ST. CHARLES Parish 1999 Crop Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Acres Measure Yield Production Farm Value ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ FORESTRY Hardwood Pulpwood Cords 31 Hardwood Saw Logs Board feet 6,087 Forestry FOB Mill (Total) 3,699 Forestry Stumpage (Total)** 1,822 Forestry (Total) 3,699 FRUITS Fruits (Total) * 550 HOME GARDENS 3,600 Garden 792,000 NURSERY CROPS (Commercial) Floraculture & Bedding Plts * Acre 2,750,000 Woody Ornamentals * Acre 85,000 Foliage Plants * Acre 90,000 Nursery Crops (Total) 2,925,000 PECANS Improved * 20 Pounds 1,200 24,000 24,000 Native * 14 Pounds 700 9,800 4,900 Pecans (Total) 28,900 SOYBEANS * 122 Bushels 45 5,490 25,254 SUGARCANE cwt. Raw Sug. Sugar * 2,654 lbs 7,594 20,154,476 2,297,610 Molasses * 2,654 gal 228 605,112 42,358 Sugarcane (Total) 2,339,968 VEGETABLES - COMMERCIAL Beets * 3 Doz. Bunches 420 1,260 8,820 Broccoli (Fresh) * 30 Cartons 20# 435 13,050 130,500 Cabbage (Fresh) 12 51 Sacks 50# 610 31,110 155,550 Cantaloupe * 4 Cartons (40#) 200 800 12,000 Carrots * 2 Doz. Bunches 500 1,000 7,000 Cauliflower (Fresh) * 10 Cartons 20# 390 3,900 39,000 Collards (Fresh) * 2 Doz. Bunches 400 800 5,600 Cucumber * 4 Bushels 50# 350 1,400 11,200 Eggplant * 20 Bushels 33# 350 7,000 70,000 Garlic * 3 Pounds 7,000 21,000 63,000 Irish Potatoes * 10 cwt. 175 1,750 52,500 Lima Beans (Fresh) * 4 Bushels 32# 130 520 13,000 Mirliton * 2 Pounds 9,000 18,000 27,000 Mustard (Fresh) * 6 Doz. Bunches 740 4,440 26,640 Okra (Fresh) 6 20 Bushels 330 6,600 99,000 Onions * 8 Bag 50# 200 1,600 32,000 Onions, Green 6 10 lbs. 1,800 18,000 27,000 Parsley * 1 Doz. Bunches 1,100 1,100 4,400 Peppers Bell 10 15 Bushels 28# 800 12,000 120,000 Pumpkin (Fresh) * 15 cwt. 180 2,700 54,000 Pumpkin, Cushaw * 4 cwt. 240 960 19,200 Radish * 1 Doz. Bunches 500 500 3,000 Shallots 6 6 Doz. Bunches 1,000 6,000 24,000 Snap Beans (Fresh) * 12 Bushels 30# 200 2,400 40,800 Squash (Fresh) Yellow Squash * 2 Bushels 45# 130 260 2,080 Zucchini Squash * 1 Bushels 45# 149 149 1,192 Winter Squash * 1 Bushels 45# 200 200 3,000 Squash (Processing) Sweet Corn (Fresh) * 6 Doz. Ears 900 5,400 13,500 Tomatoes (Field) 12 60 Lugs 20# 1,100 66,000 1,188,000 Turnips (Fresh) * 3 Doz. Bunches 700 2,100 12,600 Vegetables (Total) 37 111 2,309,982 TOTAL ALL CROPS 8,424,803 * Fewer Than 6 Producers ===================================================================================================== ST. CHARLES Parish 1999 Fish & Wildlife Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Production Units Measure Production Farm Value _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ AQUACULTURE Alligators (Farm) * 89 acres 347 5,901 Soft-shell Crabs 12 acres Dozens Sold 13,300 239,400 Aquaculture (Total) 245,301 FRESHWATER FISHERIES Catfish (Wild) 118 Pounds Sold 372,782 186,391 Other Finfish 21 Pounds Sold 55,540 11,108 Freshwater Fisheries (Total) 197,499 MARINE FISHERIES Shrimp 48 Pounds Sold 190,788 308,313 Crabs 126 Pounds Sold 3,822,524 2,293,514 Marine Fisheries (Total) * 2,601,827 FUR ANIMALS Pelts Pelts 1,018 3,268 Fur Animals (Total) 3,268 ALLIGATORS - Wild 1,268 9,510 171,180 HUNTING LEASE ENTERPRISES 8 4,020 acres 48,240 HONEY 6 90 hives Pounds 6,000 3,000 TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE 3,270,315 * Fewer Than 6 Producers ===================================================================================================== ST. CHARLES Parish 1999 Animal Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Production Units Measure Production Farm Value _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CATTLE and CALVES Steer Calves 300-400 lbs. Head sold 200 66,906 400-500 lbs. Head sold 250 94,624 500-600 lbs. Head sold 300 125,021 Heifer Calves 300-400 lbs. Head sold 220 61,669 400-500 lbs. Head sold 250 82,913 500-600 lbs. Head sold 325 122,515 Yearling Cattle 600-700 lbs. Head sold 500 221,000 700-800 lbs. Head sold 420 182,700 Cow-Calf Pairs Head sold 300 171,000 Cull Cows Head sold 300 88,230 Cull Bulls Head sold 180 121,203 Cattle & Calves (Total) 32 3,245 cows 1,337,781 HORSES Brood Mares 10 110 mares Head sold 50 150,000 Stud Fees 14 studs Mares bred 110 22,000 Pleasure Horses 48 horses Head sold 12 24,000 Horses (Total) 196,000 POULTRY Edible Eggs 8 250 hens Dozen sold 5,800 3,944 Poultry (Total) 3,944 SHEEP and GOATS Wool 35 sheared Pounds 210 42 Slaughter Lambs Head sold 12 1,444 Show Lambs Head sold 16 4,000 Cull Sheep Head sold 12 420 Sheep (Total) * 39 ewes Goats (Total) does 5,906 Sheep & Goats (Total) 5,906 SWINE Show Pigs Head sold 4 1,000 Slaughter Hogs Head sold 12 1,140 Culls (sows, boars) Head sold 4 390 Swine (Total) * 14 sows 2,530 EXOTIC ANIMAL ENTERPRISES Deer/Antelope * 90 animals 120 30,000 Exotic Animals (Total) 30,000 TOTAL ALL ANIMALS 1,576,161 * Fewer Than 6 Producers