Letter Regarding Dietary Supplement
Health Claim for Omega-3 Fatty Acids
and Coronary Heart Disease
(Docket No.
Jonathan W. Emord, Esq.
Emord & Associates, P.C.
1050 17th Street, N.W.
Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20036
Dear Mr. Emord:
This letter is in reference to the court
decision directing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reconsider
the health claim "Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk
of coronary heart disease" in dietary supplement labeling (Pearson v.
Shalala, 164 F.3d 650 (D.C. Cir. 1999)). FDA has sent you replies on two
of the other health claims that the court directed FDA to reconsider,
namely, folic acid and neural tube defects and fiber and colorectal
cancer. FDA will address, in a separate letter, the remaining health claim
on antioxidants and cancer. We regret the delay in responding.
Procedure and Standard for
Evaluating the Claim
In reconsidering this claim and the
three other health claims that were the subject of Pearson, FDA has
proceeded as described in the October 6, 2000, Federal Register notice
entitled "Food Labeling; Health Claims and Label Statements for Dietary
Supplements; Update to Strategy for Implementation of Pearson Court
Decision" (hereinafter "the Pearson implementation notice")(65 Fed. Reg.
59,855 (2000)). As noted below in section IV, FDA first gathered new
scientific evidence on the claims by contracting for a literature search
and publishing two notices in the Federal Register soliciting comments
and data. After reviewing the updated body of evidence on the claims,
FDA applied the "significant scientific agreement" standard by which the
health claim regulations require the agency to evaluate the scientific
validity of claims. Under this standard, FDA may issue a regulation
authorizing a health claim only "when it determines, based on the
totality of publicly available scientific evidence (including evidence
from well-designed studies conducted in a manner which is consistent
with generally recognized scientific procedures and principles), that
there is significant scientific agreement, among experts qualified by
scientific training and experience to evaluate such claims, that the
claim is supported by such evidence." 21 C.F.R. § 101.14.
For claims that did not meet the
significant scientific agreement standard, FDA next considered whether
to exercise enforcement discretion for qualified claims about the
substance-disease relationship. Consistent with the Pearson opinion, the
agency considered whether consumer health and safety would be threatened
by the claim, and, if not, whether the evidence in support of the claim
was outweighed by evidence against the claim, either quantitatively or
qualitatively. See 164 F.3d at 650, 659 & n.10. If the evidence for the
claim outweighed the evidence against the claim and there was no health
or safety threat, the agency went on to consider whether a qualified
claim could meet the general health claim requirements of 21 C.F.R. §
101.14, other than the requirement to meet the significant scientific
agreement standard and the requirement that the claim be made in
accordance with an authorizing regulation. These requirements were not
challenged in Pearson and therefore still apply.
In the Pearson implementation notice,
FDA explained that it would consider exercising enforcement discretion
for a dietary supplement health claim that did not meet the significant
scientific agreement standard if the scientific evidence for the claim
outweighed the scientific evidence against the claim, if the claim
included appropriate qualifying language, and if the other criteria
listed in the notice were met. In that event, the agency explained, FDA
would send a letter to the petitioner outlining the agency's rationale
for its determination that the evidence did not meet the significant
scientific agreement standard and stating the conditions under which the
agency would ordinarily expect to exercise enforcement discretion for
the claim (65 Fed. Reg. at 59,856). The agency also stated that,
conversely, if the scientific evidence for the claim did not outweigh
the scientific evidence against the claim, or the substance posed a
threat to health, or the other criteria for the exercise of enforcement
discretion were not met, FDA would issue a letter denying the claim and
explaining its reasons for doing so (65 Fed. Reg. at 59,856).
Although the deadlines for FDA action
in 21 C.F.R. § 101.70(j) apply to health claims that are submitted by
petition, they do not apply to the four claims that were the subject of
Pearson. FDA is reconsidering those claims under a court order that sets
no specific deadlines but clearly contemplates prompt action because of
First Amendment concerns and the agency's obligation to comply with
court orders as soon as possible. Accordingly, even though the deadlines
in section 101.70(j) do not apply, FDA is using them as a guideline.
Section 101.70(j)(2) requires the agency to issue a denial or a proposed
regulation to authorize the health claim within 190 days of submission
of the petition summarizing the scientific evidence relevant to the
claim. FDA is issuing this decision letter on October 31, 2000, 211 days
after the close of the second comment period for the submission of
scientific evidence relevant to the claim.
Summary of Review
In the January 6, 1993 final rule
concerning a health claim for the relationship between omega-3 fatty
acids and coronary heart disease (CHD) for conventional food
(hereinafter "the 1993 final rule"), FDA did not authorize a claim for
omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD (58 Fed. Reg. 2682 (1993)).
FDA concluded in the 1993 final rule, based on: (1) The totality of the
publicly available scientific evidence; and (2) the agency's review of
comments received in response to its November 27, 1991 proposed rule on
omega-3 fatty acids and CHD (See 56 Fed. Reg. 60,663 (1991))
(hereinafter "the 1991 proposed rule"), there was not significant
scientific agreement among experts that such evidence supported a health
claim for omega-3 fatty acids and CHD (58 Fed. Reg. at 2682). As
explained in more detail in section IV.A. below, FDA also denied a
health claim for omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD for dietary
In its 1991-1993 review of the
scientific evidence for omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD, FDA
limited its review to two omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid
(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). FDA did not include the omega
fatty acid, linolenic acid, in its review. Unlike EPA and DHA which are
derived from fish oils and from fish, linolenic acid is derived
primarily from plant sources. FDA limited its review to EPA and DHA
because the hypothesis for a relationship between omega-3 fatty acids
and CHD derived from correlations between low rates of CHD and high
consumption of fish oils. In addition, most of the information about the
effects of omega-3 fatty acids on CHD was derived from studies of fish
oils or fish consumption. Furthermore, only a limited amount of
linolenic acid is converted in the body to EPA and DHA. Therefore, FDA
concluded that the potential nutrient/disease relationship was
appropriately limited to EPA and DHA and their effect on CHD risk. See
58 Fed. Reg. at 2683. FDA's conclusion has not changed. Consequently,
the agency is similarly limiting its current review to the relationship
between EPA and DHA and reduced risk of CHD. Thus, when the term
"omega-3 fatty acids" is used in this letter, FDA means only EPA and DHA
omega-3 fatty acids, unless otherwise noted.
In the 1993 final rule, FDA noted
that, although there was evidence for effects of omega-3 fatty acids on
clinical measures that may be related to the risk of CHD, such as
reduction in fasting and postprandial triglycerides, reductions in
platelet aggregation and adhesion, and changes in the composition of
lipoproteins, qualified experts did not generally agree at the time that
these endpoints were closely related to the risk of CHD (58 Fed. Reg. at
2706). Furthermore, the available data from diet studies that reported a
relationship between fish consumption and CHD could not demonstrate that
the observed effects were due to the omega-3 fatty acids in the fish.
Thus, FDA concluded that there was not significant scientific agreement
among qualified experts that the totality of the publicly available
scientific evidence supported a health claim for omega-3 fatty acids and
reduced risk of CHD (id. at 2682).
In response to Pearson, FDA has
considered whether the use of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids are safe
and lawful, as required under 21 C.F.R. § 101.14(b)(3)(ii) for dietary
supplements. FDA has also reconsidered the scientific evidence on the
relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and the risk of CHD. The agency
concentrated on the human studies that have become available since the
original omega-3 fatty acids-CHD rulemaking that concluded in 1993. Both
the agency's original 1991-1993 scientific evaluation and the evaluation
of the evidence that has become available since that time were conducted
consistent with the principles and procedures articulated in FDA's
Guidance for Industry: Significant Scientific Agreement in the Review of
Health Claims for Conventional Foods and Dietary Supplements (December
Based upon its review of the safety of
EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids and its review of the scientific
evidence, FDA finds that: (1) the use of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids
as dietary supplements is safe and lawful under 21 C.F.R. § 101.14,
provided that daily intakes of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids do not
exceed three grams per person per day (3 g/p/d) from conventional food
and dietary supplement sources; (2) although the totality of the
publicly available scientific evidence demonstrates a lack of
significant scientific agreement as to the validity of a relationship
between omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD in the general
population, the scientific evidence in support of a qualified claim2
outweighs the scientific evidence against the claim; and (3) it may
appropriately exercise enforcement discretion with respect to the use of
the qualified claim about the strength of the scientific evidence in the
general population, provided that the general conditions stated in the
Pearson implementation notice and the specific conditions set forth in
this letter are met.
Safety Review
Under 21 C.F.R. § 101.14(b)(3)(ii),
which was not challenged in Pearson and which still applies to FDA's
review of a proposed dietary supplement health claim, the use of EPA
and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, at levels necessary to justify a claim,
must be demonstrated by the proponent of the claim, to FDA's
satisfaction, to be safe and lawful.3
The safety provisions in question
require, for example, that the dietary ingredient not present a
significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury under conditions
of use recommended or suggested in the labeling or under ordinary
conditions of use (21 U.S.C. 342(f)(1)). Further, a dietary supplement
must not contain a poisonous or deleterious substance which may render
the supplement injurious to health under the conditions of use
recommended or suggested in the labeling (21 U.S.C. 342(f)(1)(D)).
Ensuring the safety of a dietary supplement that may bear a qualified
claim is also consistent with the Pearson decision, in which the court
stated that the agency could be justified in banning certain health
claims outright if, for example, consumer health and safety would be
threatened (see Pearson, 164 F.3d 650 at 657-60).
In its safety review in this matter,
FDA considered its earlier safety reviews, including the 1991 proposed
rule concerning omega-3 fatty acids and CHD and the 1993 final rule.
