CALCASIEU Parish 1998 Crop Production      
                                                                              Total         Gross
Commodity                    Producers    Acres      Measure      Yield     Production   Farm Value
  Pine Pulpwood                                   Cords                         88,782             
  Hardwood Pulpwood                               Cords                         15,581             
  Chip N Saw Pulpwood                             Cords                          6,414             
  Pine Saw Logs                                   Board feet                36,013,860             
  Hardwood Saw Logs                               Board feet                 3,225,610             
 Forestry FOB Mill (Total)                                                               31,704,735
 Forestry Stumpage (Total)**                                                             18,608,072
  Christmas Trees Retail          15         25   Trees Sold                       800       22,000
  Fire Wood                       10              Face Cords                        80       10,000
 Forestry (Total)                                                                        31,736,735
  Blackberries                    40         20   Pints           2,000         40,000       40,000
  Blueberries                     20         10   Pounds          5,000         50,000       50,000
 Fruits (Total)                   45         30                                              90,000
FEED GRAINS                                                                                        
  Grain Sorghum                    *        581   cwt.               21         12,201       47,584
 Feed Grains (Total)                                                                         47,584
HAY, SOLD                                                                                          
  Grass                           60      6,000   Tons                0          2,400      144,000
 Hay Sold (Total)                                                                           144,000
HOME GARDENS                  37,500              Garden                                  8,250,000
NURSERY CROPS (Commercial)                                                                         
  Floraculture & Bedding Plts     15              Acre                                      350,000
  Woody Ornamentals               10              Acre                                       80,000
 Nursery Crops (Total)            25                                                        430,000
  Improved                        40        200   Pounds            175         35,000       26,250
  Native                          40        300   Pounds             80         24,000       10,800
 Pecans (Total)                                                                              37,050
RICE                              56     22,275   cwt.               46      1,029,105    9,776,498
SOYBEANS                          25      8,600   Bushels            12        103,200      583,080
SUGARCANE                                         cwt. Raw Sug.                                    
  Sugar                            6      3,237   lbs             4,250     13,757,250    1,650,870
  Molasses                         6      3,237   gal               131        426,474       46,912
 Sugarcane (Total)                                                                        1,697,782
VEGETABLES - COMMERCIAL                                                                            
  Cabbage (Fresh)                 10         20   Sacks 50#         400          8,000       40,000
  Mustard (Fresh)                 20         20   Doz. Bunches      600         12,000       72,000
  Okra (Fresh)                    20         30   Bushels           250          7,500      112,500
    Bell                          10          5   Bushels 28#       500          2,500       25,000
  Squash (Processing)                                                                              
  Turnips (Fresh)                 10         20   Doz. Bunches      600         12,000       72,000
 Vegetables (Total)               45         75                                             321,500
WHEAT                              *        274   Bushels            25          6,850       22,263
TOTAL ALL CROPS                                                                          53,136,492
* Fewer Than 6 Producers
                          CALCASIEU Parish 1998 Fish & Wildlife Production    
                                                                              Total          Gross
Commodity                    Producers   Production  Units    Measure       Production     Farm Value
  Crawfish (Farm)                    30   4,000      acres    Pounds Sold    1,600,000        992,000
  Catfish  (Farm)                     *     180      acres    Pounds Sold      850,000        558,000
  Fishbait                            *              acres    Pounds Sold        2,000         12,600
  Oysters                            25              acres    Sacks              2,000         28,000
  Soft-shell Crabs                    *              acres    Dozens Sold        1,000         18,000
 Aquaculture (Total)                                                                        1,608,600
FRESHWATER FISHERIES                                                                                 
  Crawfish (Wild)                    25                       Pounds Sold      180,794        115,708
  Catfish  (Wild)                    25                       Pounds Sold       20,867         10,433
  Buffalo                            10                       Pounds Sold       11,721          2,930
  Gar                                15                       Pounds Sold       50,138         55,152
  Other Finfish                      10                       Pounds Sold          810            162
 Freshwater Fisheries (Total)                                                                 184,385
MARINE FISHERIES                                                                                     
  Shrimp                            200                       Pounds Sold                            
  Crabs                             100                       Pounds Sold      352,286        211,372
  Commercial Finfish                  *                       Pounds Sold        1,000          2,000
