ST. CHARLES Parish 1998 Crop Production    
                                                                              Total         Gross
Commodity                    Producers    Acres      Measure      Yield     Production   Farm Value
  Hardwood Pulpwood                               Cords                            199             
  Hardwood Saw Logs                               Board feet                    54,405             
 Forestry FOB Mill (Total)                                                                   33,150
 Forestry Stumpage (Total)**                                                                 15,295
 Forestry (Total)                                                                            33,150
FEED GRAINS                                                                                        
  Corn (Field)                     *         70   Bushels            70          4,900       10,290
 Feed Grains (Total)                                                                         10,290
HAY, SOLD                                                                                          
  Grass                           44      2,000   Tons                2          4,000      240,000
 Hay Sold (Total)                                                                           240,000
HOME GARDENS                   4,190              Garden                                    921,800
NURSERY CROPS (Commercial)                                                                         
  Floraculture & Bedding Plts      *              Acre                                    2,250,000
  Woody Ornamentals                *              Acre                                       68,000
  Foliage Plants                   *              Acre                                       88,000
 Nursery Crops (Total)             *                                                      2,406,000
SUGARCANE                                         cwt. Raw Sug.                                    
  Sugar                            *      2,300   lbs             5,800     13,340,000    1,600,800
  Molasses                         *      2,300   gal               179        413,540       45,489
 Sugarcane (Total)                                                                        1,646,289
VEGETABLES - COMMERCIAL                                                                            
  Beets                            *          3   Doz. Bunches      421          1,263        8,841
  Broccoli (Fresh)                 *         35   Cartons 20#       410         14,350      143,500
  Cabbage (Fresh)                 12         48   Sacks 50#         547         26,256      131,280
  Cantaloupe                       *          8   Cartons (40#)     259          2,072       31,080
  Carrots                          *          1   Doz. Bunches      503            503        3,521
  Cauliflower (Fresh)              *          9   Cartons 20#       668          6,012       60,120
  Cucumber                         *          9   Bushels 50#       334          3,006       45,090
  Eggplant                         *         24   Bushels 33#       345          8,280       82,800
  Garlic                           *          3   Pounds          7,500         22,500       67,500
  Irish Potatoes                   *          5   cwt.              175            875       26,250
  Lima Beans (Fresh)               *          2   Bushels 32#       121            242        6,050
  Mirliton                         *          5   Pounds          8,540         42,700       49,105
  Mustard (Fresh)                  *          6   Doz. Bunches      723          4,338       26,028
  Okra (Fresh)                     6         25   Bushels           310          7,750      116,250
  Onions                           *          5   Bag 50#           310          1,550       31,000
  Parsley                          *          1   Doz. Bunches    1,828          1,828        7,312
    Bell                           6         15   Bushels 28#       750         11,250      112,500
  Pumpkin (Fresh)                  *         20   cwt.              203          4,060       81,200
  Radish                           *          1   Doz. Bunches      500            500        3,000
  Shallots                         *          2   Doz. Bunches      988          1,976        7,904
  Snap Beans (Fresh)               *          9   Bushels 30#       200          1,800       30,600
  Squash (Fresh)                                                                                   
   Zucchini Squash                 *          2   Bushels 45#       174            348        8,352
   Winter Squash                   *          1   Bushels 45#       245            245        3,675
  Squash (Processing)                                                                              
  Sweet Corn (Fresh)               *          3   Doz. Ears         901          2,703        6,758
  Tomatoes (Field)                12         64   Lugs 20#        1,101         70,464    1,056,960
  Turnips (Fresh)                  *          3   Doz. Bunches      700          2,100       12,600
 Vegetables (Total)               31        309                                           2,159,276
TOTAL ALL CROPS                                                                           7,416,805
* Fewer Than 6 Producers
                          ST. CHARLES Parish 1998 Fish & Wildlife Production  
                                                                              Total          Gross
Commodity                    Producers   Production  Units    Measure       Production     Farm Value
  Crawfish (Farm)                     *      48      acres    Pounds Sold       27,436         17,285
  Soft-shell Crabs                   12              acres    Dozens Sold       13,308        239,544
 Aquaculture (Total)                                                                          256,829
FRESHWATER FISHERIES                                                                                 