In addition, FDA reviewed its June 5, 1997 final rule in which the
agency affirmed that menhaden oil, a fish oil in which EPA and DHA are
the major sources of omega-3 fatty acids, is generally recognized as
safe (GRAS), within specific limitations of use (62 Fed. Reg. 30,751
In the 1991 proposed and 1993 final
rules, FDA discussed safety concerns relating to omega-3 fatty acid
intake. These safety concerns included: (1) increased bleeding times,
(2) the possibility of hemorrhagic stroke, (3) oxidation of omega-3
fatty acids forming biologically active oxidation products, (4)
increased levels of low density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol or
apoproteins associated with LDL cholesterol among diabetics and
hyperlipidemics, and (5) reduced glycemic control among diabetics. See
56 Fed. Reg. at 60,671; 58 Fed. Reg. at 2699, 2704-2705. FDA concluded
in its 1993 final rule that there were significant unresolved safety
concerns relating to intake of omega-3 fatty acids (see 58 Fed. Reg.
at 2706).
In its 1997 final rule affirming
that menhaden oil, with specific limitations, is GRAS as a direct
human food ingredient (62 Fed. Reg. 30,751), FDA examined the
scientific literature for evidence that consumption of fish oils may
contribute to increased bleeding time, reduced glycemic control in
non-insulin dependent diabetics, and increased LDL cholesterol (id. at
30,752-30,754). FDA concluded that the use of menhaden oil as a direct
food ingredient is safe, provided that daily intakes of EPA and DHA,
which are the primary omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, do not exceed
3 g/p/d. The agency affirmed menhaden oil as GRAS under 21 C.F.R. §
184.1(b)(2). The specific limitations of use under that regulation
established maximum use levels for specific food categories in which
menhaden oil may be used. FDA established maximum use levels and food
use categories to ensure that the mean intake of menhaden oil would be
less than 3 grams of EPA and DHA per day, thus ensuring that dietary
intake would not exceed 3 g/p/d.
In the GRAS rule for menhaden oil,
increased bleeding times was the adverse event associated with the
lowest intake level (62 Fed. Reg. at 30,753). Thus, in this matter,
the safety review under section 101.14 for EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty
acids as a dietary supplement focused on increased bleeding times and
associated risks such as hemorrhagic stroke. FDA also evaluated the
scientific literature for safety concerns in addition to those safety
concerns identified in the GRAS affirmation rule for menhaden oil and
in the 1991 proposed rule and the 1993 final rule for omega-3 fatty
In its 1993 final rule, FDA reported
that increased omega-3 fatty acid intakes have been associated with
increased bleeding and prothrombin times, which are related to the
possibility of increased occurrence of stroke (58 Fed. Reg. at 2695).
The agency noted that the studies that reported a correlation between
high intakes of omega-3 fatty acids and low rate of CHD mortality also
noted an increased rate of stroke, particularly hemorrhagic stroke.
Similar types of concerns have also been raised by the data from
studies on aspirin (id. at 2699).
Significant concerns relating
aspirin to bleeding times were raised in the preamble to the final
rule for the professional labeling of aspirin (63 Fed. Reg. 56,802 at
56,804 (1998)). In that preamble, FDA discussed bleeding problems and
risk of hemorrhagic stroke. The agency noted that use of aspirin by
participants in the aspirin component from the U.S. Physicians' Health
Study (Steering Committee of the Physicians' Health Study Research
Group, 1989) was accompanied by an increase in strokes, especially
severe, fatal, hemorrhagic stroke; by a greater incidence of sudden
death and "other" cardiovascular deaths; by more frequent cerebral
hemorrhage as a cause of stroke; and by increased incidence of other
adverse effects, including bleeding problems and the need for
transfusion (63 Fed. Reg. at 56,804). FDA noted that one aspirin
subject died from gastro-intestinal bleeding (id.). Because of
associated risks, the agency did not support the labeling of aspirin
products for prophylactic use to prevent first myocardial infarction
(MI) in the general population even though the studies suggested such
use as a preventive measure for some people.
Because omega-3 fatty acids, like
aspirin, extend bleeding times (62 FR at 30,753), it is important to
consider the intake of omega-3 fatty acids that, based on currently
available evidence, is not likely to pose a health risk to the general
population and that minimizes the potentially serious side effects,
such as unwarranted bleeding and the serious consequences that may
result. In the GRAS affirmation review for menhaden oil, FDA reviewed
the available evidence that noted changes in bleeding times associated
with the use of EPA and DHA and concluded that there is no significant
risk for increased bleeding time beyond the normal range, provided
consumption of fish oils is limited to 3 grams or less per person per
day of EPA and DHA (62 Fed. Reg. at 30,753). Therefore, provided that
daily intakes of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids from conventional
foods and dietary supplements do not exceed 3 g/p/d, FDA believes that
the use of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids as a dietary supplement
will not pose a health risk to the general population.
Because EPA and DHA appear to
inhibit a number of immune cell functions when evaluated in vitro and
in animal and human models, concerns have recently been raised that
increased intakes of omega-3 fatty acids could lead to suppression of
immune and inflammation responses, and consequently, to decreased
resistance to infections and increased susceptibility to opportunistic
bacteria (Kelley and Rudolph, 2000; Calder, 1998; deDeckere, et al.,
1998; Meydani and Dinarello, 1993). These studies, which have been
limited to in vitro studies, animal studies, and small studies in
humans require additional information to determine whether there is an
effect of omega-3 fatty acids on immune function that would raise
safety concerns, especially in populations with diminished immune
function, e.g., the elderly and people with Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV) at intakes less than 3 grams/day.
Upper Safe Intake Limits
In its GRAS affirmation review for
menhaden oil, FDA concluded that the use of menhaden oil as a direct
food ingredient is safe, provided that daily intakes of EPA and DHA
from menhaden oil do not exceed 3 g/p/d. The agency established
specific limitations, i.e., maximum use levels for 17 food categories
in which menhaden oil may be used (62 Fed. Reg. at 30,757). These
levels were established to ensure that the mean intake would be less
than 3 grams of EPA and DHA per person per day. It is important to
note that this exposure did not include intakes from dietary
supplements or from conventional food ingredient and food sources of
EPA and DHA other than menhaden oil.
Based on the data and information
that FDA considered, which includes data and information that FDA
relied upon in reaching its conclusions about the safety of EPA and
DHA omega-3 fatty acids in its GRAS affirmation of menhaden oil, the
data and information in the 1991 proposed and 1993 final rules, and
its current scientific literature review for other possible safety
concerns, FDA concludes that the use of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty
acids as dietary supplements is safe and lawful under 21 C.F.R. §
101.14, provided that daily intakes of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids
do not exceed 3 g/p/d from conventional food and dietary supplement
sources. In section VI.B.2, FDA sets forth conditions, under which it
plans to exercise its enforcement discretion for EPA and DHA dietary
supplements bearing the qualified claim, to ensure, among other
things, that such use will be safe.
Review of the Scientific
1991-1993 Scientific
Congress enacted the health claim
provisions of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (NLEA)
to help consumers maintain good health through appropriate dietary
patterns and to protect consumers from unfounded health claims. The
NLEA specifically required the agency to determine whether claims
respecting 10 nutrient/disease relationships met the statutory
requirements for health claims (Pub. L. 101-535, § 3(b)(1)(A), 104
Stat. 2353, 2361). The relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and
heart disease was one of these 10 claims that Congress required the
agency to evaluate.
FDA began its review of these 10
claims by publishing a notice in the March 28, 1991, Federal Register
requesting scientific data and information relevant to the claims. See
56 Fed. Reg. 12,932. The agency also contracted with the Life Sciences
Research Office (LSRO) of the Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology (FASEB) for an independent scientific review of
recent evidence on omega-3 fatty acids and CHD. In November 1991, FDA
published a proposed rule setting forth its review of available
scientific evidence and tentative conclusions with respect to
authorization of a health claim for the relationship between omega-3
fatty acids and CHD (56 Fed. Reg. 60,663 (1991)). In the 1991 proposed
rule, the agency did not propose to authorize such a health claim for
either dietary supplements or conventional foods, tentatively
concluding that the evidence did not provide a basis upon which to
authorize a health claim relating to an association between omega-3
fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD (id. at 60,663). FDA noted that
the epidemiological research on the topic applied only to the
consumption of fish, which contain omega-3 fatty acids, and that it
was not possible to ascribe any effects specifically to the omega-3
fatty acids (id.). The agency also stated that the data from clinical
studies revealed that omega-3 fatty acids had no effect on serum
cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, or HDL cholesterol, the blood lipid
variables most closely associated with risk of CHD. FDA also noted
that there were unresolved safety issues relating to intake of omega-3
fatty acids, specifically, the potential for omega-3 fatty acids to
increase LDL cholesterol of hyperlipidemics and to worsen control of
blood glucose in diabetics (id.). The agency did not propose to
authorize a health claim relating to the association between omega-3
fatty acids and CHD based on its review of the scientific evidence.
While the proposed rule was pending,
Congress passed the Dietary Supplement Act of 1992 (the DSA) (Pub. L.
No. 102-571, 106 Stat. 4500). The DSA imposed a moratorium on FDA's
implementation of the NLEA with respect to dietary supplements until
December 15, 1993. The DSA also directed FDA to repropose implementing
regulations for dietary supplements by June 15, 1993, and provided
that the proposed regulations would become final by operation of law
if final rules were not issued by December 31, 1993.
In the 1993 final rule, FDA
concluded that there was not significant scientific agreement among
experts that the evidence supported a health claim for omega-3 fatty
acids and CHD (58 Fed. Reg. at 2682). In particular, FDA noted that
only a few studies found a relationship between fish intake and CHD,
while others found none; thus, there was no consistency of findings
(id. at 2706). In addition, none of the studies that reported a
relationship between fish intake and CHD distinguished fish
consumption from other factors associated with fish consumption (id.).
