepers earned $2,751,435 from the wholesale and retail sales
of honey, wax, pollination services and the sale of bees and equipment.
Improved management has been assisted through the approval of cumaphos
for mite and small hive beetle control and the release of the Russian queens.
These queens are being produced for release to queen breeders around the
country and will be available to beekeepers in the spring of 2000.
This has been a very successful program of the USDA Bee Breeding and Physiology
Laboratory in conjunction with the Louisiana Department of Agriculture
and Forestry. This release should help the beekeeper management program
to reduce the use of pesticides to control the mite pest. The labeling
of cumaphos will help to give the beekeeper an advantage over the small
hive beetle and additional assistance with mite control as needed.
Hunting Leases
The value of recreational hunting to the state of Louisiana
is expressed through the income derived from hunting lease enterprises.
The number of producers who leased land in the state during the 1999 hunting
season was 5,352. The total amount of land leased was 6,527,331 acres,
with a gross farm value of $32,153,473. The number of producers
leasing land was slightly down from last year, while a slightly higher
total acreage figure for lands under lease was recorded for 1999.
The average lease price was $4.42 per acre in 1998 and $4.92 per
acre in 1999.
White-tailed deer was the major game animal for which much of the hunting lease activity evolved. In all parts of the state, price per acre lease rates varied according to the quantity and quality of the deer herd present. Distances from major population centers in the state did not seem to be a factor in determining the amount that individuals were willing to pay for prime hunting leases. Waterfowl hunting, although comprising a smaller amount of the total lease acreage in the state, accounted for a higher average per acre dollar figure. These higher values for waterfowl leases are due primarily to the leasing of individual hunting blinds for several thousand dollars in some areas. Most hunting lease agreements involve the right to hunt all game species within a given area and a given season, although some acreage is leased separately for different species.
In 1999, 3,193 farmers produced an estimated 707 pounds of
lint per acre on 609,885 acres. This was an increase a significant
increase in cotton production in the state when compared with the 584 pounds
of lint per acre produced on 517, 891 acres in 1998. The estimated
value of the crop, including seed, is $259,994,521.
Producers enjoyed good planting conditions, but by late July drought
conditions had reduced the crop's potential. Above normal heat pushed
the crop, causing many fields to mature earlier than desired. However,
producers did have an excellent harvest season. Short staple was
a major problem in many areas of the state. Fiber properties combined
with low market prices severely impacted farm income.
Transgenic varieties constituted close to 70% of the varieties planted
in 1999. About 64% of the varieties planted contained the Bt gene.
Performance of the transgenic varieties varied. The boll weevil eradication
effort continued. The first sprayings were started in August in the
northeast part of the state. The boll weevil eradication effort should
influence the use of Bt cotton varieties even more in the 2000 growing
Producers should select varieties carefully. Before selecting
varieties, producers should determine what will best fit their farming
operation. A good yield in the fall starts with planting the best-suited
variety in the spring.
The three feed grains grown in Louisiana (corn, grain sorghum and oats) fared well in 1999. Dry winter weather in 1998-99 led to a high yielding, disease-free oat crop. Summer weather in which adequate moisture was available early favored corn and grain sorghum production. About mid-July it became dry in many areas, but these two crops were far enough along where yields were not affected. There were very few aflatoxin reports at harvest for corn. Both crops had a few insect problems but were manageable. Harvest conditions for all feed grains were ideal.
The number of feed grain producers (3,366) decreased from a year ago due to lower prices and bad luck with the crop the previous year. Corn acreage decreased to 339,996, about 50% less than 1998; grain sorghum went to 225,922 acres, up by 100,000; oats went up by 1,600 acres to 2,906. The large drop in corn acreage and increase in grain sorghum was due to the bad experience that corn growers had with aflatoxin in 1998 and growers' belief that grain sorghum has ability to produce in drier weather conditions. Corn yields averaged 120.3 bu/A, up by 40 from last year; total production was 40.9 million bushels, 16 million lower than 1998. Grain sorghum yields were 49.3 cwt/A, 16 cwt. higher than last year; total production was 11.1 million cwt., almost three times the production of 1998.