 Marine Fisheries (Total)                                                                     213,372
FUR ANIMALS                                                                                          
  Pelts                                                       Pelts              5,490         30,579
  Meat                                                        Pounds            16,181          5,825
Fur Animals (Total)                                                                            36,404
ALLIGATORS - Wild                           554      animals  feet               4,155         62,325
HUNTING LEASE ENTERPRISES            15   7,000      acres                                     35,000
HONEY                                12   3,330      hives    Pounds           183,150        102,564
TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE                                                                     2,242,650
* Fewer Than 6 Producers
                          CALCASIEU Parish 1998 Animal Production             
                                                                              Total          Gross
Commodity                    Producers   Production  Units    Measure       Production     Farm Value
CATTLE and CALVES                                                                                    
  Steer Calves                                                                                       
    300-400 lbs.                                              Head sold          7,200      2,033,640
    400-500 lbs.                                              Head sold          2,800        905,940
    500-600 lbs.                                              Head sold          1,000        360,250
  Heifer Calves                                                                                      
    300-400 lbs.                                              Head sold          7,300      1,768,060
    400-500 lbs.                                              Head sold          3,500      1,011,150
    500-600 lbs.                                              Head sold          1,000        333,300
  Yearling Cattle                                                                                    
    600-700 lbs.                                              Head sold          2,500        975,000
    700-800 lbs.                                              Head sold          1,700        752,250
  Cow-Calf Pairs                                              Head sold          2,000      1,200,000
  Cull Cows                                                   Head sold          4,000      1,139,000
  Cull Bulls                                                  Head sold            175        113,400
 Cattle & Calves (Total)            350  35,500      cows                                  10,591,990
  Brood Mares                        55     550      mares    Head sold            325        325,000
  Stud Fees                                  35      studs    Mares bred           400         80,000
  Pleasure Horses                   400              horses   Head sold            400        450,000
 Horses (Total)                                                                               855,000
  Fryers                             40     800      animals  Pounds             4,000          3,200
  Does                               25     250      animals  Pounds             2,000         30,000
 Rabbits (Total)                     55   1,050                                  6,000         33,200
RATITE and other EXOTIC FOWL                                                                         
  Ostrich                             *      30      breedrs  Birds sold            45         22,500
  Emu                                40     100      breedrs  Birds sold           150          7,500
 Exotic Fowl (Total)                 44     130                                    195         30,000
QUAIL and/or PHEASANTS                *     100      breedrs  Birds sold         1,500          6,000
SHEEP and GOATS                                                                                      
  Wool                                      700      sheared  Pounds             3,500          1,317
  Slaughter Lambs                                             Head sold            250         30,000
  Feeder Lambs                                                Head sold            600         30,375
  Show Lambs                                                  Head sold            200         50,000
  Stocker Sheep                                               Head sold            300         13,800
  Cull Sheep                                                  Head sold            175          6,125
 Sheep (Total)                       85     850      ewes                                     131,617
 Slaughter Goats                                              Head Sold            200         15,000
 Stocker Goats                                                Head Sold            300         10,500
 Cull Goats                                                   Head Sold            150          3,000
 Goats (Total)                       60     450      does                                      28,500
Sheep & Goats (Total)                                                                         160,117
  Show Pigs                                                   Head sold            750        225,000
  Feeder Pigs                                                 Head sold          1,700         28,050
  Slaughter Hogs                                              Head sold            500         41,250
  Culls (sows, boars)                                         Head sold             75          6,469
 Swine (Total)                       45     450      sows                                     300,769
EXOTIC ANIMAL ENTERPRISES                                                                            
  Deer/Antelope                       *     100      animals                        60         30,000
  Llama                               *      15      animals                                   22,500
 Exotic Animals (Total)                                                                        52,500
TOTAL ALL ANIMALS                                                                          12,029,576
* Fewer Than 6 Producers