Therefore, it was not possible to determine whether the effects
observed were due to omega-3 fatty acid intake or to some other factor
associated with fish consumption.
The agency also reviewed the study
data relating omega-3 fatty acid intake to total cholesterol and to
LDL cholesterol (id. at 2706). FDA noted that these studies did not
find decreased total or LDL cholesterol in normal, healthy persons, or
among persons at risk for CHD from consumption of omega-3 fatty acids
Further, FDA concluded that although
there was evidence for effects of omega-3 fatty acids on factors that
may be related to risk of CHD, such as reduction in fasting and
postprandial triglycerides, reductions in platelet aggregation and
adhesion, and changes in the composition of lipoproteins, qualified
experts did not generally agree at the time that these endpoints were
closely related to the risk of CHD (id. at 2706-2707). Overall, FDA
concluded that the available evidence was not sufficient to
demonstrate a relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and reduced
risk of CHD (id. at 2706). Therefore, FDA did not authorize a health
claim for a relationship between intake of omega-3 fatty acids and the
risk of CHD.
Because of the DSA's moratorium on
implementation of the NLEA with respect to dietary supplements, the
1993 final rule applied only to health claims for conventional foods,
not dietary supplements. In response to the DSA's directive to issue
proposed regulations specific to dietary supplements, FDA proposed, in
October 1993, not to authorize a health claim for omega-3 fatty acids
and CHD in the labeling of dietary supplements (58 Fed. Reg.
53,296(1993)). The October 1993 proposal relied on the scientific
review conducted as part of the omega-3 fatty acid-CHD health claim
rulemaking that concluded in January 1993. FDA did not issue a final
rule by December 31, 1993, and therefore, the October 1993 proposal
became final on January 4, 1994 (59 Fed. Reg. 436 (1994)).
Current Scientific Review
FDA's first step in reconsidering
the health claim for omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD in
response to Pearson was to gather the relevant scientific evidence
that had become available since the previous rulemaking on this topic.
To update its earlier review, the agency reviewed comments4
and data submitted in response to two Federal Register notices
requesting scientific data and information, as well as data identified
in a literature search. See 64 Fed. Reg. 48,841 (1999) and 65 Fed.
Reg. 4252 (2000). The literature search covered publications that were
issued after 1991.
During its 1991-93 review, FDA
considered preclinical studies (studies not performed in humans)
because they are useful for developing hypotheses or investigating
mechanisms of putative relationships between food substances and
physiological changes associated with disease risk. However, the
usefulness of data from preclinical studies is limited in that such
studies cannot fully simulate human disease and physiology.
Additionally, preclinical studies cannot accurately estimate
appropriate intake levels or the size of effects in humans. Since
FDA's 1991-93 review, a number of well-designed new human studies have
become available. In the current review, therefore, FDA focused on
human studies that quantitatively measured or estimated the omega-3
fatty acid intakes in relation to a direct measure of CHD risk or a
surrogate marker for CHD risk (see Tables
Intervention Trials
In an intervention study, the
investigator controls whether the subjects receive an exposure (the
intervention), whereas in an observational study, the investigator
does not have control over the exposure. Therefore, intervention
studies generally provide the strongest evidence for an effect.
Unlike observational studies, which provide evidence of an
association, but not necessarily of a cause and effect relationship,
between the substance and disease of interest, intervention studies
can provide evidence of causal relationships or the lack thereof.
Randomized controlled clinical trials are considered the most
persuasive studies. When the results of such studies are available,
they will be given the most weight in the evaluation of the totality
of the evidence. See Guidance for Industry: Significant Scientific
Agreement in the Review of Health Claims for Conventional Foods and
Dietary Supplements, at 5.
A number of randomized,
controlled, clinical intervention trials of omega-3 fatty acids and
reduced risk of CHD have been published since 1992. These studies
directly addressed the intake of EPA and DHA in diseased populations
in relation to a CHD endpoint (e.g., cardiovascular death, non-fatal
MI) (Table 1). These studies were the most useful because they
provided specificity regarding measurement of the substance,
measurement of the disease or health-related condition, and evidence
for a relationship (in a diseased population only) between the
substance and the disease or health-related condition.
The intervention trials with CHD
as the endpoint ranged in length from 1 year to 3.5 years and in
size from 223 people in one study location to 11,324 people in 172
separate centers (Table 1). These studies were conducted in diseased
populations, i.e., subjects with diagnosed CHD or recent MIs (GISSI
Prevensione Investigators, 1999; von Schacky, et al., 1999; Singh,
et al., 1997; Burr, et al., 1994). They all reported significant
reductions in CHD risk with increased consumption of omega-3 fatty
acids, predominantly EPA and DHA, although one study also included
mustard oil, which contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3
fatty acid derived primarily from plant sources (Singh, et al.,
1997). In particular, the largest study, the GISSI trial (GISSI
Prevensione Investigators, 1999), conducted in patients who had
survived a recent MI, reported a 15 percent decrease in relative
risk of CHD (defined as death, non-fatal MI, and non-fatal stroke)
in the intervention group that consumed 850-882 mg/d of ethyl esters
of EPA and DHA (in a 1:2 ratio).
The agency also considered the
scientific evidence from a number of intervention studies relating
intake of omega-3 fatty acids to levels of LDL cholesterol, a
validated surrogate marker for CHD risk (Table 2). Most of the
intervention studies that measured blood lipids, both in general and
diseased populations, reported no significant differences in LDL
cholesterol (Sorensen, et al., 1998; Vognild, et al., 1998;
Grimsgaard, et al., 1997; Hwang, et al., 1997; Marckmann, et al.,
1997; Agren, et al., 1996; Hamazaki, et al., 1996; Layne, et al.,
1996; Lervang, et al., 1993; Deslypere, 1992; Schmidt, et al., 1992;
GISSI Prevensione Investigators, 1999; Cairns, et al. 1996;
Eritsland, et al., 1996; Eritsland, et al., 1995; Sacks, et al.,
1995; Eritsland, et al., 1994; Leaf, et al., 1994). Several of these
intervention studies reported increased levels of LDL cholesterol
(Adler, et al., 1997; Mori, et al., 1994; Hansen, et al., 1993;
Sirtori, et al., 1998), and Morcos (Morcos, 1997) reported decreased
levels of LDL cholesterol in response to intake of omega-3 fatty
acids in dietary supplements. Thus, most of the intervention studies
that measured LDL cholesterol did not support a relationship between
omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD either in diseased or
general populations.
In particular, the GISSI trial (GISSI
Prevensione Investigators, 1999), the clinical trial with the
longest duration (3.5 years), the largest sample size (n = 11,324),
and that measured both LDL cholesterol and CHD in a diseased
population, reported that there were no statistically significant
changes in LDL cholesterol, while also reporting a
15-percent-decrease in relative risk of CHD in the diseased
population intervention group that consumed omega-3 fatty acids
(Tables 1 and 2). Thus, in most of the intervention studies,
including the GISSI trial with the largest sample size and the
longest duration, omega-3 fatty acids showed a reduction of risk for
CHD in a diseased population, but the effect is apparently not
working through a mechanism of LDL cholesterol reduction.
The agency did not consider other
markers for CHD risk either because they are weaker biomarkers than
LDL cholesterol (e.g., total cholesterol) (National Cholesterol
Education Program, 1993; Trans Fatty Acids proposed rule, November
17, 1999, 64 Fed. Reg. 62746, at 62,768-62,770) or because they are
not generally agreed to be closely related to the risk of CHD (e.g.,
reductions in platelet aggregation and adhesion, and changes in the
composition of lipoproteins)(58 Fed. Reg. at 2707).
Thus, the scientific evidence from
intervention studies with EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids as the
test substance, did not show a relationship between omega-3 fatty
acids and reduced risk of CHD in the general population. Because
there are no comparable studies with CHD as their endpoint in the
general population, it is not known whether the effect in the
general population would be the same as the effect found in a
diseased population. Further, omega-3 fatty acids generally have no
effect on LDL cholesterol, a validated surrogate marker for CHD,
and, therefore, are not useful in establishing, through the
mechanism of lowering LDL cholesterol, a direct benefit of omega-3
fatty acids on reduced risk of CHD for the general population. Since
definitive evidence on a relationship between omega-3 fatty acids
and reduced risk of CHD in the general population was not
demonstrated by interventional data, the agency considered whether
available observational data provided support for a relationship
between omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD.
Observational Studies
Observational studies (sometimes
called "epidemiological" studies) include several types: population
or correlational, retrospective case control, and prospective
cohort. These types of studies can provide information on the
association between omega-3 fatty acids and CHD; however, these
studies often do not provide a sufficient basis for determining
whether a substance-disease association reflects a causal, rather
than a coincidental, relationship. Population or correlational
studies use grouped data to examine the relationship between dietary
exposure and health outcome among populations. Such studies do not
examine relationships for individuals and have traditionally been
regarded as useful for generating, rather than testing, hypotheses
regarding diet-disease relationships. Therefore, FDA did not give
population studies as much weight in the current evaluation. In
case-control studies, subjects with existing diagnosed disease (the
cases) are enrolled in a study. These subjects are matched by
identifiable characteristics (e.g., age, race, gender) to
disease-free subjects (the controls). The diets of the two groups
are then compared to discern dietary habits associated with risk for
the disease. In prospective, or cohort, studies, disease-free
subjects are recruited within a specified group of people, such as
female nurses (the cohort), and the dietary habits of the subjects
are determined. The study tracks the subjects over an extended
period of time to see whether they develop the disease being
investigated. At the end of the follow-up period, the dietary
patterns of subjects who developed the disease during the follow-up
period are compared to those of the subjects who did not develop the
disease to discern dietary patterns that are associated with risk of
the disease. Prospective studies are generally considered to be the
most persuasive type of observational study. Therefore, FDA weighted
these more heavily than other types of observational studies.
