RICHLAND Parish - 2000 - Crop Production

                                                                                        Total         Gross
  Commodity                      Producers     Acres        Measure        Yield      Production    Farm Value

  COTTON                             400       68,484
    Lint                                       68,484          Pounds         375     25,681,500  11,556,675
    Seed                                       68,484          Pounds         600     41,090,400   2,054,520
   Cotton (Total)                    400       68,484                                             13,611,195
    Pine Pulpwood                                               Cords                        258
    Hardwood Pulpwood                                           Cords                     24,062
    Chip N Saw Pulpwood                                         Cords                          1
    Pine Saw Logs                                          Board feet                     77,914
    Hardwood Saw Logs                                      Board feet                  2,042,635
   Forestry FOB Mill (Total)                                                                       1,845,641
   Forestry Stumpage (Total)**                                                                       691,776
    Christmas Trees Retail             *           20      Trees Sold                        180       7,200
    Forest Seedlings                   *           65       Seedlings      50,000      3,250,000     357,500
   Forestry (Total)                                                                                2,210,341
    Peaches                            *           10         Bushels          25            250       5,000
   Fruits (Total)                      *           10                                                  5,000
    Corn (Field)                     150       20,153         Bushels         125      2,519,125   4,635,190
    Grain Sorghum                     60        9,632            cwt.          36        350,604   1,083,369
    Oats                               *          587         Bushels          90         52,830      66,038
   Feed Grains (Total)                                                                             5,784,597
    Grass                             35        4,700            Tons           2         11,750     763,750
   Hay Sold (Total)                                                                                  763,750
  HOME GARDENS                     1,880                       Garden                                488,800
    Improved                          12          200          Pounds         350         70,000      87,500
   Pecans (Total)                                                                                     87,500
  RICE                                32        7,944            cwt.          60        476,640   2,740,680
  SOYBEANS                           225       26,671         Bushels          14        373,394   1,773,622
  SWEET POTATOES                       *          250     Bushels 50#         425
    Canning                                       250       % of crop         199         49,937      87,391
    Fresh                                         250       % of crop         225         56,312     788,375
   Sweet Potatoes (Total)              *          250                         425        106,250     875,766
    Lima Beans (Fresh)                 *          125     Bushels 32#          95         11,875     296,875
    Mustard (Fresh)                    *            1    Doz. Bunches         600            600       3,600
    Snap Beans (Fresh)                 *            5     Bushels 30#         165            825      14,025
    Southern Peas (Fresh)              *          135     Bushels 24#          70          9,450     189,000
    Squash (Fresh)
     Yellow Squash                     *            1     Bushels 45#         200            200       2,000
    Squash (Processing)
    Sweet Corn (Fresh)                 6           20       Doz. Ears       1,000         20,000      50,000
    Watermelon                         *           60            cwt.         175         10,500      63,000
   Vegetables (Total)                  8          347                                                618,500
  WHEAT                               75       17,394         Bushels          48        834,912   2,087,280
  TOTAL ALL CROPS                                                                                 31,047,031
  * Fewer Than 6 Producers
  **Not Included in Forestry(Total)
                                  RICHLAND Parish - 2000 -  Fish & Wildlife Production
                                                                                     Total          Gross
   Commodity                      Producers   Production    Units     Measure      Production     Farm Value

     Crawfish (Farm)                      *          30     acres   Pounds Sold          30,000         52,500
     Catfish  (Farm)                      *         480     acres   Pounds Sold       2,534,400      1,824,768
     Minnows                              *         440     acres   Pounds Sold         264,000        858,000
    Aquaculture (Total)                                                                              2,735,268
     Catfish  (Wild)                     10                         Pounds Sold           1,700            850
     Buffalo                             10                         Pounds Sold          12,000          3,000
     Gar                                 10                         Pounds Sold          21,000         25,200
    Freshwater Fisheries                                                                                29,050
     Pelts                                                                Pelts             174            903
   Fur Animals (Total)                                                                                     903
   ALLIGATORS - Wild                                  1                                       7            165
   HUNTING LEASE ENTERPRISES             15      17,000     acres                                      470,050
   HONEY                                 12          70     hives        Pounds           7,700          4,235
   TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE                                                                           3,239,671
  * Fewer Than 6 Producers
                                      RICHLAND Parish - 2000 -  Animal Production
                                                                                     Total          Gross
   Commodity                      Producers   Production    Units     Measure      Production     Farm Value

     Steer Calves
       300-400 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,950        761,943
       400-500 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,700        739,220
       500-600 lbs.                                                   Head sold             700        338,184
     Heifer Calves
       300-400 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,600        543,816
       400-500 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,320        521,770
       500-600 lbs.                                                   Head sold             350        155,579
     Yearling Cattle
       600-700 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,080        533,520
       700-800 lbs.                                                   Head sold             370        194,250
     Cow-Calf Pairs                                                   Head sold             550        393,250
     Cull Cows                                                        Head sold           1,420        444,900
     Cull Bulls                                                       Head sold             175        126,105
    Cattle & Calves (Total)             250       8,600      cows                                    4,752,537
     Brood Mares                          8         100     mares     Head sold              60        180,000
     Stud Fees                                        3     studs    Mares bred              50         10,000
     Pleasure Horses                      *                horses     Head sold               5         10,000
    Horses (Total)                                                                                     200,000
     Ostrich                              *           5   breedrs    Birds sold               5            500
     Emu                                  *          15   breedrs    Birds sold              15            750
    Exotic Fowl (Total)                   *          20                                      20          1,250
    Slaughter Goats                                                   Head Sold              75          5,625
    Stocker Goats                                                     Head Sold              25            875
    Cull Goats                                                        Head Sold               5            138
    Goats (Total)                         8          80      does                                        6,638
   Sheep & Goats (Total)                                                                                 6,638
     Show Pigs                                                        Head sold              25          6,875
     Feeder Pigs                                                      Head sold             150          3,300
     Slaughter Hogs                                                   Head sold             350         39,813
     Culls (sows, boars)                                              Head sold               4            345
    Swine (Total)                        15          50      sows                                       50,333
   TOTAL ALL ANIMALS                                                                                 5,010,758
   Bull Frogs                             *               (units)        (Prod.           1,000          5,000
  * Fewer Than 6 Producers