Gross farm value for feed grains was $116.4 million, essentially the same as soybeans, but lower than sugar, cotton or rice. Grain sorghum acreage may increase further in 2000 at the expense of soybeans. Corn acreage is likely to decrease because of uncertainty about the continued drought.
The projected 1999 Louisiana forestry income and value declined from 1998 totals. The 1998 total sawlog harvest decreased by 134.5 million board feet (10%) to a cut of 1,320,098,707 board feet. The estimated pine sawtimber harvest decreased by 7% to a total statewide harvest of 1,135,903,332. The hardwood sawtimber harvest declined to 184,195,375 board feet (a 27% reduction) in 1999, following a 27% increase in 1998. Pine chip-n-saw harvested in 1999 totaled 781,547 cords, an increase of 32% over 1998 totals.
The estimated 1999 Louisiana pulpwood harvest was 5,353,909 cords, down 2% from 1998's harvest of 5,482,108 cords. Pine pulpwood harvest declined 2%, from 3,839,685 cords in 1998 to 3,773,576 cords in 1999. Hardwood pulpwood harvest declined by 62,090 cords (4%), from 1,642,423 cords in 1998 to 1,580,333 in 1999.
Stumpage prices for 1999 remained stable, but at lower prices than were experienced in watermark years such as 1997. Pine sawtimber statewide price averages hovered around the $400 per thousand board feet level for the first three quarters of the year. Average oak sawtimber prices declined throughout the year, to a level in the mid to upper $200's per thousand board feet by the end of the third quarter. Pine chip-n-saw prices remained around $75 per cord on average. Both pine and hardwood pulpwood prices remained flat for the year, with pine pulpwood ranging between $25 per cord and $30 per cord on average, and hardwood pulpwood ranging between $11 per cord and $13 per cord on average.
With wood-using industries and commercial timber harvesting activities occurring in all parishes in Louisiana, forestry provides benefits to both urban and rural areas. In 1999, the 130,000 Louisiana private forest landowners received an estimated $661,562,413 from the sale of forest timber, down 13% from $752,383,943 in 1998. Timber harvesting contractors and their employees earned $405,727,064 from harvesting the trees and moving wood to mills. This total was down 33% from $563,196,789 in 1998. This income is re-spent many times throughout the economy. In addition, the 127 Christmas tree growers received $2.2 million from the sale of trees, down 17% from $2.6 million in 1998. Louisiana-produced pine straw sales made $290,000 in 1999, up 10% from 1998. Firewood producers generated an estimated $2,298,875 from the sale of firewood, down 31% from 1998. Louisiana forest tree seedling nurseries produced a crop worth $5,675,400 in 1999, up slightly from $5,654,771 in 1998. The total non-timber forestry income was an estimated $10,470,535, down 11% from the $11,694,602 generated in 1998.
An estimated 25,000 individuals received income directly from the
manufacturing of Louisiana forest products. This payroll and income derived
from money generated by the forestry and wood products industry totaled
an estimated $4.4 billion in 1999. The gross farm income produced by all
forestry-related products such as timber, pine straw, firewood, and Christmas
trees totaled $1,077,760,012 in 1999, down from the $1.3 billion generated
in 1998 by 21%. The value added through further processing and delivery
was $3,297,945,637 for a total 1999 forestry value of $4,375,705,649.
The forest products industry remains a very strong employer in Louisiana.
Forests are still Louisiana's number one crop.
Citrus is grown on approximately 1200 acres. There has not been
a significant change in acreage since 1993. Gross farm value of citrus
is $5.5 million. This is an 9% increase over 1998. This is the fourth successive
year the gross farm value has increased. This trend should cointinue
as trees reach a more productive age and size.
