RED RIVER Parish 1998 Crop Production      
                                                                              Total         Gross
Commodity                    Producers    Acres      Measure      Yield     Production   Farm Value
COTTON                             *      2,321                                                    
  Lint                                    2,321   Pounds             90        208,890      150,401
  Seed                                    2,321   Pounds            144        334,224       16,711
 Cotton (Total)                    *      2,321                                             167,112
  Pine Pulpwood                                   Cords                         70,462             
  Hardwood Pulpwood                               Cords                         20,400             
  Chip N Saw Pulpwood                             Cords                            194             
  Pine Saw Logs                                   Board feet                23,522,483             
  Hardwood Saw Logs                               Board feet                 1,295,577             
 Forestry FOB Mill (Total)                                                               21,709,355
 Forestry Stumpage (Total)**                                                             12,373,519
  Fire Wood                        8              Face Cords                       300       37,500
 Forestry (Total)                                                                        21,746,855
  Blackberries                     *          3   Pints           1,200          3,600        3,600
  Blueberries                      *         12   Pounds          3,000         36,000       36,000
  Mayhaws                          *          1   Pounds            200            200          180
  Peaches                          *         15   Bushels           140          2,100       31,500
 Fruits (Total)                    8         31                                              71,280
FEED GRAINS                                                                                        
  Corn (Field)                     7      2,658   Bushels            40        106,320      223,272
 Feed Grains (Total)                                                                        223,272
HAY, SOLD                                                                                          
  Grass                           32     13,000   Tons                0          6,500      390,000
 Hay Sold (Total)                                                                           390,000
HOME GARDENS                     400              Garden                                     88,000
NURSERY CROPS (Commercial)                                                                         
  Floraculture & Bedding Plts      *              Acre                                             
  Woody Ornamentals                *              Acre                                             
  Foliage Plants                   *              Acre                                             
 Nursery Crops (Total)             6                                                               
  Improved                        12         75   Pounds          1,200         90,000       67,500
  Native                          21        400   Pounds            500        200,000       90,000
 Pecans (Total)                                                                             157,500
RICE                               *        475   cwt.               40         19,000      180,500
SOYBEANS                          21     13,630   Bushels             6         81,780      462,057
VEGETABLES - COMMERCIAL                                                                            
  Collards (Fresh)                 *          3   Doz. Bunches      400          1,200        8,400
  Cucumber                         *          3   Bushels 50#       130            390        5,850
  Garlic                           *          0   Pounds          2,000          1,000        3,000
  Irish Potatoes                   *          8   cwt.              200          1,600       48,000
  Lima Beans (Fresh)               *          8   Bushels 32#        60            480       12,000
  Mustard (Fresh)                  *          5   Doz. Bunches      400          2,000       12,000
  Okra (Fresh)                     *          6   Bushels           400          2,400       36,000
  Onions                           *          3   Bag 50#           100            300        6,000
  Onions, Green                    *          0   lbs.            3,000          1,500        1,875
    Banana                         *          3   Bushels 25#       200            600       13,200
    Bell                           *          3   Bushels 28#       200            600        6,000
    Hungarian Wax (Fresh)          *          0   Bushels 25#       100             50          600
    Jalapeno (Fresh)               *          0   Bushels 25#       250             50          750
    Yellow Hots (Fresh)            *          0   Bushels 25#       100             50          750
  Shallots                         *          2   Doz. Bunches      300            600        2,400
  Snap Beans (Fresh)              10         30   Bushels 30#       120          3,600       61,200
  Southern Peas (Fresh)           10         20   Bushels 24#        70          1,400       23,800
  Squash (Fresh)                                                                                   
   Yellow Squash                   *          4   Bushels 45#       300          1,200        9,600
   Zucchini Squash                 *          4   Bushels 45#       300          1,200       28,800
  Squash (Processing)                                                                              
  Sweet Corn (Fresh)              12         50   Doz. Ears         100          5,000       12,500
  Tomatoes (Field)                10         30   Lugs 20#          500         15,000      225,000
  Turnips (Fresh)                  *          6   Doz. Bunches      400          2,400       14,400
  Watermelon                       *         10   cwt.              150          1,500        9,000
 Vegetables (Total)               15        165                                             541,125
WHEAT                              8      6,500   Bushels            40        260,000      845,000
