ST. JAMES Parish 1999 Crop Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Acres Measure Yield Production Farm Value ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ FORESTRY Hardwood Pulpwood Cords 30 Hardwood Saw Logs Board feet 43,748 Forestry FOB Mill (Total) 16,611 Forestry Stumpage (Total)** 11,501 Forestry (Total) 16,611 FRUITS Citrus Navels 5 Bushels 200 1,000 12,000 Satsumas 5 Bushels 200 1,000 6,000 Fruits (Total) 18,000 GREENHOUSE VEGETABLES Tomatoes * 25,000sf Pounds 4 112,500 129,375 Cucumbers * 1,500sf Pounds 4 6,750 6,750 Greenhouse Vegetables * 26,500sf Pounds 136,125 HAY, SOLD Grass * 10 Tons 5 50 3,000 Hay Sold (Total) 3,000 HOME GARDENS 1,000 Garden 220,000 NURSERY CROPS (Commercial) Floraculture & Bedding Plts * Acre 16,000 Woody Ornamentals * Acre 8,000 Foliage Plants * Acre 16,000 Nursery Crops (Total) * 40,000 SUGARCANE cwt. Raw Sug. Sugar 36 24,269 lbs 7,420 180,081,174 20,529,254 Molasses 36 24,269 gal 222 5,402,435 378,170 Sugarcane (Total) 20,907,424 SWEET POTATOES 6 2 Bushels 50# 200 Canning 2 % of crop Fresh 2 % of crop 200 400 5,760 Sweet Potatoes (Total) 6 2 200 400 5,760 VEGETABLES - COMMERCIAL Beets * 0 Doz. Bunches 300 111 777 Broccoli (Fresh) * 0 Cartons 20# 240 182 1,824 Cabbage (Fresh) 8 26 Sacks 50# 635 16,573 82,868 Cantaloupe * 2 Cartons (40#) Carrots * 0 Doz. Bunches Cauliflower (Fresh) * 9 Cartons 20# Collards (Fresh) * 5 Doz. Bunches 600 3,240 22,680 Cucumber * 0 Bushels 50# 290 217 1,740 Eggplant * 0 Bushels 33# 320 160 1,600 Garlic * 0 Pounds 5,500 440 1,320 Irish Potatoes * 3 cwt. 125 471 14,138 Lima Beans (Fresh) * 2 Bushels 32# Mustard (Fresh) 8 53 Doz. Bunches 615 32,656 195,939 Okra (Fresh) 6 1 Bushels 300 489 7,335 Onions * 0 Bag 50# Parsley * 0 Doz. Bunches Peppers Bell 6 4 Bushels 28# 200 900 9,000 Pumpkin (Fresh) * 0 cwt. Shallots 6 5 Doz. Bunches 1,200 7,080 28,320 Snap Beans (Fresh) * 1 Bushels 30# Southern Peas (Fresh) * 0 Bushels 24# Spinach (Fresh) * 0 Bushels 25# Squash (Fresh) Yellow Squash * 0 Bushels 45# 165 62 502 Squash (Processing) Sweet Corn (Fresh) * 0 Doz. Ears Tomatoes (Field) 6 2 Lugs 20# 480 1,022 18,403 Turnips (Fresh) 7 5 Doz. Bunches 600 3,594 21,564 Vegetables (Total) 16 147 257,771 WHEAT * 106 Bushels 45 4,770 13,118 TOTAL ALL CROPS 21,617,809 Perique Tobacco * 13 (measure unit) 1,000 * Fewer Than 6 Producers ===================================================================================================== ST. JAMES Parish 1999 Fish & Wildlife Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Production Units Measure Production Farm Value _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ AQUACULTURE Crawfish (Farm) 8 5,440 acres Pounds Sold 1,360,000 870,400 Oysters acres Sacks 362 5,792 Aquaculture (Total) 876,192 FRESHWATER FISHERIES Crawfish (Wild) * Pounds Sold 7,652 4,974 Catfish (Wild) Pounds Sold 520,574 260,287 Buffalo Pounds Sold 4,094 1,024 Gar Pounds Sold 23,336 25,670 Other Finfish Pounds Sold 7,149 1,430 Freshwater Fisheries (Total) 293,385 MARINE FISHERIES Shrimp Pounds Sold 15,000 30,000 Crabs Pounds Sold 25,423 15,254 Marine Fisheries (Total) * 45,254 FUR ANIMALS Pelts Pelts 1,156 3,711 Fur Animals (Total) 3,711 ALLIGATORS - Wild 156 1,170 21,060 HUNTING LEASE ENTERPRISES 14 44,500 acres 51,175 TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE 1,290,777 * Fewer Than 6 Producers ===================================================================================================== ST. JAMES Parish 1999 Animal Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Production Units Measure Production Farm Value _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CATTLE and CALVES Steer Calves 300-400 lbs. Head sold 70 23,417 400-500 lbs. Head sold 40 15,140 Heifer Calves 300-400 lbs. Head sold 45 12,614 400-500 lbs. Head sold 46 15,256 Yearling Cattle Cull Cows Head sold 20 5,882 Cull Bulls Head sold 3 2,020 Cattle & Calves (Total) 9 260 cows 74,329 HORSES Brood Mares * 40 mares Head sold 10 15,000 Horses (Total) 15,000 SHEEP and GOATS Wool 30 sheared Pounds 240 48 Slaughter Lambs Head sold 10 1,203 Show Lambs Head sold 40 10,000 Cull Sheep Head sold 10 350 Sheep (Total) * 30 ewes Goats (Total) does 11,601 Sheep & Goats (Total) 11,601 SWINE Show Pigs Head sold 60 15,000 Feeder Pigs Head sold 30 578 Swine (Total) * 10 sows 15,578 TOTAL ALL ANIMALS 116,508 * Fewer Than 6 Producers