Peaches were grown on approximately 600 acres. Gross farm
value in 1999 was $958,000, which is down 47% from 1998. Low farm value
was due to low fruit production. Calhoun Research Station recorded 597
chill hours in the winter of 1998-1999. This is the lowest number of chill
hours recorded at Calhoun since they have been keeping records. The number
of chill hours at Calhoun Research Station averages around 900 hours. Inadequate
chill hours cause most fruit to drop from trees before ripening. A late
freeze that occurred in March also severely damaged the fruit of the low
chill peach varieties.
The Louisiana strawberry industry involves 133 growers and
377 acres of strawberries in 1999. The majority of the acreage is located
in Tangipahoa and Livingston parishes. The mild winter of 1998 and 1999
allowed the development of a excellent strawberry crop in the state
last year. This excellent crop was coupled with a high price, resulting
in a gross farm value of $6.1 million.
Blueberries were grown on approximately 400 acres in 1999.
Gross farm value rose 26% in 1999 to $866,580.
Many miscellaneous fruits are planted as either small commercial
plantings or as backyard plantings. These crops include blackberries, figs,
muscadine grapes, mayhaws, pears, plums, apples and persimmons. These fruits
are planted on approximately 280 acres. Their estimated gross farm value
is $241,770.
Hay production for commercial sales is a limited part of the
total production in Louisiana. Nevertheless, hay produced from 201
acres of alfalfa and 205,165 acres of grasslands was sold by more than
3,546 producers in 1999. Yields averaged 2.25 tons per acre from
the grasslands harvested for sale and 5.00 tons per acre from the alfalfa
harvested for sale. Production included 461,312 tons of grass hay
and 1,005 tons of alfalfa hay. Compared to values reported in 1998,
the acreage of grasslands used for commercial hay production was reduced
by 164,000 acres while yields were increased by about 1.0 tons per acre.
As a result, production of the 1999 hay crop for sale was about 33,000
tons lower than that of the 1998 crop. Gross farm value of the 1999
crop was $27.8 million, which was $1.9 million lower than that of the 1998
crop valued at $29.7 million.
Hay for all uses yielded 2.4 tons per acre, a total production of 912,000 tons. Total hay production in Louisiana in 1999 had a gross farm value of more than $50 million. Hay yields in 1999 were about 10% higher than the yields reported in 1998. Acres increased by 20,000 from 1998 to 1999.
The 1999 gross farm value of home vegetable gardens in Louisiana
was an estimated $82,573,260. Parish reports indicated gardens statewide,
reflecting that garden interest was down slightly from 1998. Again, an
early summer drought depressed production. Every parish has home gardens.
The 1999 gross farm value of home vegetable gardens in Louisiana was an estimated $82,573,260. Parish reports indicated gardens statewide, reflecting that garden interest was down slightly from 1998. Again, an early summer drought depressed production. Every parish has home gardens.were valued at $1,639,000, floriculture bedding plants at $26,403.800, woody ornamentals at $73,374,000, and foliage at $7,010,750. With a value added of $55,298,050, the total wholesale value of commercial nursery crop production in Louisiana in 1999 was $163,725,600.
Approximately 14.7 million pounds of pecans were harvested in 1999. This was composed of 6.6 million pounds of improved pecans and 7.7 million pounds of native pecans. The gross farm value was estimated at approximately $10,435,000. There was a very large pecan crop in North Louisiana. Many of these pecans were not harvested due to poor quality because of excessive nut load and severe drought. Many of the smaller growers had difficulty in finding people to harvest their pecans and buyers for their pecans. Pecans are produced on 23,714 acres in orchards plus a very large number of backyard trees.
Rice acreage in Louisiana increased slightly from 603,567 acres
in 1998 to 608,580 acres in 1999 for the third consecutive year.
The primary cause of the increase during this period has been farm legislation
and the combination of a firm rice price outlook at planting coupled with
somewhat lower commodity prices in other crops. Most of the acreage
fluctuation over the past few years has occurred in northeast Louisiana
where more cropping options are possible.