  Catfish  (Wild)                   118                       Pounds Sold    1,442,688        605,929
  Buffalo                             *                       Pounds Sold          600            150
  Gar                                 6                       Pounds Sold        4,119          4,160
  Other Finfish                      21                       Pounds Sold      234,080         39,794
 Freshwater Fisheries (Total)                                                                 650,033
MARINE FISHERIES                                                                                     
  Shrimp                             48                       Pounds Sold      190,788        308,313
  Crabs                             126                       Pounds Sold    3,777,255      2,644,079
  Commercial Finfish                  *                       Pounds Sold        3,200          1,760
 Marine Fisheries (Total)                                                                   2,954,152
FUR ANIMALS                                                                                          
  Pelts                                                       Pelts              3,389         18,877
Fur Animals (Total)                                                                            18,877
ALLIGATORS - Wild                           779      animals  feet               5,842         87,638
HUNTING LEASE ENTERPRISES             *  10,000      acres                                     31,500
HONEY                                 8     128      hives    Pounds             9,990          5,594
TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE                                                                     4,004,623
* Fewer Than 6 Producers
                          ST. CHARLES Parish 1998 Animal Production           
                                                                              Total          Gross
Commodity                    Producers   Production  Units    Measure       Production     Farm Value
CATTLE and CALVES                                                                                    
  Steer Calves                                                                                       
    300-400 lbs.                                              Head sold            350         98,858
    400-500 lbs.                                              Head sold            400        129,420
    500-600 lbs.                                              Head sold            451        162,473
  Heifer Calves                                                                                      
    300-400 lbs.                                              Head sold            370         89,614
    400-500 lbs.                                              Head sold            348        100,537
    500-600 lbs.                                              Head sold            450        149,985
  Yearling Cattle                                                                                    
    600-700 lbs.                                              Head sold            750        292,500
    700-800 lbs.                                              Head sold            700        309,750
  Cow-Calf Pairs                                              Head sold            429        257,400
  Cull Cows                                                   Head sold            340         96,815
  Cull Bulls                                                  Head sold            275        178,200
 Cattle & Calves (Total)             60   4,791      cows                                   1,865,552
  Brood Mares                       600     650      mares    Head sold            202        299,000
  Stud Fees                                  50      studs    Mares bred           150         65,000
  Pleasure Horses                    50              horses   Head sold             21         21,000
 Horses (Total)                                                                               385,000
  Broilers                           40                       Pounds               250            100
  Edible Eggs                         9     250      hens     Dozen sold         6,500          4,550
 Poultry (Total)                     49                                                         4,650
SHEEP and GOATS                                                                                      
  Wool                                       40      sheared  Pounds               350            132
  Slaughter Lambs                                             Head sold             15          1,800
  Feeder Lambs                                                Head sold              8            405
  Show Lambs                                                  Head sold             15          3,750
  Cull Sheep                                                  Head sold              3            105
 Sheep (Total)                        *      50      ewes                                       6,192
 Slaughter Goats                                              Head Sold              5            375
 Stocker Goats                                                Head Sold              3            105
 Goats (Total)                        *      20      does                                         480
Sheep & Goats (Total)                                                                           6,672
  Show Pigs                                                   Head sold              6          1,500
  Feeder Pigs                                                 Head sold             10            165
  Slaughter Hogs                                              Head sold             15          1,238
  Culls (sows, boars)                                         Head sold              5            431
 Swine (Total)                        *      20      sows                                       3,334
TOTAL ALL ANIMALS                                                                           2,265,208
* Fewer Than 6 Producers