An inherent limitation of all
these types of dietary observational studies is the extent to which
omega-3 fatty acid intake can be assessed. There is considerable
uncertainty in the quantitative measurement of habitual food intake
over long periods of time. Some studies typically used a
retrospective food frequency questionnaire in which the study
subjects are asked to recall their typical diets (in terms of foods
eaten, frequency of eating, and serving sizes) over several previous
years (Ascherio, et al., 1995; Daviglus, et al., 1997; Pietinen, et
al., 1997; Albert, et al., 1998; Kromhout, et al., 1996; Rodriguez,
et al., 1996; Kromhout, et al., 1995; Morris, et al., 1995; Simon,
et al., 1995; Siscovick, et al., 1995). Such techniques are subject
to recall bias, particularly for dietary factors thought possibly
related to disease. Other sources of error occur in the translation
of food intake data into omega-3 fatty acid intake data by
calculation from food composition tables. The natural variability of
foods and the lack of validated analytical methods for the whole
range of types of foods make it difficult to accurately calculate
omega-3 fatty acid intake from food intake data. Moreover, diets
containing omega-3 fatty acid sources differ in other components
(e.g., saturated fats) from diets that do not contain such sources.
This makes it difficult to establish whether omega-3 fatty acids or
some other component of the diet is responsible for any observed
benefit. In short, there are significant limitations to assessing
omega-3 fatty acid intake data from observational studies and
relating intake to the disease. Since the primary variable assessed
in these studies is food consumption, and there are multiple sources
of error involved in estimating omega-3 fatty acids intake from such
data, the usefulness of these types of studies to differentiate
effects of the omega-3 fatty acids in the food from effects of other
components of the food is more limited than are intervention studies
where such factors can be better controlled.
As a consequence of their inherent
shortcomings, observational studies are of limited use in resolving
the key issue from the 1993 evaluation. In other words, one cannot
determine from such studies whether omega-3 fatty acids are in fact
the agents that provided any benefit in reducing the risk of CHD
that might have been observed. Nonetheless, FDA considered recent
observational studies from among the available evidence to see if
such studies provided a sufficient basis for the agency to be able
to generalize to the general population the effects seen in a
diseased population in the well done intervention trials.
Some observational studies
estimated omega-3 fatty acid intake directly from measurements of
omega-3 fatty acids in body tissues or fluids (e.g., subcutaneous
adipose tissue, blood samples, red blood cell membrane) (Guallar, et
al., 1999; Guallar, et al., 1995; Simon, et al., 1995; Siscovick, et
al., 1995; Yamori, et al., 1994). However, measures of omega-3 fatty
acids in body tissues or fluids can be affected by how food
components are metabolized, stored, and used in the body. Also,
these measures could be a marker for dietary factors other than
omega-3 fatty acids. Because of the inherent limitations of
observational studies in estimating omega-3 fatty acid intakes from
food frequency questionnaires and body tissues or fluids, FDA placed
less weight on these studies as evidence that dietary supplements of
omega-3 fatty acids may reduce risk of heart disease.
The recently available
observational trials with CHD as the endpoint included prospective
cohort and case-control studies and ranged in length from a single
snapshot in time to 30 years in length and in size from 188 to
44,895 people in a single location or in 19 centers in 14 countries
(Table 3). FDA focused primarily on the prospective studies and the
nested case control components of prospective studies because
prospective studies are generally considered the most persuasive
type of observational study (Ascherio, et al., 1995; Daviglus, et
al., 1997; Pietinen, et al., 1997; Albert, et al., 1998; Kromhout,
et al., 1996; Rodriguez, et al., 1996; Guallar, et al., 1995;
Kromhout, et al., 1995; Morris, et al., 1995; Simon, et al., 1995).
These studies were in populations that were disease-free at
baseline. Of these, all but the Ascherio (Ascherio, et al., 1995),
the Pietinen (Pietinen et al., 1997), the Guallar (Guallar, et al.,
1995), and the Morris (Morris, et al., 1995) studies showed a
decreased risk of CHD with increasing consumption of fish.
The longest study, the 30-year
cohort study of Daviglus used detailed dietary histories to
stratify, into four groups, the fish consumption of 1822 men, who
were free of cardiovascular disease at baseline (Daviglus, et al.,
1997). The study reported that fish consumption was inversely
associated with mortality from CHD (defined as death from MI, sudden
or non-sudden, or death from other coronary causes). This long,
extensive study in a general population suggests a dose-response
relationship between fish consumption and risk of CHD, which
supports the hypothesis that omega-3 fatty acids in fish may reduce
the risk of CHD in the general, fish-consuming population.
By contrast, the largest study,
the 10-year Ascherio cohort study related total dietary omega-3
fatty acid intake, estimated from food frequency questionnaires, to
CHD risk in 44,895 males who were disease-free at baseline (Ascherio,
et al., 1995). This large, long-term study in a general population
reported no association between intake of omega-3 fatty acids from
fish or from fish oil supplements and reduction of risk of coronary
disease or CHD endpoint.
Of three published reports from
the Physicians' Health Study (Albert, et al., 1998; Guallar, et al.,
1995; Morris, et al., 1995), two of these reports, based on 4- to
5-years of follow-up data, showed no relationship between fish
intake or blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids and CHD risk (Guallar,
et al., 1995; Morris, et al., 1995). Conversely, one of these three
reports, that was a 12-year follow-up of the Physician's Health
Study, did show a relationship between fish intake and decrease in
sudden cardiac disease (Albert, et al., 1998), suggesting that
longer term follow-up enhances the likelihood of seeing an effect.
One of the studies suggested
increased risk of CHD with increasing intake of omega-3 fatty acids
(Pietinen, et al., 1997); however, this study was conducted in a
population of Finnish smokers, which raises questions about its
applicability to the general population.
The other observational study data
are equivocal with two showing benefit for omega-3 fatty acids on
CHD risk (Siscovick, et al., 1995; Yamori, et al., 1994) and one
showing no effect (Guallar, et al., 1999).
In sum, the two prospective
studies that had the most statistical power (Daviglus, et al., 1997;
Ascherio, et al., 1995) showed divergent results about the
relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD.
The three reports on the Physicians' Health Study (Albert, et al.,
1998; Guallar, et al., 1995; Morris, et al., 1995) showed an effect
after 12 years that was not seen at 4 and 5 years. The one study
that suggested an adverse effect (Pietinen, et al., 1997) was in a
select population. The four remaining prospective studies (Kromhout,
et al., 1996; Rodriguez, et al., 1996; Kromhout, et al., 1995;
Simon, et al., 1995) showed decreased risk of CHD with increasing
intakes of omega-3 fatty acids. The other observational studies (Siscovick,
et al., 1995; Yamori, et al., 1994; Guallar, et al., 1999) were
generally equivocal.
Thus, FDA concludes that the
observational study data are mixed for a relationship between fish
intake and reduced risk of CHD. Several studies show no relationship
or suggest an adverse effect (Ascherio, et al., 1995; Guallar, et
al., 1999; Pietinen, et al., 1997; Guallar, et al., 1995; Morris, et
al., 1995); and others suggest a relationship between fish intake
and reduced risk of CHD (Daviglus, et al., 1997; Albert, et al.,
1998; Kromhout, et al., 1996; Rodriguez, et al., 1996; Kromhout, et
al., 1995; Simon, et al., 1995; Siscovick, et al., 1995; Yamori, et
al., 1994). Observational study data reflect the total diet of
individuals, and as such, show the effect of many factors in
addition to omega-3 fatty acids.
Further, the current Dietary
Guidelines for Americans, 2000, federal government guidance on
healthy eating practices, specifically mentions omega-3 fatty acids
and states: "Some fish, such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel, contain
omega-3 fatty acids that are being studied to determine if they
offer protection against heart disease." It is apparent from this
statement, as well as from the observational studies discussed
earlier, that additional study is needed to determine if the omega-3
fatty acids per se in the fish are specifically and causally related
to reduced risk of CHD. The recent observational data are equivocal
for a relationship between omega-3 fatty acids per se and reduced
risk of CHD, and do not resolve uncertainties as to the
effectiveness of omega-3 fatty acids on CHD risk in the general
population. As such, these results do not alter the agency's 1993
determination that there is no consistency of findings among these
observational studies and that the studies do not distinguish fish
consumption from other factors associated with fish consumption.
The Agency's Consideration
of Significant Scientific Agreement (SSA)
In its 1993 final rule on omega-3
fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD, FDA noted that none of the studies
(surveys, cross-sectional studies, nonintervention prospective studies
and intervention studies) provided evidence to attribute benefit, when
observed, to omega-3 fatty acid intake rather than to some other factor
associated with fish consumption (58 Fed. Reg. at 2706). Thus, the
studies lacked specificity for the substance that was the subject of the
claim in relationship to CHD. In evaluating whether there is significant
scientific agreement for a relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and
reduced risk of CHD, FDA focused, therefore, on studies that could
address this lack of specificity that was reported in the 1993 final
rule. FDA finds that the more recent data do not alter the previous 1993
determination that the scientific evidence is not sufficiently
conclusive or specific for omega-3 fatty acids to justify the use of a
health claim relating the intake of omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk
of CHD in the general population.