Average yield per acre was 5398 pounds per acre, almost 400 pounds per acre over the 5000 pounds per acre reported in 1998. The combination of higher yields per acre and more acres resulted in total production of 32,853,114 pounds, an increase of nearly 2.7 million pounds over 1998.
The Louisiana crop harvested by 2,027 producers had a gross farm value of $228,683,036, which is a decrease of nearly $48 million because of lower commodity prices. Value added in marketing, processing and transportation increased the value by $68,604,911 for a total value of $297,287,947.
Rice acreage in Louisiana is expected to remain the same or decrease slightly in 2000 because of depressed market prices. Acreage is expected to increase in California and remain the same or increase slightly in Arkansas and Missouri. Acreage is expected to decrease in Mississippi following a large increase from 1998 to 1999. The combination of a large U. S. acreage, very good production in all states except California and weak global economy is expected to cause prices to remain at current low levels.
In 1999, 30 sod farms cultivated 4,134 acres of fine turfgrasses. Sod acreage was reported down 3%. Gross farm sales were estimated at $13,786,890. About 60% of the sod acreage in Louisiana is centipedegrass. The remaining acreage is divided among St. Augustine, bermudas and zoysias, in that order. With new construction improving, our sod markets continue to hold a better price. Markets are expected to improve as construction increases. Marketing is a limiting factor in the industry. Several new farms may go in in 2000.
The 1999 crop was characterized as having an excellent start
but, due to a drought after July 15, was reduced in yield. Ideal
planting moisture and early season conditions allowed for excellent stands
and good weed control. The early season production (Maturity Group
IV's and V's planted early) fared better than the acreage planted in mid
to late May. Roundup Ready varieties continue to occupy about 45%
of the state's acreage and they, as a whole, suffered worse from the drought.
Aerial blight was reduced because of the dry conditions, but Cercospora
leaf blight and charcoal rot were worse than usual. Insect infestations
were about normal, except for three-cornered alfalfa hopper which was reported
in higher than usual populations. Harvest weather was ideal and many
growers waited too long to harvest with resulting moisture in the seed
being lower than it should have been.
There were 4,988 soybean growers in 1999, about 1,000 below a year ago. Many of the smaller producers have switched to more profitable crops or released their acreage to larger growers. A harvested acreage of 987,267 yielded 25.6 bushels per acre, which is about the yield level of the last 5-10 years, but above last year's by 6 bushels per acre.
Total production of 25.3 million bushels was higher than 1998, but gross crop value was lower at $116.4 million.
In 1998 sugarcane was grown on 427,930 acres by 804 producers in 23 parishes. An estimated 393,700 acres were harvested for sugar, with a total production of 1,241,994 tons of sugar. Sugar production per harvested acre was 6,309 pounds, and production per acre was 5,805 pounds. Individual parish reports indicate total acres grown and production per acre grown. Farm value is 61% of the total sugar value, with the remainder going to milling and marketing.
Gross farm income from sugar and molasses was $306,548,920 for 1998.
Total sugar production in Louisiana for 1998 was almost the same as the record set in 1997 reflecting both the record acreage grown and good but not outstanding production per acre. A mild winter followed by a cool spring resulted in excellent stands in most fields. A shortage of rainfall through mid summer limited growth. In late summer, growth was stimulated by rainfall and warm weather. Low rainfall in October resulted in good conditions for the early harvest. The absence of severe freezes permitted growers to deliver clean cane in the latter part of the harvest season. Nevertheless, sugar levels were limited by continued growth into December.
Approximately 24, 925 acres of sweet potatoes were planted in Louisiana in 1999. This represents an 8% increase over 1998. Total yields averaged 320 bushels/acre or a 30% increase over last year, but about the same as the 1997. Parts of the state experienced severe drought conditions again this year that reduced yields. However, the yield of # 1 grade roots was 33% higher than in 1998. It's estimated that 58% of the 1999 crop will be sold through the fresh markets, and 42% processed.