TOTAL ALL CROPS                                                                          24,872,701
* Fewer Than 6 Producers
                          RED RIVER Parish 1998 Fish & Wildlife Production    
                                                                              Total          Gross
Commodity                    Producers   Production  Units    Measure       Production     Farm Value
  Crawfish (Farm)                     *      20      acres    Pounds Sold        2,500          2,500
 Aquaculture (Total)                                                                            2,500
FRESHWATER FISHERIES                                                                                 
  Catfish  (Wild)                     *                       Pounds Sold        6,000          3,600
  Buffalo                             *                       Pounds Sold        4,000          1,000
  Gar                                 *                       Pounds Sold        2,000          1,500
  Other Finfish                       *                       Pounds Sold        1,000            250
 Freshwater Fisheries (Total)                                                                   6,350
FUR ANIMALS                                                                                          
  Pelts                                                       Pelts                298          1,660
Fur Animals (Total)                                                                             1,660
ALLIGATORS - Wild                                    animals  feet                              2,500
HUNTING LEASE ENTERPRISES            15   8,500      acres                                     35,020
HONEY                                10      33      hives    Pounds               555            311
TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE                                                                        48,341
* Fewer Than 6 Producers
                          RED RIVER Parish 1998 Animal Production             
                                                                              Total          Gross
Commodity                    Producers   Production  Units    Measure       Production     Farm Value
CATTLE and CALVES                                                                                    
  Steer Calves                                                                                       
    300-400 lbs.                                              Head sold          2,000        564,900
    400-500 lbs.                                              Head sold          2,000        647,100
    500-600 lbs.                                              Head sold          2,000        720,500
  Heifer Calves                                                                                      
    300-400 lbs.                                              Head sold          2,000        484,400
    400-500 lbs.                                              Head sold          2,000        577,800
    500-600 lbs.                                              Head sold          2,000        666,600
  Yearling Cattle                                                                                    
    600-700 lbs.                                              Head sold          1,500        585,000
    700-800 lbs.                                              Head sold          1,000        442,500
  Cow-Calf Pairs                                              Head sold          3,000      1,800,000
  Cull Cows                                                   Head sold          1,500        427,125
  Cull Bulls                                                  Head sold            600        388,800
 Cattle & Calves (Total)            160  18,500      cows                                   7,304,725
  Brood Mares                        50     650      mares    Head sold            300        500,000
  Stud Fees                                  40      studs    Mares bred           500        100,000
  Pleasure Horses                    20              horses   Head sold             40         25,000
 Horses (Total)                                                                               625,000
RATITE and other EXOTIC FOWL                                                                         
  Ostrich                             8      50      breedrs  Birds sold            10         10,000
  Emu                                 6      60      breedrs  Birds sold           100          2,500
 Exotic Fowl (Total)                 10     300                                    100         12,500
QUAIL and/or PHEASANTS               10     300      breedrs  Birds sold           300          1,000
SHEEP and GOATS                                                                                      
  Feeder Lambs                                                Head sold             40          2,025
  Show Lambs                                                  Head sold             20          5,000
  Cull Sheep                                                  Head sold             10            350
 Sheep (Total)                        *      40      ewes                                       7,375
 Slaughter Goats                                              Head Sold             20          1,500
 Stocker Goats                                                Head Sold             20            700
 Cull Goats                                                   Head Sold             25            500
 Goats (Total)                       12     100      does                                       2,700
Sheep & Goats (Total)                                                                          10,075
  Show Pigs                                                   Head sold             15          3,750
  Feeder Pigs                                                 Head sold             40            660
  Slaughter Hogs                                              Head sold             25          2,063
  Culls (sows, boars)                                         Head sold             20          1,725
 Swine (Total)                        *      20      sows                                       8,198
TOTAL ALL ANIMALS                                                                           7,961,498
* Fewer Than 6 Producers