VERNON Parish 1999 Crop Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Acres Measure Yield Production Farm Value ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ FORESTRY Pine Pulpwood Cords 324,176 Hardwood Pulpwood Cords 39,038 Chip N Saw Pulpwood Cords 24,616 Pine Saw Logs Board feet 70,147,038 Hardwood Saw Logs Board feet 2,699,884 Forestry FOB Mill (Total) 63,838,776 Forestry Stumpage (Total)** 39,107,537 Christmas Trees Wholesale * 27 Trees Sold 425 5,100 Christmas Trees Retail * 25 Trees Sold 2,025 60,750 Pine Straw * Bales 40# 15,000 60,000 Fire Wood * Face Cords 270 33,750 Forestry (Total) 63,998,376 FRUITS Blueberries * 3 Pounds 3,000 9,000 9,000 Fruits (Total) 9,000 HAY, SOLD Grass 15 460 Tons 2 920 55,200 Hay Sold (Total) 55,200 HOME GARDENS 1,200 Garden 264,000 NURSERY CROPS (Commercial) Fruit and Nut Trees * Acre 4,000 Floraculture & Bedding Plts * Acre 60,000 Nursery Crops (Total) 64,000 VEGETABLES - COMMERCIAL Irish Potatoes 16 8 cwt. 200 1,600 48,000 Mustard (Fresh) * 3 Doz. Bunches 700 2,100 12,600 Okra (Fresh) * 1 Bushels 300 300 4,500 Southern Peas (Fresh) 8 10 Bushels 24# 80 800 16,000 Squash (Processing) Sweet Corn (Fresh) 8 8 Doz. Ears 600 4,800 12,000 Tomatoes (Field) * 8 Lugs 20# 1,250 10,000 180,000 Watermelon * 100 cwt. 200 20,000 120,000 Vegetables (Total) 45 138 393,100 TOTAL ALL CROPS 64,783,676 * Fewer Than 6 Producers ===================================================================================================== VERNON Parish 1999 Fish & Wildlife Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Production Units Measure Production Farm Value _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ AQUACULTURE Catfish (Farm) * 12 acres Pounds Sold 12,700 10,000 Minnows * 2 acres Pounds Sold 500 1,675 Other Species * 15 acres Pounds Sold 4,500 40,500 Aquaculture (Total) 52,175 FRESHWATER FISHERIES Catfish (Wild) * Pounds Sold 1,000 450 Freshwater Fisheries (Total) 450 FUR ANIMALS Pelts Pelts 614 1,971 Meat Pounds Sold 2,431 972 Fur Animals (Total) 2,943 ALLIGATORS - Wild 5 37 675 HUNTING LEASE ENTERPRISES 10 90,000 acres 315,000 HONEY * 12 hives Pounds 350 175 TOTAL FISH AND WILDLIFE 371,418 * Fewer Than 6 Producers ===================================================================================================== VERNON Parish 1999 Animal Production Total Gross Commodity Producers Production Units Measure Production Farm Value _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CATTLE and CALVES Steer Calves 300-400 lbs. Head sold 2,500 836,325 400-500 lbs. Head sold 825 312,258 500-600 lbs. Head sold 500 208,368 Heifer Calves 300-400 lbs. Head sold 2,600 728,819 400-500 lbs. Head sold 650 215,573 500-600 lbs. Head sold 525 197,909 Yearling Cattle 600-700 lbs. Head sold 350 154,700 700-800 lbs. Head sold 375 163,125 Cow-Calf Pairs Head sold 1,500 855,000 Cull Cows Head sold 3,750 1,102,875 Cull Bulls Head sold 130 87,536 Cattle & Calves (Total) 365 18,475 cows 4,862,488 MILK Dairy Cows * 650 cows Pounds 7,025,414 1,102,990 Milk (Total) 1,102,990 HORSES Brood Mares 80 560 mares Head sold 300 615,681 Stud Fees 18 studs Mares bred 150 93,750 Pleasure Horses 575 horses Head sold 150 150,000 Horses (Total) 859,431 POULTRY Broilers 13 Pounds 1,450,000 580,000 Breeder Flocks 10 300 birds Dozen eggs 1,000 1,350 Poultry (Total) 23 581,350 RATITE and other EXOTIC FOWL Emu * 30 breedrs Birds sold 30 6,000 Exotic Fowl (Total) 6,000 SHEEP and GOATS Slaughter Goats Head Sold 200 15,000 Stocker Goats Head Sold 500 17,500 Cull Goats Head Sold 50 1,000 Goats (Total) 40 500 does 33,500 Sheep & Goats (Total) 33,500 SWINE Feeder Pigs Head sold 3,000 57,750 Slaughter Hogs Head sold 100 9,500 Culls (sows, boars) Head sold 200 19,500 Swine (Total) 20 220 sows 86,750 EXOTIC ANIMAL ENTERPRISES Deer/Antelope * 45 animals 28 16,800 Llama * 22 animals 12 44,000 Exotic Animals (Total) 60,800 TOTAL ALL ANIMALS 7,593,309 * Fewer Than 6 Producers