Value of Louisiana's Agriculture
Gross Farm Income | Value Added | Total Value |
1994 | $3,889,012,665 | $5,039,009,340 | $8,928,022,005 |
1995 | $3,936,763,814 | $5,581,455,314 | $9,518,219,128 |
1996 | $4,243,757,305 | $4,377,500,051 | $8,621,257,356 |
1997 | $ 4,268,026,192 | $5,705,756,052 | $9,973,782,244 |
1998 | $4,014,888,238 | $5,594,733,820 | $9,609,622,058 |
The 1997 Louisiana Ag Summary
1997 Progress
Reports: Animal Commodities, Plant Commodities, Fisheries and Wildlife
1997 Commodity
1997 State & Parish Totals
The 1996 Louisiana Ag
1996 Progress Reports:
Animal Commodities, Plant Commodities, Fisheries and Wildlife Commodities
1996 Commodity Prices
1996 State & Parish
farmers produce a variety of fruits and vegetables. The economic value
of such crops continues to grow-- with more than $180 million contributed
to the state's economy in 1997.
Agricultural Experiment Station
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