RAPIDES Parish - 2000 - Crop Production

                                                                                        Total         Gross
  Commodity                      Producers     Acres        Measure        Yield      Production    Farm Value

  COTTON                              58       21,857
    Lint                                       21,857          Pounds         900     19,671,300   8,852,085
    Seed                                       21,857          Pounds       1,440     31,474,080   1,573,704
   Cotton (Total)                     58       21,857                                             10,425,789
    Pine Pulpwood                                               Cords                    129,956
    Hardwood Pulpwood                                           Cords                     36,398
    Chip N Saw Pulpwood                                         Cords                      3,809
    Pine Saw Logs                                          Board feet                 53,874,070
    Hardwood Saw Logs                                      Board feet                  5,315,180
   Forestry FOB Mill (Total)                                                                      39,533,959
   Forestry Stumpage (Total)**                                                                    26,012,795
    Christmas Trees Retail             *           20      Trees Sold                      2,600     104,000
    Pine Straw                         *                    Bales 40#                      9,000      36,000
    Fire Wood                         45                   Face Cords                      1,125     140,625
   Forestry (Total)                                                                               39,814,584
    Blueberries                        8           12          Pounds         870         10,440      12,528
    Mayhaws                            *           12          Pounds         275          3,300       4,290
    Peaches                            *           10         Bushels          75            750      15,000
   Fruits (Total)                     17           34                                                 31,818
    Corn (Field)                      60        6,427         Bushels         125        803,375   1,478,210
    Grain Sorghum                     40        7,172            cwt.          53        380,116   1,174,558
   Feed Grains (Total)                                                                             2,652,768
    Tomatoes                           *      5,760sf          Pounds           4         25,920      33,696
   Greenhouse Vegetables               *      5,760sf          Pounds                                 33,696
    Grass                            150        6,000            Tons           1          6,000     390,000
   Hay Sold (Total)                                                                                  390,000
  HOME GARDENS                     2,000                       Garden                                520,000
  NURSERY CROPS (Commercial)
    Fruit and Nut Trees                6                         Acre                                  6,500
    Floraculture & Bedding             7                         Acre                              2,500,000
    Woody Ornamentals                210                         Acre                             48,000,000
    Foliage Plants                    30                         Acre                              1,750,000
   Nursery Crops (Total)             243                                                          52,256,500
    Improved                          11          300          Pounds       1,150        345,000     431,250
    Native                            60          400          Pounds         500        200,000     120,000
   Pecans (Total)                                                                                    551,250
  RICE                                 8        5,255            cwt.          56        294,280   1,692,110
  SOD PRODUCTION                       *           10           Acres                                 35,460
  SOYBEANS                           140       18,219         Bushels          30        546,570   2,596,208
  SUGARCANE                                             cwt. Raw Sug.
    Sugar                             25       13,558             lbs       5,759     78,080,522   8,979,260
    Molasses                          25       13,558             gal         173      2,345,534     164,187
   Sugarcane (Total)                                                                               9,143,447
  SWEET POTATOES                       *          300     Bushels 50#         350
    Canning                                       300       % of crop         140         42,000      73,500
    Fresh                                         300       % of crop         210         63,000     882,000
   Sweet Potatoes (Total)              *          300                         350        105,000     955,500
    Cabbage (Fresh)                    *           12       Sacks 50#         510          6,120      30,600
    Collards (Fresh)                   *            3    Doz. Bunches         300            900       6,300
    Irish Potatoes                     *            3            cwt.          70            210       6,300
    Mustard (Fresh)                    *            7    Doz. Bunches         200          1,400       8,400
    Okra (Fresh)                       8            8         Bushels          80            640       9,600
    Onions, Green                      7            3            lbs.       3,000          9,000      13,500
    Shallots                           *            2    Doz. Bunches         500          1,000       5,000
    Snap Beans (Fresh)                 *            4     Bushels 30#          30            120       2,040
    Southern Peas (Fresh)             18           11     Bushels 24#          30            330       6,600
    Squash (Fresh)
                                          RAPIDES Parish - 2000 - Crop Production

                                                                                        Total         Gross
  Commodity                      Producers     Acres        Measure        Yield      Production    Farm Value

