JEFFERSON Parish 1998 Crop Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Acres Measure Yield Production Farm Value ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ FORESTRY Hardwood Pulpwood Cords 64 Hardwood Saw Logs Board feet 150,220 Forestry FOB Mill (Total) 55,213 Forestry Stumpage (Total)** 32,325 Forestry (Total) 55,213 HOME GARDENS 54,250 Garden 11,935,000 NURSERY CROPS (Commercial) Fruit and Nut Trees * Acre 20,000 Floraculture & Bedding Plts 10 Acre 2,000,000 Woody Ornamentals 6 Acre 250,000 Foliage Plants 6 Acre 250,000 Nursery Crops (Total) 10 2,520,000 PECANS Improved 6 12 Pounds 1,470 17,640 13,230 Native * 4 Pounds 1,470 5,880 2,646 Pecans (Total) 15,876 VEGETABLES - COMMERCIAL Broccoli (Fresh) 6 5 Cartons 20# 200 1,000 10,000 Cabbage (Fresh) 6 6 Sacks 50# 280 1,680 8,400 Collards (Fresh) * 5 Doz. Bunches 800 4,000 28,000 Cucumber * 3 Bushels 50# 180 540 8,100 Mustard (Fresh) 8 6 Doz. Bunches 820 4,920 29,520 Okra (Fresh) 11 7 Bushels 270 1,890 28,350 Onions * 3 Bag 50# 35 105 2,100 Peppers Bell * 2 Bushels 28# 785 1,570 15,700 Shallots * 1 Doz. Bunches 1,000 1,000 4,000 Squash (Processing) Tomatoes (Field) * 3 Lugs 20# 785 2,355 35,325 Turnips (Fresh) 8 2 Doz. Bunches 710 1,420 8,520 Vegetables (Total) 13 60 178,015 TOTAL ALL CROPS 14,704,104 * Fewer Than 6 Producers ===================================================================================================== JEFFERSON Parish 1998 Fish & Wildlife Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Production Units Measure Production Farm Value _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ AQUACULTURE Crawfish (Farm) * 50 acres Pounds Sold 31,610 24,972 Oysters 36 acres Sacks 29,254 580,423 Soft-shell Crabs 38 acres Dozens Sold 49,581 892,459 Aquaculture (Total) 1,497,854 FRESHWATER FISHERIES Crawfish (Wild) 6 Pounds Sold 15,500 10,695 Catfish (Wild) 25 Pounds Sold 119,641 91,771 Buffalo * Pounds Sold 317 151 Gar 10 Pounds Sold 25,811 26,069 Other Finfish * Pounds Sold 449 232 Freshwater Fisheries (Total) 128,918 MARINE FISHERIES Shrimp 1,295 Pounds Sold 17,760,367 30,547,831 Crabs 299 Pounds Sold 2,004,430 1,560,953 Commercial Finfish 202 Pounds Sold 3,588,219 5,564,109 Marine Fisheries (Total) 37,672,893 FUR ANIMALS Pelts Pelts 12,949 72,126 Meat Pounds 32,360 11,650 Fur Animals (Total) 83,776 ALLIGATORS - Wild 705 animals feet 5,287 79,313 HONEY 20 67 hives Pounds 555 311 TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE 39,463,065 * Fewer Than 6 Producers ===================================================================================================== JEFFERSON Parish 1998 Animal Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Production Units Measure Production Farm Value _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CATTLE and CALVES Steer Calves 300-400 lbs. Head sold 80 22,596 400-500 lbs. Head sold 20 6,471 500-600 lbs. Head sold 40 14,410 Heifer Calves 300-400 lbs. Head sold 30 7,266 400-500 lbs. Head sold 10 2,889 500-600 lbs. Head sold 10 3,333 Yearling Cattle Cull Cows Head sold 20 5,695 Cull Bulls Head sold 6 3,888 Cattle & Calves (Total) 12 240 cows 66,548 HORSES Brood Mares 38 120 mares Head sold 100 150,000 Stud Fees 15 studs Mares bred 40 20,000 Pleasure Horses 12 horses Head sold 25 50,000 Horses (Total) 220,000 RABBITS Fryers 15 750 animals Pounds 2,250 1,800 Does 8 80 animals Pounds 240 3,600 Rabbits (Total) 23 830 2,490 5,400 RATITE and other EXOTIC FOWL Ostrich * 6 breedrs Birds sold 20 2,000 Emu * 4 breedrs Birds sold 4 200 Exotic Fowl (Total) * 10 24 2,200 QUAIL and/or PHEASANTS 8 200 breedrs Birds sold 500 TOTAL ALL ANIMALS 294,148 * Fewer Than 6 Producers