Ninety percent of the acreage is located in W. Carroll, Morehouse, Avoyelles, Franklin, St. Landry, and Evangeline parishes. Acadia, Richland and Rapides parishes experienced significant growth in acreage in 1999. W. Carroll has the largest acreage with 8,000, up 20% over last year. Approximately 58% of the acreage is located in the four northeast Louisiana parishes.
The gross farm value is estimated at $72,394,433 using $14.40 per bushel ($11.50/box) for number ones and $2.00/bu for canners. Value added of fresh market potatoes is determined by the increase in value of the harvested potatoes that are washed, graded, packed and shipped. It reflects the F.O.B. price for No. 1's using $16.25 per bushel ($13.00 per box) as the average price received by shippers. Value added for canners includes factors included in processing and marketing canned sweet potatoes. The estimated value added for the 1999 crop was $52,730,194 to give a total economic value to the state of $125,124,627. This represents a 43% increase in value of the 1999 sweet potato crop compared to the 1998 crop. This increase was due to the increase in acreage, yield and price received.
The Louisiana commercial vegetable industry involves 1,955 growers in 50 parishes who produce 45 different vegetable crops on 10,710 acres for a gross farm value of $33,492,037. The leading parish in commercial vegetable production is Tangipahoa with a gross farm value of $5.1 million, followed by Plaquemines with $4 million and Livingston with $3.7 million. Tangipahoa growers produce bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage for the wholesale markets. Plaquemines produces Creole tomatoes and a number of other vegetables for the wholesale and direct sales market. Livingston growers produce cucumbers, greens, bell peppers and tomatoes for retail sales (fruit stands and grocery stores) and delivery to wholesale markets.
The major vegetable crops by value in Louisiana are tomatoes, $7.7 million, mustard greens $2.3 million, southern peas $2.6 million, cucumbers $2.4 million, bell peppers $2.4 million and watermelons $2.2 million. Some of the tomatoes and most of the bell peppers and cucumbers are marketed through wholesale markets. The remaining tomatoes and southern peas are sold by direct sales, while mustard greens are sold to retail outlets like fruit stands and local grocery stores. Watermelons are generally marketed through peddlers while some are shipped on the wholesale market.
Both the spring and fall vegetable growing seasons in 1999 were dry, which allowed growers to produce excellent crops. Good crops in combination with good prices received in the wholesale and direct sales markets helped to increase the gross farm value of commercial vegetables by $10 million.
In 1999, 52 (up one) producers grew greenhouse vegetables in 7 acres of greenhouses. Only 2.3% of this acreage was cucumber, the rest was tomato. The acreage was up 14% from 1998 estimates. Three growers reported producing cucumber. Distribution of the industry was statewide, and sales were to in-state markets. All greenhouse produce is for fresh market sales, and much is sold direct retail by growers. Estimated gross farm value of Louisiana greenhouse vegetables was $1,666,030. A significant expansion (18%) of this industry occurred during the 1997 season because of its promotion by the LSU Agricultural Center. Little expansion is expected.
Wheat was harvested from 96,912 acres by 473 producers in 1999, an increase from the 83,048 acres harvested in 1998. Yields for 1999 averaged 49.60 bushels per acre, which was an increase from the 43.14 bushels per acre harvested in 1998. Excellent growing conditions and low disease pressure in the spring caused wheat yields to be relatively high in 1999. Total production in 1999 was 4,806,984 bushels, up considerably from the 3,582,671 bushels harvested in 1998. This increase was probably caused by the increase in acreage and yields in 1999 as compared to 1998. The gross farm value of the 1999 crop was estimated at $13,219,208, up substantially from the 1998 crop valued at $11.68 million.