    Squash (Processing)
    Sweet Corn (Fresh)                12           60       Doz. Ears         700         42,000     105,000
    Tomatoes (Field)                   *            5        Lugs 20#         100            500       9,000
    Turnips (Fresh)                    *            4    Doz. Bunches         240            960       5,760
    Watermelon                         *            6            cwt.         240          1,440       8,640
   Vegetables (Total)                 51          131                                                218,840
  WHEAT                               10        3,476         Bushels          45        156,420     391,050
  TOTAL ALL CROPS                                                                                 121,709,02
  * Fewer Than 6 Producers
  **Not Included in Forestry(Total)
                                  RAPIDES Parish - 2000 -  Fish & Wildlife Production
                                                                                     Total          Gross
   Commodity                      Producers   Production    Units     Measure      Production     Farm Value

     Catfish  (Farm)                     10       1,200     acres   Pounds Sold       4,800,000      3,456,000
    Aquaculture (Total)                                                                              3,456,000
     Catfish  (Wild)                     93                         Pounds Sold       1,171,800        585,900
     Buffalo                             93                         Pounds Sold         781,200        195,300
     Other Finfish                       93                         Pounds Sold         976,500        195,300
    Freshwater Fisheries                                                                               976,500
     Pelts                                                                Pelts             459          2,382
     Meat                                                           Pounds Sold             500            250
   Fur Animals (Total)                                                                                   2,632
   ALLIGATORS - Wild                                 16                                     120          2,640
   HUNTING LEASE ENTERPRISES            165     288,750     acres                                    1,227,188
   HONEY                                 15       1,050     hives        Pounds         114,450         62,948
   TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE                                                                           5,727,908
  * Fewer Than 6 Producers
                                       RAPIDES Parish - 2000 -  Animal Production
                                                                                     Total          Gross
   Commodity                      Producers   Production    Units     Measure      Production     Farm Value

     Steer Calves
       300-400 lbs.                                                   Head sold           4,290      1,676,275
       400-500 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,319        573,547
       500-600 lbs.                                                   Head sold             990        478,289
     Heifer Calves
       300-400 lbs.                                                   Head sold           4,120      1,400,326
       400-500 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,270        502,006
       500-600 lbs.                                                   Head sold             950        422,285
     Yearling Cattle
       600-700 lbs.                                                   Head sold             750        370,500
       700-800 lbs.                                                   Head sold             370        194,250
     Cow-Calf Pairs                                                   Head sold           1,500      1,072,500
     Cull Cows                                                        Head sold           2,900        908,599
     Cull Bulls                                                       Head sold              70         50,442
    Cattle & Calves (Total)             485      19,250      cows                                    7,649,019
     Dairy Cows                           *         310      cows        Pounds       4,124,515        575,370
    Milk (Total)                                                                                       575,370
     Brood Mares                        145         870     mares     Head sold             375        562,500
     Stud Fees                                       25     studs    Mares bred             575         86,250
     Pleasure Horses                     10                horses     Head sold              40         60,000
    Horses (Total)                                                                                     708,750
     Edible Eggs                         10         200      hens    Dozen sold           3,400          2,210
    Poultry (Total)                      10                                                              2,210
     Fryers                               *       1,800   animals        Pounds           9,000          7,200
     Does                                12       1,120   animals        Pounds           7,840        117,600
    Rabbits (Total)                      17       2,920                                  16,840        124,800
     Wool                                           180   sheared        Pounds           1,080            108
     Slaughter Lambs                                                  Head sold              80          8,500
     Feeder Lambs                                                     Head sold              50          2,316
     Show Lambs                                                       Head sold              50         13,750
     Stocker Sheep                                                    Head sold              18            875
     Cull Sheep                                                       Head sold              20            808
    Sheep (Total)                         *         120      ewes                                       26,357
    Slaughter Goats                                                   Head Sold             230         17,250
    Stocker Goats                                                     Head Sold              85          2,975
    Cull Goats                                                        Head Sold              55          1,513
    Goats (Total)                        12         300      does                                       21,738
   Sheep & Goats (Total)                                                                                48,095
     Show Pigs                                                        Head sold             110         30,250
     Feeder Pigs                                                      Head sold           1,120         24,640
     Slaughter Hogs                                                   Head sold             515         58,581
     Culls (sows, boars)                                              Head sold              35          3,019
    Swine (Total)                        20         140      sows                                      116,490
   TOTAL ALL ANIMALS                                                                                 9,224,734
  * Fewer Than 6 Producers