TERREBONNE Parish 1998 Crop Production     
                                                                              Total         Gross
Commodity                    Producers    Acres      Measure      Yield     Production   Farm Value
  Hardwood Pulpwood                               Cords                             32             
  Hardwood Saw Logs                               Board feet                    35,196             
 Forestry FOB Mill (Total)                                                                   14,514
 Forestry Stumpage (Total)**                                                                  8,269
  Fire Wood                        7              Face Cords                       400       50,000
 Forestry (Total)                                                                            64,514
    Navels                         8          8   Bushels           250          2,000       24,000
    Satsumas                      10         22   Bushels           325          7,150       42,900
    Other Citrus                   *          4   Bushels           100            400        3,200
 Fruits (Total)                   22         34                                              70,100
HAY, SOLD                                                                                          
  Grass                            *         75   Tons                1            112        6,750
 Hay Sold (Total)                                                                             6,750
HOME GARDENS                   7,000              Garden                                  1,540,000
NURSERY CROPS (Commercial)                                                                         
  Fruit and Nut Trees              *              Acre                                        8,000
  Floraculture & Bedding Plts      *              Acre                                       25,000
 Nursery Crops (Total)             *                                                         33,000
  Improved                         *          2   Pounds            900          1,800        1,350
 Pecans (Total)                                                                               1,350
SUGARCANE                                         cwt. Raw Sug.                                    
  Sugar                           26     11,000   lbs             5,561     61,175,400    7,341,048
  Molasses                        26     11,000   gal               172      1,896,290      208,592
 Sugarcane (Total)                                                                        7,549,640
SWEET POTATOES                     *          1   Bushels 50#       200                            
  Canning                                     1   % of crop                                        
  Fresh                                       1   % of crop         200            200        2,200
 Sweet Potatoes (Total)            *          1                     200            200        2,200
VEGETABLES - COMMERCIAL                                                                            
  Beets                            *          0   Doz. Bunches      325            162        1,138
  Broccoli (Fresh)                 *          1   Cartons 20#       340            340        3,400
  Cabbage (Fresh)                  *         12   Sacks 50#         450          5,400       27,000
  Cauliflower (Fresh)              *          1   Cartons 20#       400            400        4,000
  Collards (Fresh)                 *          1   Doz. Bunches      600            600        4,200
  Cucumber                         *          8   Bushels 50#       260          2,080       31,200
  Garlic                           *          1   Pounds          5,900          5,900       17,700
  Irish Potatoes                   *         10   cwt.              160          1,600       48,000
  Mirliton                         *          0   Pounds          3,700          1,850        2,128
  Mustard (Fresh)                  *          8   Doz. Bunches      700          5,600       33,600
  Okra (Fresh)                     *          6   Bushels           300          1,800       27,000
  Onions                           *          2   Bag 50#           350            700       14,000
  Onions, Green                    *          1   lbs.            1,200          1,200        1,500
    Bell                           *          1   Bushels 28#       500            500        5,000
  Pumpkin (Fresh)                  *          2   cwt.              225            450        9,000
  Shallots                         *          4   Doz. Bunches    1,600          6,400       25,600
  Snap Beans (Fresh)               *          4   Bushels 30#       130            520        8,840
  Squash (Fresh)                                                                                   
   Yellow Squash                   *          0   Bushels 45#       200            100          800
   Zucchini Squash                 *          0   Bushels 45#       180             90        2,160
  Squash (Processing)                                                                              
  Sweet Corn (Fresh)               6          8   Doz. Ears         550          4,400       11,000
  Tomatoes (Field)                 *          4   Lugs 20#          900          3,600       54,000
  Turnips (Fresh)                  *          2   Doz. Bunches      700          1,400        8,400
 Vegetables (Total)                                                                         339,666
TOTAL ALL CROPS                                                                           9,607,220
* Fewer Than 6 Producers
                          TERREBONNE Parish 1998 Fish & Wildlife Production   
                                                                              Total          Gross
Commodity                    Producers   Production  Units    Measure       Production     Farm Value
  Crawfish (Farm)                     8     800      acres    Pounds Sold      320,000        198,400
  Fishbait                           20              acres    Pounds Sold       40,000        252,000
  Alligators (Farm)                  11  36,581      animals  feet             142,665      2,389,654
  Oysters                           480              acres    Sacks            607,449      9,111,748