The newer intervention trials for
omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD that had CHD as the endpoint
(GISSI Prevensione Investigators, 1999; von Schacky, et al., 1999;
Singh, et al., 1997; Burr, et al., 1994) show that, in diseased
populations (i.e., subjects with diagnosed CHD or recent MI), increased
intakes of omega-3 fatty acids are related to reduced risk of CHD.
However, there are no studies directly relating omega-3 fatty acids and
CHD in the general population that could isolate the effect of omega-3
fatty acids and that had CHD as the endpoint; therefore, there is
uncertainty regarding the effect of omega-3 fatty acid intake in the
general population. There is some information from observational trials
relating fish consumption and reduced risk of CHD (Daviglus, et al.,
1997; Pietinen, et al., 1997; Albert, et al., 1998; Kromhout, et al.,
1996; Rodriguez, et al., 1996; Kromhout, et al., 1995; Simon, et al.,
1995; Siscovick, et al., 1995; Yamori, et al., 1994). However, it is not
possible to determine whether the effects observed were due to omega-3
fatty acid intake or to some other factor associated with fish
consumption; therefore, there is uncertainty regarding specificity for
the substance, omega-3 fatty acids. Furthermore, the observational study
results were mixed, with some studies showing no relationship and others
suggesting benefit for omega-3 fatty acids on CHD risk; thus, the
observational studies are equivocal for an effect of omega-3 fatty acids
on reduced risk of CHD.
There are many new intervention
studies that measured omega-3 fatty acid intake in conjunction with LDL
cholesterol, a validated surrogate marker for CHD (Sorensen, et al.,
1998; Vognild, et al., 1998; Adler, et al., 1997; Grimsgaard, et al.,
1997; Hwang, et al., 1997; Marckmann, et al., 1997; Morcos, 1997; Agren,
et al., 1996; Hamazaki, et al., 1996; Layne, et al., 1996; Mori, et al.,
1994; Hansen, et al., 1993; Lervang, et al., 1993; Deslypere, 1992;
Schmidt, et al., 1992; GISSI Prevensione Investigators, 1999; Cairns, et
al., 1996; Eritsland, et al., 1996; Eritsland, et al., 1995; Sacks, et
al., 1995; Eritsland, et al., 1994; Leaf, et al., 1994; Sirtori, et al.,
1998). Taken together, these studies did not find beneficial effects,
i.e., a lowering of LDL cholesterol, from omega-3 fatty acids.
Finally, Dietary Guidelines for
Americans, 2000 states that studies are underway to determine if there
is a relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and CHD disease,
indicating, as do the mixed results of the observational studies, that
there is uncertainty regarding whether intake of omega-3 fatty acids per
se may be related to reduced risk of CHD. Therefore, based on its
scientific review, which included evaluation of recent studies submitted
to the agency as comments, the agency's own review of the scientific
data and information, and the uncertainty expressed in the recent
statement in Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2000, FDA concludes that
there is not significant scientific agreement among qualified experts
that the available evidence supports a relationship between intake of
omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD in the general population.
In sum, there are no studies that
demonstrate a causal relationship between the specific substance (the
EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids) and reduction of the risk of the
specific disease or health-related condition (CHD) in the general
population. Therefore, the agency finds that the more recent data do not
alter the previous 1993 conclusion that the scientific evidence is not
sufficiently definitive for a relationship between omega-3 fatty acids
per se and reduced risk of CHD in the general population. Based on its
evaluation of the totality of the publicly available scientific
evidence, the agency concludes that there is not significant scientific
agreement among qualified experts that a relationship exists between
omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD.
The Agency's Consideration
of a Qualified Claim
In the Pearson implementation notice,
the agency stated that it would consider exercising enforcement
discretion for a dietary supplement health claim when the following
conditions are met: (1) The claim is the subject of a health claim
petition that meets the requirements of § 101.70; (2) the scientific
evidence in support of the claim outweighs the scientific evidence
against the claim, the claim is appropriately qualified, and all
statements in the claim are consistent with the weight of the scientific
evidence; (3) consumer health and safety are not threatened; and (4) the
claim meets the general requirements for health claims in § 101.14,
except for the requirement that the evidence supporting the claim meet
the significant scientific agreement standard and the requirement that
the claim be made in accordance with an authorizing regulation. The
first prong does not apply to this decision since the agency is
complying with an instruction by the court to reconsider the claim, as
discussed earlier. Thus, in the absence of significant scientific
agreement, and based on its conclusion that the use of EPA and DHA
omega-3 fatty acids as dietary supplements is safe and lawful under 21
C.F.R. § 101.14, provided that daily intakes of EPA and DHA omega-3
fatty acids do not exceed 3 g/p/d from conventional food and dietary
supplement sources, FDA has considered, under Pearson, whether the
weight of the scientific evidence in support of the claim outweighs the
scientific evidence against the claim and, if so, whether the use of a
qualified claim would be safe.
Weight of the Scientific
The intervention trials in a
diseased population with omega-3 fatty acids and CHD as the endpoint
provide the strongest evidence for a relationship between omega-3
fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD (GISSI Prevensione Investigators,
1999; von Schacky, et al., 1999; Singh, et al., 1997; Burr, et al.,
1994). These studies directly measured exposure to the substance that
is the subject of the claim, omega-3 fatty acids (i.e., EPA, DHA)
(Table 1) and also measured disease endpoints (e.g., cardiovascular
death, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, or stroke).
These intervention trials were randomized controlled clinical trials,
which are considered the most persuasive studies, and they all showed
a relationship between intake of omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk
of CHD in a diseased population (i.e., subjects with diagnosed CHD or
recent myocardial infarctions). However, there are no corresponding
studies supporting a direct (causal) relationship between omega-3
fatty acid intake and reduced risk of CHD in a general population.
Thus, uncertainty remains regarding whether the relationship of
omega-3 fatty acid intake and reduced risk of CHD found in a diseased
population would be seen in the general population.
FDA evaluated other available
evidence to determine whether there was a sufficient basis to support
a qualified claim for omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD. FDA
evaluated two types of studies: (1) Observational studies in the
general population in which fish consumption was the primary
contributor of omega-3 fatty acids, and (2) intervention studies in
both general and diseased populations that evaluated the effects of
omega-3 fatty acids on LDL cholesterol, a surrogate marker for CHD
FDA focused on observational studies
in the general population (Ascherio, et al., 1995; Guallar, et al.,
1999; Daviglus, et al., 1997; Pietinen, et al., 1997; Albert, et al.,
1998; Kromhout, et al., 1996; Rodriguez, et al., 1996; Guallar, et
al., 1995; Kromhout, et al., 1995; Morris, et al., 1995; Simon, et
al., 1995; Siscovick, et al., 1995; Yamori, et al., 1994). The agency
sought to determine whether these studies could provide a plausible
basis for presuming that the relationship between omega-3 fatty acids
and the reduced risk of CHD in the diseased population supports a
suggested relationship in the general population. The observational
studies with CHD endpoints provide less compelling evidence than
intervention studies for a relationship between omega-3 fatty acids
and reduced risk of CHD because they did not measure omega-3 fatty
acid intakes directly, and they cannot separate the effect of omega-3
fatty acids from the effects of other food components. Moreover, they
cannot establish causality.
Taken together, as discussed in
Section IV.B.2, the observational studies show mixed effects, some
beneficial (Daviglus, et al., 1997; Albert, et al., 1998; Kromhout, et
al., 1996; Rodriguez, et al., 1996; Kromhout, et al., 1995; Simon, et
al., 1995; Siscovick, et al., 1995; Yamori, et al., 1994), some
showing no relationship (Ascherio, et al., 1995; Guallar, et al.,
1999; Guallar, et al., 1995; Morris, et al., 1995), and one suggesting
adverse effects (Pietinen, et al., 1997). The observational studies
were mixed. However, as discussed below, because physiological
measures, such as triglycerides, VLDL cholesterol, and platelet
aggregation, respond similarly to intakes of omega-3 fatty acids in
both diseased and general populations, the evidence is suggestive of a
relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD in
the general population.
FDA also evaluated the usefulness of
intervention trials that studied LDL cholesterol as a surrogate marker
for CHD, and trials that examined other physiological measures, to
determine whether any similar effects, other than reduced CHD risk,
were seen in both diseased and general populations in response to
omega-3 fatty acid intake. Generalizing from a high risk (diseased)
population to the general (healthy) population is difficult because of
uncertainty as to whether the diseased population has a unique
responsiveness to effects of omega-3 fatty acids that would not be
found in the general population.
Omega-3 fatty acids showed similar
effects in diseased and general populations relative to several
physiological measures. For example, most studies in both diseased and
general populations showed no effect of omega-3 fatty acid intakes on
LDL cholesterol levels (Sorensen, et al., 1998; Vognild, et al., 1998;
Grimsgaard, et al., 1997; Hwang, et al., 1997; Marckmann, et al.,
1997; Agren, et al., 1996; Hamazaki, et al., 1996; Layne, et al.,
1996; Lervang, et al., 1993; Deslypere, 1992; Schmidt, et al., 1992;
GISSI Prevensione Investigators, 1999; Cairns, et al., 1996; Eritsland,
et al., 1996; Eritsland, et al., 1995; Sacks, et al., 1995; Eritsland,
et al., 1994; Leaf, et al., 1994). Therefore, FDA concluded that the
observed beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids on CHD risk in
diseased populations do not appear to be operating through a mechanism
of lowering LDL cholesterol (see section IV.B.1).