Animal |
Gross Farm Income
Value Added
Total Value
Cattle & Calves |
Horses |
Milk |
Poultry |
Rabbits |
Ostrich/Ratite |
Quail/Pheasant |
Sheep &Goats |
Swine |
Exotic Animals |
Total |
Commodity |
Gross Farm Income
Value Added
Total Value
Aquaculture1 |
Oysters 2 |
Freshwater Fisheries2 |
Marine Fisheries2 |
Fur Animals 1 |
Alligators (wild) 1 |
Hunting Lease Ent. |
Honey |
Total |
Gross Farm Income
Value Added
Total Value
Feed Grain Crops
Fruit Crops
Greenhouse Vegetables
Hay, sold
Home Gardens
Nursery Stocks &
Sod Production
Sweet Potatoes
Gross Farm Income | Value Added | Total Value |
1995 | $742,028,684 | $670,092,845 | $1,412,121,529 |
1996 | $715,025,048 | $657,684,357 | $1,372,709,405 |
1997 | $812,230,187 | $664,447,987 | $1,476,678,174 |
1998 | $784,404,246 | $669,641,604 | $1,454,045,850 |
1999 | $830,937,431 | $701,425,336 | $1,532,362,767 |
Gross Farm Income | Value Added | Total Value |
1995 | $2,696,589,989 | $4,506,892,746 | $7,203,482,735 |
1996 | $3,047,596,347 | $3,355,400,773 | $6,402,997,120 |
1997 | $2,901,897,014 | $4,599,548,940 | $7,501,445,954 |
1998 | $2,736,048,761 | $4,533,569,382 | $7,269,618,143 |
1999 | $2,534,046,884 | $3,826,685,745 | $6,360,759,629 |
Gross Farm Income | Value Added | Total Value |
1995 | $498,145,141 | $404,469,723 | $902,614,864 |
1996 | $481,135,910 | $364,414,921 | $845,550,831 |
1997 | $553,898,991 | $441,759,125 | $795,658,116 |
1998 | $494,435,231 | $391,522,834 | $885,958,065 |
1999 | $472,735,583 | $375,428,162 | $848,163,745 |
Gross Farm Income | Value Added | Total Value |
1995 | $3,936,763,814 | $5,581,455,314 | $9,518,219,128 |
1996 | $4,243,757,305 | $4,377,500,051 | $8,621,257,356 |
1997 | $4,268,026,192 | $5,705,756,052 | $9,973,782,244 |
1998 | $4.014,888,238 | $5,594,733,820 | $9,609,622,058 |
1999 | $3,837,719,898 | $4,903,539,243 | $8,741,286,141 |
Commodity | Unit | 1999 Price |
Steer Calves | ||
300-400 lbs. | cwt. | 80.700 |
400-500 lbs. | cwt. | 71.900 |
500-600 lbs. | cwt. | 65.500 |
Heifer Calves | ||
300-400 lbs. | cwt. | 69.200 |
400-500 lbs. | cwt. | 64.200 |
500-600 lbs. | cwt. | 60.600 |
Yearling Cattle | ||
600-700 lbs. | cwt. | 60.000 |
700-800 lbs | cwt. | 59.000 |
Cow-Calf Pairs | pair | 600.000 |
Cull Cows | cwt. | 33.500 |
Cull Bulls | cwt. | 43.200 |
Dairy | ||
Milk Cows | head | 1000.000 |
Milk (After Deductions) | cwt. | 16.000 |
Milk (Goat) | cwt. | 22.000 |
Horses | ||
Horses (2 yr. Quarter and other | ||
stock horse breeds) | head | 2000.000 |
Horses (Thoroughbreds - 2 yr.) | head | 5000.000 |
Brood Mares | ||
(Quarter-Paints, etc.) | head | 3000.000 |
Thoroughbreds (Mares) | head | 5000.000 |
Stallions (Quarters, etc.) | head | 15000.000 |
Thoroughbreds (Stallions) | head | 50000.000 |