  Soft-shell Crabs                   10              acres    Dozens Sold        2,000         36,000
 Aquaculture (Total)                                                                       11,987,802
FRESHWATER FISHERIES                                                                                 
  Crawfish (Wild)                    28                       Pounds Sold       42,683         27,317
  Catfish  (Wild)                    33                       Pounds Sold       58,353         26,258
  Gar                                 *                       Pounds Sold        5,307          5,837
  Other Finfish                       *                       Pounds Sold        7,208          1,441
 Freshwater Fisheries (Total)                                                                  60,853
MARINE FISHERIES                                                                                     
  Shrimp                          2,500                       Pounds Sold   28,402,388     51,124,298
  Crabs                             525                       Pounds Sold    7,227,569      4,336,541
  Commercial Finfish                                          Pounds Sold       60,098         48,078
 Marine Fisheries (Total)                                                                  55,508,917
FUR ANIMALS                                                                                          
  Pelts                                                       Pelts             80,568        448,764
  Meat                                                        Pounds            64,721         23,300
Fur Animals (Total)                                                                           472,064
ALLIGATORS - Wild                         5,390      animals  feet              40,425        606,375
HUNTING LEASE ENTERPRISES             * 100,000      acres                                    350,000
TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE                                                                    68,986,011
* Fewer Than 6 Producers
                          TERREBONNE Parish 1998 Animal Production            
                                                                              Total          Gross
Commodity                    Producers   Production  Units    Measure       Production     Farm Value
CATTLE and CALVES                                                                                    
  Steer Calves                                                                                       
    300-400 lbs.                                              Head sold            400        112,980
    400-500 lbs.                                              Head sold            500        161,775
    500-600 lbs.                                              Head sold            100         36,025
  Heifer Calves                                                                                      
    300-400 lbs.                                              Head sold            300         72,660
    400-500 lbs.                                              Head sold            100         28,890
    500-600 lbs.                                              Head sold             80         26,664
  Yearling Cattle                                                                                    
    600-700 lbs.                                              Head sold            125         48,750
    700-800 lbs.                                              Head sold             20          8,850
  Cow-Calf Pairs                                              Head sold             20         12,000
  Cull Cows                                                   Head sold             50         14,238
  Cull Bulls                                                  Head sold              7          4,536
 Cattle & Calves (Total)             45   4,800      cows                                     527,368
  Brood Mares                        15      30      mares    Head sold              8         24,000
  Stud Fees                                   4      studs    Mares bred             8          3,200
  Pleasure Horses                    30              horses   Head sold             10         20,000
 Horses (Total)                                                                                47,200
  Edible Eggs                        10     200      hens     Dozen sold           800            560
  Cull Hens                                                   Pounds               300             75
 Poultry (Total)                     10                                                           635
  Fryers                              *     200      animals  Pounds               800            640
  Does                                *     100      animals  Pounds               300          4,500
 Rabbits (Total)                      *     300                                  1,100          5,140
RATITE and other EXOTIC FOWL                                                                         
  Emu                                 *      20      breedrs  Birds sold            15            750
 Exotic Fowl (Total)                  *      20                                     15            750
SHEEP and GOATS                                                                                      
  Show Lambs                                                  Head sold             12          3,000
 Sheep (Total)                        *      20      ewes                                       3,000
Sheep & Goats (Total)                                                                           3,000
  Show Pigs                                                   Head sold              6          1,500
  Feeder Pigs                                                 Head sold              6             99
  Slaughter Hogs                                              Head sold              5            413
 Swine (Total)                        *       5      sows                                       2,012
EXOTIC ANIMAL ENTERPRISES                                                                            
  Deer/Antelope                       *      15      animals                                         
TOTAL ALL ANIMALS                                                                             586,105
* Fewer Than 6 Producers