Additionally, in both general and
diseased populations, omega-3 fatty acids generally reduced
triglycerides, (56 Fed. Reg. at 60,669; 58 Fed. Reg. at 2691) and
very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol (56 Fed. Reg. at
60,669; 58 Fed. Reg. at 2691), and had no effect on total serum
cholesterol (56 Fed. Reg. at 60,663) or HDL cholesterol (56 Fed. Reg.
at 60,663; 58 Fed. Reg. at 2691, 2701). In both diseased and general
populations, omega-3 fatty acids generally increased standardized
bleeding times (56 Fed. Reg. at 60,670), reduced platelet aggregation
(56 Fed. Reg. at 60,671; 58 Fed. Reg. at 2696, 2702), and reduced
postprandial lipemia (58 Fed. Reg. at 2692).
Thus, in many studies of intakes of
omega-3 fatty acids, similar physiological effects are seen in
diseased and general populations. Similar effects are seen on a
surrogate marker for CHD and on other physiological effects associated
with CHD risk. Because these physiological markers respond similarly
to intakes of omega-3 fatty acids in both diseased and general
populations, these studies suggest, but do not establish, that omega-3
fatty acids may have similar effects in both groups relative to CHD
risk-reduction effects.
Based on its review of the
scientific evidence, FDA concludes that the weight of the scientific
evidence for a claim relating EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids and
reduced risk of CHD outweighs the scientific evidence against the
claim because: (1) The evidence from intervention trials with CHD as
an endpoint is strongly favorable in a diseased population showing
that omega-3 fatty acid intake is related to reduced risk of CHD; (2)
there is suggestive evidence that the benefit on CHD reported in
diseased populations will carry over to the general population because
omega-3 fatty acids have similar physiological effects in both
diseased and general populations; and (3) in view of the data in
diseased populations and the evidence from observational trials in the
general population, with CHD as an endpoint, the scientific evidence
is suggestive of a relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and
reduced risk of CHD.
Consumer Health and
FDA concluded in its safety review
(section III above), that the use of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids
as a dietary supplement is safe and lawful under 21 C.F.R. § 101.14,
provided that daily intakes of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids do not
exceed 3 g/p/d from conventional food and dietary supplement sources.
The agency noted that the safety evaluation for its GRAS affirmation
of menhaden oil did not include intakes of EPA and DHA from dietary
supplements or from other ingredient and food sources of EPA and DHA
in conventional foods other than menhaden oil. The safety concerns for
the use of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids in dietary supplements
would be the same as those identified for these omega-3 fatty acids in
menhaden oil added to conventional foods. Thus, FDA finds that the use
of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids as a dietary supplement will be
safe and lawful under 21 C.F.R. § 101.14, provided that total intakes
of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids are limited to 3 g/p/d from all
sources, including conventional food sources and dietary supplement
To ensure the safety of EPA and DHA
dietary supplements bearing a qualified health claim for omega-3 fatty
acids and reduced risk of CHD, FDA first considered the likely impact
of such a claim on exposure to omega-3 fatty acids.
Impact on Intakes of
EPA and DHA Omega-3 Fatty Acid Dietary Supplements Bearing a
Qualified Health Claim for Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Reduced Risk of
At present, the estimated mean
exposure to EPA and DHA from menhaden oil in all food categories is
2.8 g per person per day (62 Fed. Reg. at 30,754). This is a
conservative estimate with substantial margin for safety, and the
agency believes that the addition of menhaden oil to food products
has not come close to this conservative mean exposure estimate. The
question, then, is whether intakes of EPA and DHA would be likely to
remain within safe limits if a qualified health claim for omega-3
fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD were to appear on dietary
Exposure estimates for current
intakes of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids are difficult to make
because FDA does not have data on the amount of menhaden oil
currently being added to foods and consumed or on intakes of omega-3
fatty acids from dietary supplements and other food sources. It is
likely, however, that intakes of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids
have increased since the GRAS affirmation rulemaking for menhaden
oil because of the availability of foods with added menhaden oil.
Further, increased intakes are likely because of the availability of
EPA and DHA in other oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids, the presence
of EPA and DHA in poultry fed on fish meal, and eggs containing
omega-3 fatty acids (see Kris-Etherton, et al., 2000; Raper, et al.,
1992; see also, Memo to File in Docket 91N-0103 - "Sources of
Omega-3 Fatty Acids" October 30, 2000).
Similarly, higher intakes from
dietary supplement sources are likely. Sales between 1995 and 1999
of dietary supplements of fish oils and omega-3 fatty acids in
supermarkets, drug stores, and mass merchandiser outlets have
increased from 14.6 to 22.4 million dollars, more than a 50 percent
increase in annual dollar sales (see Memo to File in Docket 91N-0103
- "IRI Market Data" October 20, 2000). Furthermore, these figures do
not include sales at health food stores or through the Internet.
FDA has received more than 70
notifications under 21 C.F.R. § 101.93 for structure/function claims
for omega-3 fatty acids and fish oils, which contain omega-3 fatty
acids. These claims provide consumers with exposure to a variety of
claimed benefits for omega-3 fatty acids and fish oils (See Memo to
File in Docket 91N-0103 - "Structure/Function Claims for Omega-3
Fatty Acids and Fish Oils - Notifications under 21 CFR 101.93"
October 30, 2000). Furthermore, FDA-approved health claims have been
shown to increase sales and encourage intake of related products
(See Memo to ONPLDS from DMS in Docket 91N-0103 - "Health Claims and
Product Sales" October 27, 2000). Thus, a qualified health claim on
a dietary supplement containing EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids
would be likely to increase sales of and dietary exposure to EPA and
DHA omega-3 fatty acids.
It is likely that a qualified
claim for EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids would increase sales and
consumption of omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, given that dietary
supplements are concentrated sources of omega-3 fatty acids, intakes
from dietary supplements can easily overwhelm food uses. For
example, FDA has found that recommended daily intakes on omega-3
fatty acid products, based on information provided on product
labels, are commonly around 300 to 1,000 mg per day but may be as
high as 3,000 to 5,000 mg per day (with a few isolated products even
higher)(see Memo to File in Docket 91N-0103 - "Survey of currently
marketed products containing Omega-3 fatty acids with DHA and EPA"
October 24, 2000). By contrast, although a 4-ounce (112 gram)
portion of salmon may contain 900 mg of omega-3 fatty acids
(calculated from data provided in Raper, et al., 1992), daily
consumption of salmon is unlikely in the general population. Thus, a
consumer taking a more concentrated source of EPA and DHA omega-3
fatty acids as a dietary supplement, could easily exceed the likely
amount of such fatty acids present in fish.
FDA is concerned that if a
qualified health claim for EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids and
reduced risk of CHD were to appear on dietary supplement products,
intakes of such omega-3 fatty acids might increase to levels in
excess of the safe upper level, i.e., in excess of 3 g/p/d. As
previously discussed, more products containing omega-3 fatty acids
are now available, there are omega-3 fatty acid dietary supplements
that bear structure/function claims, and dietary supplements provide
the opportunity to consume large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. To
help ensure that consumers do not exceed a 3 g/p/d intake from
conventional food and EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acid dietary
supplements that bear the qualified claim, FDA intends to exercise
its enforcement discretion with respect to the use of the qualified
claim on omega-3 fatty acid dietary supplements that do not
recommend or suggest in their labeling, or under ordinary conditions
of use, daily intakes of more than 2 grams EPA and DHA.
FDA's Exercise of
Enforcement Discretion With Respect to the Use of a Qualified Health
Claim for Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Reduced Risk of CHD on Dietary
FDA considered two approaches to
address safety concerns associated with high intakes of omega-3
fatty acids: (1) Label statements, and (2) limits on amounts of EPA
and DHA contained in dietary supplements. There are several reasons
why label statements alone, e.g., "Don't consume more than 3 grams
of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids from all sources," would not be
sufficient to help ensure that consumers do not consume more than 3
grams of omega-3 fatty acids daily, levels for which FDA has no
assurance of safety. Not all at-risk consumers can determine if they
are at risk. In the final rule for the professional labeling of
aspirin, FDA noted that with regard to the use of aspirin to prevent
vascular events (e.g., stroke, MI, or cardiovascular death) and
other thromboembolic conditions, consumers are not able to determine
if they are at risk of adverse events associated with prolonged use.
Such adverse events include bleeding tendencies and their associated
risk of hemorrhagic stroke and other serious consequences (63 Fed.
Reg. 56,802 at 56,809). The agency concluded that it is not possible
to provide adequate directions and warnings to enable the layperson
to make a reasonable self-assessment of these factors (id. at
56,809). Similarly, consumers do not have the ability to make a
reasonable self-assessment of their risks associated with long-term
use of high intakes of omega-3 fatty acids.
Consumers trying to stay within a
3 g/p/d limit of omega-3 fatty acids would not be able to accurately
estimate their current intake. Fatty fish, the most common source of
omega-3 fatty acids in the diet, vary in the amount of omega-3 fatty
acids that they may contribute (Kris-Etherton, et al., 2000).
Further, there are other dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids in
the food supply from which a consumer would not necessarily be able
to calculate the contribution of omega-3 fatty acids. Examples of
such foods include those with added menhaden oil, other oils rich in
omega-3 fatty acids, the presence of EPA and DHA in poultry fed on
fish meal, and in eggs containing omega-3 fatty acids (Kris-Etherton,
et al., 2000; Raper, et al., 1992) (see Memo to File in Docket
91N-0103 - "Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids" October 30, 2000).
Furthermore, information on
omega-3 fatty acid content is not generally available on the
labeling of foods and not uniformly available on dietary
supplements. No Reference Daily Intake (RDI) or Daily Reference
Value (DRV) has been established for omega-3 fatty acids; therefore,
the omega-3 fatty acid content is prohibited from appearing on
labels of conventional foods in the Nutrition Facts Panel (21 C.F.R.