Pleasure Horses | head | 2000.000 |
Poultry | ||
Breeder Flocks | doz. | 1.500 |
Chickens, Cull Hens | lb. | 0.250 |
Eggs | doz. | 0.700 |
Commercial Broilers | lb. | 0.400 |
Sheep | ||
Wool | cwt. | 37.620 |
Slaughter Lambs | head | 96.000 |
Feeder Lambs | head | 67.500 |
Show Lambs | head | 250.000 |
Stocker Sheep | head | 46.000 |
Cull Sheep | head | 35.000 |
Slaughter Goats | head | 75.000 |
Stocker Goats | head | 35.000 |
Cull goats | head | 20.000 |
Swine | ||
Show Pigs | head | 250.000 |
Feeder Pigs | head | 30.000 |
Slaughter Hogs | head | 33.000 |
Culls (sows, boars) | head | 23.000 |
Rabbits | ||
Fryers | lb. | 0.800 |
Does | each | 15.000 |
Ratite and other Exotic Fowl | ||
Ostrich (12 mo.) | each | 100.000 |
Emu (12 mo.) | each | 50.000 |
Rhea (12 mo.) | each | 25.000 |
Quail (Breeding stock) | each | 2.000 |
Crawfish (Farm) | lb. | 0.620 |
Catfish (Farm) | lb. | 0.770 |
Minnows | lb. | 3.150 |
Fishbait | lb. | 6.300 |
Alligators (Farm) | ft. | 16.750 |
Oysters | sack | 15.000 |
Soft-shell Crabs | doz. | 18.000 |
Crawfish (Wild) | lb. | 0.640 |
Catfish (Wild) | lb. | 0.450 |
Buffalo | lb. | 0.250 |
Gar | lb. | 1.100 |
Other Finfish | lb. | 0.200 |
Shrimp (heads on) | lb. | 1.606 |
Shrimp (heads off) | lb. | 3.000 |
Menhaden | lb. | 0.060 |
Crabs | lb. | 0.667 |
Commercial Finfish | lb. | 1.393 |
Inshore Marine Finfish | lb. | 0.500 |
Offshore Marine Finfish | lb. | 2.150 |
Blue Fin Tuna | lb. | 4.000 |
Yellow Fin Tuna | lb. | 2.500 |
Swordfish | lb. | 3.000 |
Snapper, red | lb. | 2.000 |
Snapper, Vermilion | lb. | 1.750 |
Shark, unclassified | lb. | 1.400 |
Spotted Sea Trout | lb. | 1.000 |
Mullet, black | lb. | 1.100 |
Drum, black | lb. | 2.300 |
Grouper, all | lb. | 2.300 |
ALLIGATORS - Wild | ft. | 15.000 |
HONEY | lb. | 0.590 |
Cotton | ||
Lint | lb. | 0.720 |
Seed | lb. | 0.050 |
Forestry | ||
Christmas Trees | ||
Christmas Trees Wholesale | Trees Sold | 12.000 |
Christmas Trees Retail | Trees Sold | 27.500 |
Pine Straw | Bale (40 lb.) | 4.000 |
Fire Wood | Cord (face) | 125.000 |
Forest Seedlings | ||
Pine | 1,000 | 35.000 |
Hardwood | 1,000 | 175.000 |
Fruits | ||
Blackberries | pints | 1.000 |
Blueberries | lb. | 1.000 |
Citrus | ||
Navels | bu. | 12.000 |
Satsumas | bu. | 6.000 |
Other Citrus | bu. | 8.000 |
Figs | lb. | 1.000 |
Mayhaws | lb. | 0.900 |
Muscadines | tons | 250.000 |
Peaches | bu. | 15.000 |
Pears | bu. | 7.000 |
Strawberries | flat | 10.000 |
Feed Grains | ||
Corn (Field) | bu. | 2.100 |
Grain Sorghum | cwt. | 3.900 |
Oats | bu. | 1.800 |
Greenhouse Vegetables | ||
Tomatoes | lb. | 1.150 |
Cucumbers | lb. | 1.000 |
Hay, Sold | ||
Alfalfa | ton | 120.000 |
Grass | ton | 60.000 |
Home Gardens | 220.000 | |
