WEST CARROLL Parish - 2000 - Crop Production

                                                                                        Total         Gross
  Commodity                      Producers     Acres        Measure        Yield      Production    Farm Value

  COTTON                             200       28,577
    Lint                                       28,577          Pounds         400     11,430,800   5,143,860
    Seed                                       28,577          Pounds         640     18,289,280     914,464
   Cotton (Total)                    200       28,577                                              6,058,324
    Pine Pulpwood                                               Cords                        210
    Hardwood Pulpwood                                           Cords                      7,183
    Hardwood Saw Logs                                      Board feet                    311,548
   Forestry FOB Mill (Total)                                                                         465,516
   Forestry Stumpage (Total)**                                                                       140,690
    Christmas Trees Retail             *           60      Trees Sold                      3,000     120,000
    Fire Wood                          *                   Face Cords                        300      37,500
   Forestry (Total)                                                                                  623,016
    Blueberries                        *            6          Pounds       3,000         18,000      21,600
    Figs                               *            2          Pounds       1,000          2,000       2,500
    Peaches                            7          100         Bushels          37          3,700      74,000
    Strawberries                       *            6           Flats         400          2,400      28,800
   Fruits (Total)                                                                                    126,900
    Corn (Field)                      60        7,176         Bushels         115        825,240   1,518,442
    Grain Sorghum                     75        8,465            cwt.          33        284,424     878,870
    Oats                              20        1,159         Bushels          75         86,925     108,656
   Feed Grains (Total)                                                                             2,505,968
    Tomatoes                           *     14,904sf          Pounds           5         74,520      96,876
   Greenhouse Vegetables               *     14,904sf          Pounds       3,200                     96,876
    Grass                             30          750            Tons           1          1,125      73,125
   Hay Sold (Total)                                                                                   73,125
  HOME GARDENS                       550                       Garden                                143,000
    Improved                           *           80          Pounds         400         32,000      40,000
    Native                             *           20          Pounds         200          4,000       2,400
   Pecans (Total)                                                                                     42,400
  RICE                                70        6,914            cwt.          54        376,813   2,166,675
  SOD PRODUCTION                       *          120           Acres                                425,520
  SOYBEANS                           180       24,499         Bushels           8        195,992     930,962
  SWEET POTATOES                      60        9,000     Bushels 50#         280
    Canning                                     9,000       % of crop         168      1,512,000   2,646,000
    Fresh                                       9,000       % of crop         112      1,008,000  14,112,000
   Sweet Potatoes (Total)             60        9,000                         280      2,520,000  16,758,000
    Collards (Fresh)                   *           15    Doz. Bunches         700         10,500      73,500
    Cucumber                           *            1     Bushels 50#         200            200       1,600
    Eggplant                           *            1     Bushels 33#         250            250       2,500
    Irish Potatoes                     *            6            cwt.         170          1,020      30,600
    Lima Beans (Fresh)                 *            4     Bushels 32#          85            340       8,500
    Mustard (Fresh)                    *           10    Doz. Bunches         600          6,000      36,000
    Okra (Fresh)                       *            5         Bushels         200          1,000      15,000
      Bell                             *            2     Bushels 28#         400            800       8,000
    Pumpkin (Fresh)                    *            3            cwt.          80            240       4,800
    Southern Peas (Fresh)              6           30     Bushels 24#          60          1,800      36,000
    Squash (Fresh)
     Yellow Squash                     6            5     Bushels 45#         130            650       6,500
    Squash (Processing)
    Sweet Corn (Fresh)                 *            8       Doz. Ears         600          4,800      12,000
    Tomatoes (Field)                  10           25        Lugs 20#       1,000         25,000     450,000
    Turnips (Fresh)                    6            8    Doz. Bunches         600          4,800      28,800
    Watermelon                         *            5            cwt.         140            700       4,200
   Vegetables (Total)                 15          128                                                718,000
  WHEAT                               65       13,133         Bushels          45        590,985   1,477,463
  TOTAL ALL CROPS                                                                                 32,146,229
  * Fewer Than 6 Producers
  **Not Included in Forestry(Total)
                                WEST CARROLL Parish - 2000 -  Fish & Wildlife Production
                                                                                     Total          Gross
   Commodity                      Producers   Production    Units     Measure      Production     Farm Value

     Crawfish (Farm)                      *          30     acres   Pounds Sold           9,000         15,750
     Catfish  (Farm)                      *          80     acres   Pounds Sold          30,000         21,600
    Aquaculture (Total)                                                                                 37,350
     Pelts                                                                Pelts              99            514
   Fur Animals (Total)                                                                                     514
   HUNTING LEASE ENTERPRISES              *         100     acres
   HONEY                                  7         111     hives        Pounds          12,099          6,654
   TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE                                                                              44,518
  * Fewer Than 6 Producers
                                    WEST CARROLL Parish - 2000 -  Animal Production
                                                                                     Total          Gross
   Commodity                      Producers   Production    Units     Measure      Production     Farm Value

     Steer Calves
       300-400 lbs.                                                   Head sold             900        351,666
       400-500 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,250        543,544
       500-600 lbs.                                                   Head sold             900        434,808
     Heifer Calves
       300-400 lbs.                                                   Head sold             900        305,897
       400-500 lbs.                                                   Head sold           1,800        711,504
       500-600 lbs.                                                   Head sold             900        400,059
     Yearling Cattle
       600-700 lbs.                                                   Head sold             350        172,900
       700-800 lbs.                                                   Head sold             400        210,000
     Cow-Calf Pairs                                                   Head sold             200        143,000
     Cull Cows                                                        Head sold             450        140,990
     Cull Bulls                                                       Head sold              50         36,030
    Cattle & Calves (Total)             170       9,000      cows                                    3,450,398
     Dairy Cows                           *          80      cows        Pounds         659,974         92,066
    Milk (Total)                                                                                        92,066
     Brood Mares                         25         180     mares     Head sold              80         80,000
     Stud Fees                                        8     studs    Mares bred              60          6,000
     Pleasure Horses                     20                horses     Head sold              40         32,000
    Horses (Total)                                                                                     118,000
    Slaughter Goats                                                   Head Sold              30          2,250
    Stocker Goats                                                     Head Sold              30          1,050
    Cull Goats                                                        Head Sold              15            413
    Goats (Total)                         *          85      does                                        3,713
   Sheep & Goats (Total)                                                                                 3,713
     Show Pigs                                                        Head sold             100         27,500
     Feeder Pigs                                                      Head sold             200          4,400
     Slaughter Hogs                                                   Head sold          14,000      1,592,500
     Culls (sows, boars)                                              Head sold               5            431
    Swine (Total)                         *          30      sows                                    1,624,831
   TOTAL ALL ANIMALS                                                                                 5,289,008
  * Fewer Than 6 Producers