GRANT Parish - 2000 - Crop Production

                                                                                        Total         Gross
  Commodity                      Producers     Acres        Measure        Yield      Production    Farm Value

  COTTON                               *        4,348
    Lint                                        4,348          Pounds         800      3,478,400   1,565,280
    Seed                                        4,348          Pounds       1,280      5,565,440     278,272
   Cotton (Total)                      *        4,348                                              1,843,552
    Pine Pulpwood                                               Cords                     49,481
    Hardwood Pulpwood                                           Cords                     14,313
    Chip N Saw Pulpwood                                         Cords                     13,682
    Pine Saw Logs                                          Board feet                 21,536,398
    Hardwood Saw Logs                                      Board feet                  2,029,892
   Forestry FOB Mill (Total)                                                                      16,934,183
   Forestry Stumpage (Total)**                                                                    11,278,812
    Fire Wood                         20                   Face Cords                        200      25,000
   Forestry (Total)                                                                               16,959,183
    Blueberries                        *            9          Pounds       2,000         18,000      21,600
    Mayhaws                           20           65          Pounds         900         58,500      76,050
   Fruits (Total)                                                                                     97,650
    Corn (Field)                      52        2,127         Bushels         110        233,970     430,505
    Grain Sorghum                      6        1,600            cwt.          65        104,000     321,360
    Oats                               *          503         Bushels          60         30,180      37,725
   Feed Grains (Total)                                                                               789,590
    Grass                             40          500            Tons           2          1,000      65,000
   Hay Sold (Total)                                                                                   65,000
  HOME GARDENS                     2,900                       Garden                                754,000
  NURSERY CROPS (Commercial)
    Fruit and Nut Trees                *                         Acre                                 75,000
   Nursery Crops (Total)                                                                              75,000
    Sunflowers (for oil)               6            5             cwt          12             60         480
   Other Oilseed (Total)                                                                                 480
    Improved                          25          270          Pounds         600        162,000     202,500
    Native                            15          450          Pounds         450        202,500     121,500
   Pecans (Total)                                                                                    324,000
  SOYBEANS                            62        4,786         Bushels          22        105,292     500,137
  SWEET POTATOES                       *          255     Bushels 50#          50
    Canning                                       255       % of crop
    Fresh                                         255       % of crop          50         12,750     178,500
   Sweet Potatoes (Total)              *          255                          50         12,750     178,500
    Cantaloupe                         *            5   Cartons (40#)         300          1,500      22,500
    Mustard (Fresh)                    *           12    Doz. Bunches         500          6,000      36,000
    Okra (Fresh)                       *            4         Bushels         400          1,600      24,000
    Snap Beans (Fresh)                 *            4     Bushels 30#          90            360       6,120
    Southern Peas (Fresh)             30          100     Bushels 24#          40          4,000      80,000
    Squash (Fresh)
     Yellow Squash                     *            3     Bushels 45#          80            240       2,400
    Squash (Processing)
    Sweet Corn (Fresh)                 *           12       Doz. Ears         300          3,600       9,000
    Tomatoes (Field)                  10            8        Lugs 20#         100            800      14,400
    Turnips (Fresh)                   15            8    Doz. Bunches         250          2,000      12,000
    Watermelon                        10          220            cwt.         100         22,000     132,000
   Vegetables (Total)                                                                                338,420
  WHEAT                               18        1,600         Bushels          55         88,000     220,000
  TOTAL ALL CROPS                                                                                 22,145,512
  * Fewer Than 6 Producers
  **Not Included in Forestry(Total)
                                   GRANT Parish - 2000 -  Fish & Wildlife Production
                                                                                     Total          Gross
   Commodity                      Producers   Production    Units     Measure      Production     Farm Value

     Pelts                                                                Pelts             104            540
   Fur Animals (Total)                                                                                     540
   ALLIGATORS - Wild                                 11                                      82          1,815
   HUNTING LEASE ENTERPRISES             50     175,000     acres                                      525,000
   HONEY                                  *         300     hives        Pounds          32,700         17,985
   TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE                                                                             545,340
  * Fewer Than 6 Producers
                                        GRANT Parish - 2000 -  Animal Production
                                                                                     Total          Gross
   Commodity                      Producers   Production    Units     Measure      Production     Farm Value

     Steer Calves
       300-400 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,250        488,425
       400-500 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,250        543,544
       500-600 lbs.                                                   Head sold             600        289,872
     Heifer Calves
       300-400 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,100        373,874
       400-500 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,000        395,280
       500-600 lbs.                                                   Head sold             450        200,030
     Yearling Cattle
       600-700 lbs.                                                   Head sold             700        345,800
       700-800 lbs.                                                   Head sold             150         78,750
     Cow-Calf Pairs                                                   Head sold             200        143,000
     Cull Cows                                                        Head sold             600        187,986
     Cull Bulls                                                       Head sold              75         54,045
    Cattle & Calves (Total)             250       7,000      cows                                    3,100,606
     Brood Mares                         20         425     mares     Head sold             360        150,000
     Stud Fees                                       10     studs    Mares bred             250         37,500
     Pleasure Horses                     10                horses     Head sold              50        100,000
    Horses (Total)                                                                                     287,500
    Slaughter Goats                                                   Head Sold             100          7,500
    Stocker Goats                                                     Head Sold              75          2,625
    Cull Goats                                                        Head Sold              30            825
    Goats (Total)                        15         150      does                                       10,950
   Sheep & Goats (Total)                                                                                10,950
   TOTAL ALL ANIMALS                                                                                 3,399,056
  * Fewer Than 6 Producers