Nursery Crops (Commercial) | ||
Fruit & Nut Trees | acre | 8000.000 |
Floraculture & Bedding Plants | acre | 20000.000 |
Woody Ornamentals | acre | 8000.000 |
Foliage Plants | acre | 8000.000 |
Other Oilseed | ||
Canola | bu | 11.500 |
Sunflowers (for oil) | cwt | 8.500 |
Sunflowers (confectionery) | cwt | 10.500 |
Peanuts | lb. | 0.320 |
Pecans | ||
Improved | lb. | 0.750 |
Native | lb. | 0.450 |
Rice | cwt | 9.500 |
Sod Production | acre | 3335.000 |
Soybeans | bu. | 5.650 |
Sugarcane | ||
Sugar (Raw) | lbs | 0.120 |
Molasses | gal | 0.110 |
Sweet Potatoes | ||
Canning | bu. (50 lb.) | 2.000 |
Fresh | bu. (50 lb.) | 11.000 |
Vegetables - Commercial | ||
Beets | doz. bunches | 7.000 |
Broccoli (Fresh) | carton (20 lb.) | 10.000 |
Cabbage (Fresh) | Sack (50 lb.) | 5.000 |
Cabbage (Processing slaw) | ton | 160.000 |
Cantaloupe | carton (40 lb.) | 15.000 |
Carrots | doz. bunches | 7.000 |
Cauliflower (Fresh) | carton (20 lb.) | 10.000 |
Collards (Fresh) | doz. bunches | 7.000 |
Collards (Processing) | ton | 100.000 |
Cucumber | bu. (50 lb.) | 15.000 |
Cucumber (Pickling) | bu. (50 lb.) | 3.000 |
Eggplant | bu. (33 lb.) | 10.000 |
Garlic | lb. | 3.000 |
Irish Potatoes | cwt. | 30.000 |
Irish Potatoes (Proc. Chips) | cwt. | 6.000 |
Lima Beans (Fresh) | bu. (32 lb.) | 25.000 |
Lima Beans (Processing Dry) | cwt. | 5.000 |
Mirliton | lb. | 1.150 |
Mustard (Fresh) | doz. bunches | 6.000 |
Okra (Fresh) | bu. | 15.000 |
Onions | bag (50 lb.) | 20.000 |
Onions, Green | lb. | 1.250 |
Parsley | doz. bunches | 4.000 |
Peppers | ||
Banana | bu. (25 lb.) | 22.000 |
Bell | bu. (28 lb.) | 10.000 |
Cayenne (Processing) | cwt. | 25.000 |
Chili - Anaheim (Fresh) | bu. (25 lb.) | 20.000 |
Hungarian Wax (Fresh) | bu. (25 lb.) | 12.000 |
Italian (Processing) | cwt. | 30.000 |
Jalapeno (Fresh) | bu. (25 lb.) | 15.000 |
Jalapeno (Processing) | cwt. | 20.000 |
Sport (Processing) | cwt. | 30.000 |
Tabasco Green (Processing) | cwt. | 59.000 |
Tabasco Red (Processing) | cwt. | 70.000 |
Yellow Hots | bu. (25 lb.) | 15.000 |
Pumpkin (Fresh) | cwt. | 20.000 |
Pumpkin, Cushaw | cwt. | 10.000 |
Radish | doz. bunches | 6.000 |
Shallots | doz. bunches | 4.000 |
Snap Beans (Fresh) | bu. (30 lb.) | 17.000 |
Southern Peas (Fresh) | bu. (24 lb.) | 17.000 |
Spinach (Fresh) | bu. (25 lb.) | 20.000 |
Squash (Fresh) | ||
Yellow Squash | bu. (45 lb.) | 8.000 |
Zucchini Squash | bu. (45 lb.) | 24.000 |
Winter Squash | bu. (45 lb.) | 15.000 |
Squash (Processing) | ||
Yellow Squash | cwt. | 11.000 |
Sweet Corn (Fresh) | doz. ears | 2.500 |
Tomatoes (Field) | lug (20 lb.) | 15.000 |
Tomatoes (Green Mature) | box (25 lb.) | 10.000 |
Turnips (Fresh) | doz. bunches | 6.000 |
Watermelon | cwt. | 6.000 |
Wheat | bu. | 3.250 |