§ 101.9(c)). The omega-3 fatty acid content would be listed outside
of the Nutrition Facts Panel if a manufacturer made a percent or an
amount claim for omega-3 fatty acids under 21 C.F.R. § 101.13(i)(3),
but manufacturers are not required to make such claims on their
products containing omega-3 fatty acids. For example, although fish
are the most common food source of omega-3 fatty acids (Raper, et
al., 1992; Kris-Etherton, et al., 2000), there is no requirement to
list the omega-3 fatty acid content on the label of fish products;
therefore, people who consume fish and fish products would not
necessarily be able to tell how much omega-3 fatty acids they are
The labeling of dietary supplement
products containing omega-3 fatty acids are regulated under 21 C.F.R.
§ 101.36(b)(3), which describes the information required for dietary
ingredients for which neither an RDI nor a DRV has been established.
Dietary ingredients of this type are required to be listed by their
common or usual name with a footnote indicating that a Daily Value
has not been established (See example in the September 23, 1997,
final rule on the labeling of dietary supplements; 62 Fed. Reg.
49,826 at 49,855). Therefore, omega-3 fatty acid content would be
included on dietary supplement products that specify that they
contain omega-3 fatty acids. However, manufacturers of fish oil
capsules could list the specific fish oil as the dietary ingredient
(e.g., Cod Liver Oil) and would not be required to include the
omega-3 fatty acid content on the label. Thus, although fish oils
contain significant amounts of EPA and DHA, this information would
not necessarily be available to consumers on dietary supplement
product labels of fish oils containing omega-3 fatty acids.
In short, information on omega-3
fatty acid content is not uniformly available on the labeling of
conventional food or dietary supplement products that contain
omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, it is not possible for consumers to
accurately estimate their intakes of omega-3 fatty acids from food
or dietary supplement sources to ensure that their intakes do not
exceed 3 g/p/d.
Consumers could not estimate their
intake of omega-3 fatty acids from all conventional food or dietary
supplement product labeling. Accordingly, FDA has determined that a
label statement on a dietary supplement bearing the qualified health
claim for omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD could not
itself ensure that daily intake by a consumer who consumes the
supplement is not greater than 3 g/p/d of omega-3 fatty acids.
Therefore, FDA has determined that it is necessary to provide a
limit on the amount of EPA and DHA that may be recommended or
suggested in the labeling, or under ordinary conditions of use5,
of a dietary supplement bearing the qualified claim. Thus, for such
a dietary supplement to be within the scope of FDA's enforcement
discretion outlined in this letter, the supplement would need to
limit the amount suggested or recommended in the labeling or under
ordinary conditions of use to a daily intake of no more than 2 grams
of EPA and DHA from such supplement. The agency believes that such a
2-gram per day limit is reasonable, based on estimates of current
dietary intakes of foods that naturally contain EPA and DHA and of
other sources of EPA and DHA in food products.
Raper and Kris-Etherton used food
disappearance data to estimate per capita intakes of EPA and DHA of
124 mg/day (0.1 g/day) in 1985 (Raper, et al., 1992) and between 100
and 200 mg/day (0.1-0.2 g/day) from 1989-1991 (Kris-Etherton, et
al., 2000), respectively. However, food disappearance data are
notoriously difficult to use as estimates of intake, especially of
fats and oils (Kris-Etherton, et al., 2000). Per capita estimates
divide total amounts of foods available for consumption by the total
population. They do not take into account that some people consume a
lot of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and others consume very
In estimating possible intakes,
FDA considered recent intake estimates and data from several
sources. The American Heart Association (AHA) (Krauss, et al., 2000)
recently noted that one fatty fish meal per day could result in an
omega-3 fatty acid intake (i.e., EPA and DHA) of 900 mg (0.9 g) per
day. A four-ounce (112 g) serving of Coho salmon provides 900 mg
(0.9 g) EPA and DHA; a similar four-ounce (112 g) serving of
Atlantic mackerel provides 2,600 mg (2.6 g) EPA and DHA (values
calculated from omega-3 fatty acid content data in Raper, et al.,
There is additional variability in
the estimates of omega-3 fatty acid intakes because there are
limited data on population sub-groups who are frequent consumers of
fish. Although Rodriquez, et al. (1996), indicated that more than 50
percent of the Japanese-American men in their study reported
consuming fish fewer than two times per week, 40 percent reported
eating fish two to four times per week, and 7 percent reported
eating fish nearly every day. Morris, et al. (1995), reported that 5
percent of the men in the Physicians' Health Study consumed fish
five or more times a week, and on average, the men consumed 2.1
meals containing fish per week. Thus, there are consumers who eat
fish every day, or nearly every day, and average intakes of omega-3
fatty acids from fish consumption alone in those consumers could be
nearly 1 gram per day from a fatty fish meal (Krauss, et al., 2000).
Frequent consumers of Atlantic mackerel could be consuming amounts
of omega-3 fatty acids approaching 3 g/d. However, most fish contain
significantly lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids than Atlantic
mackerel (Raper, et al., 1992; Kris-Etherton, et al., 2000).
Therefore, even frequent consumers of fish are likely to be
consuming well below 3/p/d of omega-3 fatty acids from fish. Those
people who do not consume fish on a daily basis would also likely
consume well below 3 g/p/d omega-3 fatty acids.
There is uncertainty as to
baseline levels of intake of omega-3 fatty acids in the general
population and in population subgroups who are consumers of
omega-3-fatty acid-rich foods. Nonetheless, based on the information
available to the agency on potential intakes from omega-3 fatty acid
food sources, FDA believes that a consumer could consume nearly 1
gram per day in the diet from conventional foods. As stated
previously, average intakes of consumers who include a fatty fish
meal every day, or nearly every day, could be consuming about 1 gram
per day.
The epidemiologic data on fish
consumption suggest that intakes of omega-3 fatty acids below 1 gram
per day might have some possibility of having a beneficial effect on
reducing CHD risk. Dietary supplement products with recommended
intakes of 1 gram or below per day would provide an added safety
margin for consumers to remain below the 3-gram safety limit. Given
the uncertainties in current intakes, the potential for harm from
excessive intakes, and the possibility of benefit at intakes less
than 1 gram per day, FDA encourages manufacturers to limit their
dietary supplement products bearing the qualified health claim to
products recommending or suggesting daily intakes of 1 gram or less
of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids.
FDA concludes that the use of EPA
and DHA omega-3 fatty acids as dietary supplements is safe and
lawful under 21 C.F.R. § 101.14, provided that daily intakes of EPA
and DHA omega-3 fatty acids do not exceed 3 g/p/d from conventional
food and dietary supplement sources. Further, FDA concludes that in
order to help ensure that a consumer does not exceed an intake of 3
g/p/d of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids from consumption of a
dietary supplement with the qualified claim, an EPA and DHA omega-3
fatty acid dietary supplement bearing a qualified claim should not
recommend or suggest in its labeling, or under ordinary conditions
of use, a daily intake exceeding 2 grams EPA and DHA.
FDA is basing its decision, in
part, on the information available to the agency on increased sales
that result when products bear health claims, on current uses of
menhaden oil allowed in foods, and on consumption of other foods
that contain significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. However,
there is considerable uncertainty as to actual intakes of omega-3
fatty acids. Therefore, FDA will be monitoring the marketplace and
making the best estimates possible to ensure that EPA and DHA
omega-3 fatty acid supplements bearing the qualified claim remain
FDA would consider supplements
that encourage intakes (in the labeling or under ordinary conditions
of use) above 2 grams per day to be misbranded under section 403(a)
of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act). Such labeling
would be misleading under section 201(n) of the act with respect to
consequences which may result from the use of the supplement.
Consequences include a potential risk of excessive bleeding in some
individuals with intakes of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids at
levels in excess of 3 grams (62 Fed. Reg. at 30,753). As previously
stated, the agency is encouraging manufacturers to limit the
products that bear the qualified claim for omega-3 fatty acids and
reduced risk of CHD to a daily intake of 1 gram or below. Further,
dietary supplements that bear the qualified claim that encourage
intakes (in labeling or under ordinary conditions of use) above 2
grams per day would be subject to regulatory action as a misbranded
food under section 403(r)(1)(B) of the act (21 U.S.C. 343(r)(1)(B)),
a misbranded drug under section 502(f)(1) of the act (21 U.S.C.
352(f)(1), as an unapproved new drug under section 505(a) of the act
(21 U.S.C. 355(a)).
Qualified Claim Language
In its decision, the Pearson court
suggested a disclaimer along the following lines: "The evidence is
inconclusive because existing studies have been performed with foods
containing [omega-3 fatty acids], and the effect of those foods on
reducing the risk of [coronary heart disease] may result from other
components in those foods." 164 F.3d at 658 (emphasis in the
FDA finds that this qualified claim
is not entirely consistent with the weight of the evidence. The
language suggested by the court merely states that the evidence is
inconclusive, which could mean that the weight of the scientific
evidence in support of the claim is equivalent to the weight of the
scientific evidence against the claim. Having evaluated evidence for
the relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD,
the agency concludes that the evidence is suggestive, not just merely
The agency would consider the
following claim to be appropriately qualified: "The scientific
evidence about whether omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of
coronary heart disease (CHD) is suggestive, but not conclusive.
Studies in the general population have looked at diets containing fish
and it is not known whether diets or omega-3 fatty acids in fish may
have a possible effect on a reduced risk of CHD. It is not known what
effect omega-3 fatty acids may or may not have on risk of CHD in the
general population."
