ST. CHARLES Parish - 2001 - Crop Total Gross Commodity Producers Acres Measure Yield Production Farm Value _________________________________________________________________________________________________ FORESTRY Hardwood Pulpwood Cords 195 Hardwood Saw Logs Board feet 30,556 Forestry FOB Mill (Total) 26,005 Forestry Stumpage (Total)** 12,775 Fire Wood * Face Cords 700 87,500 Forestry (Total) 113,505 FRUITS Citrus Navels * 3 Bushels Satsumas * 2 Bushels Other Citrus * 1 Bushels 180.00 180 1,800 Fruits (Total) 1,800 HAY, SOLD Grass * 2,100 Tons 2.50 5,250 262,500 Hay Sold (Total) 262,500 HOME GARDENS 3,450 Garden 1,035,000 NURSERY CROPS (Commercial) Floraculture & Bedding Plts * Acre 2,750,000 Woody Ornamentals * Acre 50,000 Foliage Plants * Acre 150,000 Nursery Crops (Total) * 2,950,000 PECANS Improved 25 10 Pounds 430.00 4,300 3,225 Native 50 20 Pounds 760.00 15,200 5,320 Pecans (Total) 8,545 SUGARCANE cwt. Raw Sugar * 2,750 lbs 6,458.00 17,759,500 2,131,140 Molasses * 2,750 gal 194.00 533,500 26,675 Sugarcane (Total) 2,157,815 VEGETABLES - COMMERCIAL Beets * 2 Doz. Bunches 280.00 560 3,920 Broccoli (Fresh) 6 18 Cartons 20# 241.00 4,338 43,380 Cabbage (Fresh) 12 49 Sacks 50# 580.00 28,420 142,100 Cantaloupe * 4 Cartons 135.00 540 8,100 Carrots * 1 Doz. Bunches 350.00 350 2,450 Cauliflower (Fresh) 6 8 Cartons 20# 580.00 4,640 46,400 Collards (Fresh) 8 8 Doz. Bunches Cucumber * 4 Bushels 50# 320.00 1,280 10,240 Eggplant 15 21 Bushels 33# 390.00 8,190 81,900 Garlic 6 3 Pounds 3,950.00 11,850 35,550 Irish Potatoes * 6 cwt. 160.00 960 28,800 Lima Beans (Fresh) * 2 Bushels 32# 90.00 180 4,500 Mirliton * 2 Pounds 1,400.00 2,800 4,200 Mustard (Fresh) 10 7 Doz. Bunches 680.00 4,760 28,560 Okra (Fresh) 14 17 Bushels 490.00 8,330 124,950 Onions 8 5 Bag 50# 315.00 1,575 31,500 Onions, Green 15 11 lbs. 1,450.00 15,950 23,925 Parsley * 2 Doz. Bunches 960.00 1,920 9,600 Peppers Bell 15 17 Bushels 28# 600.00 10,200 102,000 Pumpkin (Fresh) * 31 cwt. 185.00 5,735 114,700 Pumpkin, Cushaw * 6 cwt. 190.00 1,140 22,800 Shallots 15 17 Doz. Bunches 1,100.00 18,700 93,500 Snap Beans (Fresh) * 14 Bushels 30# 180.00 2,520 42,840 Southern Peas (Fresh) * 2 Bushels 24# 160.00 320 6,400 Squash (Fresh) Yellow Squash 15 11 Bushels 45# 159.00 1,749 17,490 Zucchini Squash 6 6 Bushels 45# 170.00 1,020 10,200 Winter Squash 10 4 Bushels 45# 140.00 560 6,720 Squash (Processing) Sweet Corn (Fresh) * 6 Doz. Ears 840.00 5,040 12,600 Tomatoes (Field) 18 58 Lugs 20# 1,210.00 70,180 1,263,240 Turnips (Fresh) 8 4 Doz. Bunches 410.00 1,640 9,840 Watermelon 6 14 cwt. 110.00 1,540 9,240 Vegetables (Total) 23 88 2,341,645 TOTAL ALL CROPS 8,870,810 * Fewer Than 6 Producers **Not Included in Forestry(Total) ================================================================================================= . ST. CHARLES Parish - 2001 - Fish & Wildlife Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Production Units Measure Production Farm Value __________________________________________________________________________________________________ AQUACULTURE Fishbait 8 acres Pounds 16,000 96,000 Alligators (Farm) 25 animals Hide/Ft 97 1,755 Soft-shell Crabs 9 acres Dozens 5,000 95,000 Aquaculture (Total) 192,755 FRESHWATER FISHERIES Crawfish (Wild) * Pounds 3,750 3,075 Catfish (Wild) 112 Pounds 420,000 197,400 Freshwater Fisheries 200,475 MARINE FISHERIES Shrimp 42 Pounds 23,500 38,070 Crabs 141 Pounds 2,250,150 1,822,621 Marine Fisheries 1,860,691 FUR ANIMALS Pelts Pelts 415 2,444 Fur Animals (Total) 2,444 ALLIGATORS - Wild 846 animals Hide/Ft 6,345 139,590 HUNTING LEASE 8 3,300 acres 39,600 HONEY * 150 hives Pounds 9,750 6,338 TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE 2,441,893 * Fewer Than 6 Producers ================================================================================================= . ST. CHARLES Parish - 2001 - Animal Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Production Units Measure Production Farm Value __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CATTLE and CALVES Steer Calves 300-400 lbs. Head sold 235 90,730 400-500 lbs. Head sold 230 100,126 500-600 lbs. Head sold 235 113,365 600-700 lbs Head sold 260 21,320 Heifer Calves 300-400 lbs. Head sold 244 82,266 400-500 lbs. Head sold 244 95,449 500-600 lbs. Head sold 264 115,347 600-700 lbs. Head sold 304 22,800 Yearling Cattle 600-700 lbs. Head sold 110 56,128 700-800 lbs. Head sold 180 102,600 Cow-Calf Pairs Head sold 40 29,200 Cull Cows Head sold 310 106,375 Cull Bulls Head sold 18 14,464 Cattle & Calves 30 3,100 cows 950,170 HORSES Brood Mares 8 85 mares Head sold 40 160,000 Show Horses * 15 horses Head sold 60,000 Recreation Horses 10 30 horses Head sold 30,000 Horses (Total) 250,000 SHEEP and GOATS Wool 30 sheared Pounds 240 33 Slaughter Lambs Head sold 15 1,453 Show Lambs Head sold 14 3,850 Cull Sheep Head sold 10 425 Sheep (Total) * 20 ewes 5,761 Slaughter Goats Head Sold 5 435 Cull Goats Head Sold 3 98 Goats (Total) * 10 does 533 Sheep & Goats (Total) 6,294 SWINE Show Pigs Head sold 18 4,950 Slaughter Hogs Head sold 12 1,425 Culls (sows, boars) Head sold 10 994 Swine (Total) * 8 sows 7,369 EXOTIC ANIMAL Deer/Antelope * 120 animals 70 17,500 Exotic Animals (Total) 17,500 TOTAL ALL ANIMALS 1,231,333 * Fewer Than 6 Producers =================================================================================================