The relevant elements in this claim
include: (1) The scientific evidence is suggestive but not conclusive
for a relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD
in the general population; (2) the studies in the general population
have looked at diets containing fish and not at omega-3 fatty acids
and have not shown whether diets or omega-3 fatty acids in fish may
have a possible effect on a reduced risk of CHD; and (3) it is not
known what effect omega-3 fatty acids may or may not have on risk of
CHD in the general population. A dietary supplement bearing a claim
that is not properly qualified or consistent with the weight of the
evidence is subject to regulatory action as a misbranded food under
section 403(r)(1)(B)), a misbranded drug under section 502(f)(1)), and
as an unapproved new drug under section 505(a)).
Relevant 21 CFR 101.14
Consistent with the Pearson
implementation notice, the agency intends to exercise its enforcement
discretion with respect to the qualified claim when the claim meets
the general requirements for health claims in 21 C.F.R. § 101.14 (65
Fed. Reg. at 59,856). FDA finds that the provision in Section
101.14(d)(2)(vii) stating, "If the claim is about the effects of
consuming the substance at other than decreased dietary levels, . . .
the claim must specify the daily dietary intake necessary to achieve a
claimed effect . . .." does not apply to the qualified claim for EPA
and DHA omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD. The scientific
evidence for this relationship is merely suggestive and does not
support the establishment of a recommended daily dietary intake level
or even a possible level of effect. Therefore, the agency would
consider any labeling suggesting a level of omega-3 fatty acids to be
useful in achieving a claimed effect to be false and misleading under
section 403(a) of the act. Moreover, compliance with certain criteria
in § 101.14 will have to be evaluated after-the-fact, because they
involve information or circumstances that cannot be determined a
priori. For example, FDA will not be able to determine whether the
entire claim appears in one place without intervening material, as
required by § 101.14(d)(2)(iv), until it actually sees the claim on
products in the marketplace.
Other Considerations
EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acid
dietary supplements bearing the qualified claim, which meet the
conditions for the exercise of FDA's enforcement discretion in the
Pearson implementation notice and the other conditions set forth in
this letter, must still meet all applicable statutory and regulatory
requirements under the act. For example, such supplements must be
labeled consistent with 21 C.F.R. § 101.36(b)(3). Such supplements
should be manufactured in a manner that will not adulterate or
misbrand the product. Dietary supplements must not pose an
unreasonable risk of illness or injury to the consumer or contain
substances that may render the product injurious to health.
FDA has set forth conditions,
consistent with, and in addition to, those described in the Pearson
implementation notice, under which it intends to exercise enforcement
discretion with respect to the use of the qualified claim, as described
above, on EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acid dietary supplements.
The conditions in question include
that EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids in supplements bearing the
qualified health claim not recommend or suggest in the labeling, or
under ordinary conditions of use, intakes of more than 2 grams per day.
As previously stated, FDA encourages manufacturers to limit their
dietary supplement products, bearing the qualified health claim, to
products recommending or suggesting in the labeling daily intakes of 1
gram or less of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids per day. This would
provide an added safety margin for consumers to remain below the 3 gram
per day level.
FDA also concludes that there is not
significant scientific agreement for an unqualified claim about the
relationship between EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of
CHD. Thus, a health claim stating that "Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce
the risk of CHD" would be misleading. However, the weight of the
scientific evidence for a health claim for EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty
acids outweighs the scientific evidence against such a claim, and the
qualified claim that FDA has set forth in this letter is consistent with
the weight of the scientific evidence.
Scientific information is subject to
change, as are consumer consumption patterns. FDA intends to evaluate
new evidence that becomes available to determine whether the weight of
the evidence shifts, either in favor of an unqualified claim or in favor
of no longer exercising enforcement discretion. For example, scientific
evidence may later become available that will support significant
scientific agreement or that will no longer support the use of a
qualified claim, or that may raise safety concerns about the conditions
that FDA has outlined for the safe use of this qualified claim. If and
when such information becomes available, FDA intends to inform you of
that by letter.
We hope that this clarifies the issues
related to the labeling of your product.
Christine J. Lewis, Ph.D.
Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling, and Dietary Supplements
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
A proposed rule for the dietary
supplement health claim on omega-3 fatty acids and reduced risk of CHD
(58 Fed. Reg. 53,296 (1993)) became a final regulation by operation of
law (59 Fed. Reg. 436 (1994)). FDA relied on the scientific review
conducted as part of the omega-3 fatty acid-CHD health claim rulemaking
for conventional foods, that concluded in January 1993, for the 1993
dietary supplement proposed rulemaking for the same claim.
The qualified claim is discussed
further in section VI and states that: "The scientific evidence about
whether omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart
disease (CHD) is suggestive, but not conclusive. Studies in the general
population have looked at diets containing fish and it is not known
whether diets or omega-3 fatty acids in fish may have a possible effect
on a reduced risk of CHD. It is not known what effect omega-3 fatty
acids may or may not have on risk of CHD in the general population."
In this case, there is no proponent of
the claim submitting safety data in a health claim petition. FDA is
responding to instructions from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C.
Circuit to reconsider the health claim and is not responding to a
petition. Further, as discussed later in this letter, based on the
agency's scientific review, the relationship between EPA and DHA omega-3
fatty acids and CHD for the general population is merely suggestive, and
therefore, to suggest that sufficient evidence is available to support a
specific daily dietary intake that would be necessary to achieve a
claimed effect would be false and misleading under sections 201(n) and
403(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act).
Consequently, FDA evaluated whether, and in what amount, EPA and DHA
omega-3 fatty acids, when used in a dietary supplement, would be safe in
the context of the total daily diet.
FDA received three comments after the
close of the comment period. The agency was not obligated to and did not
consider the late comments. All other comments were considered.
For a dietary supplement to not be
considered adulterated under section 402(f) of the act, it must not
present a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury under
conditions of use recommended or suggested in labeling or, if no
conditions of use are suggested or recommended in the labeling, under
ordinary conditions of use. Further, a dietary supplement must not
contain a dietary ingredient that may render it injurious to health
under the conditions of use recommended or suggested in the labeling of
such dietary supplement.
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Table 1 |
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and
Coronary Heart Disease
Intervention Studies
Disease Outcome
FO or n-3 FA- g/d]
Study Duration+
[no. & characteristics]
Disease Outcome¨
GISSI, et al., 1999
0.850-0.882 g/d EPA+ DHA
(Ethyl esters)
3.5 yr.
11,324, MI
CVD death, non-fatal
Von Schacky, et al., 1999
6 g/d n-3 (FO)
3 g/d n-3 (FO)
3 mo.
21 mo.
223, PTCS
CVD death, fatal &
non-fatal MI
Singh, et al., 1997
1.8 g/d EPA+ DHA (FO)
1 yr.
360, MI
Cardiac deaths,
non-fatal MI
Burr, et al., 1994
3 g/d FO
2 yr.
227, MI
CHD deaths
Footnote: Abbreviations
and notations of Table 1
*Symbols for intake in g/d include:
FO - Fish Oil; n-3 - omega-3 fatty acids; FA - fatty acid;
DHA - doscosahexaenoic acid; EPA - eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA + DPA
(FO) - amount of DHA and EPA from fish oil; g - grams; d - day.
for study durations include: yr. - year, mo. - month; d - day.
for description of population at time of enrollment: MI - Myocardial
PTCS - Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Stenosis; PTCA -
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty; CVD - Cardiovascular
Disease; CHD - Coronary Heart Disease. Representative of CHD disease
for intervention effect measures: NS - non-significant;
- increase in risk of
- decrease in risk of
Table 2 |
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Coronary
Heart Disease
Intervention Studies
Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C)
or FO or n-3 FA g/d
Study Duration+
[no & characteristics]
Sorensen, et al., 1998
0.91 g/d EPA+DHA (FO)
1 mo.
47, General¥
Vognild, et al., 1998
15 ml/d WO, SO or CLO
3 mo.
266, General
Alder, et al., 1997
3.6 g/d EPA+DHA (FO)
4 mo.
50, General

Grimsgaard, et al., 1997
3.8 g/d EPA or 3.6 g/d DHA
Ethyl esters
7 wk.
234, General
Hwang, et al., 1997
6 to 15 g/d n-3 g/d (FO)
2.8 mo.
68, General
Marckmann, et al., 1997
0.91 g/d n-3 FA
3.5 mo.
50, General
Morcos, 1997
3.0 g/d EPA+DHA (FO)
2 mo.
40, General

Tsai, et al., 1997
8.8 g/d EPA + DHA (FO)
6 wk.
16, General
Agren, et al., 1996
2.28 g/d EPA+DHA (FO)
1.68 DHA oil
1.05 g/d EPA + DHA (fish diet)
3.6 mo.
55, General
Hamazaki, et al., 1996
1.5 - 1.8 g/d DHA
3 mo.
35, General
Layne, et al., 1996
35 mg/kg body wt (FO)
9 mo.
26, General
Mori,et al., 1993
2.12 g/d EPA+DHA (FO)
3 mo.
120, mild HC

Hansen, et al., 1993
5.3 g/d EPA+DHA (CLO)
7 mo.
34, General
males ;
females NS
Lervang,et al., 1993
0.64 g/d (FO)
2 mo.
24, General
Deslypere, et al., 1992
1.12, 2.24, or 3.37 g/d (FO)
18 mo.
58, General
Schmidt, et al., 1992
3.2 g/d EPA+DHA (FO)
1 yr.
24, General
GISSI, et al., 1999
0.85-0.88 g/d EPA+DHA
(Ethyl esters)
3.5 yr.
9659, MI
Cairns, et al., 1996
5.4 g/d n-3 FA (FO)
5 mo.
814, PTCA
Eritsland, et al., 1996
4.22 g/d EPA+DHA (FO)
1 yr.
617, CAB
Eritsland, et al., 1995
3.4 g/d EPA + DHA (FO)
1 yr.
511, CABG
Sacks, et al., 1995
6 g/d EPA+DHA+DPA (F0)
2.3 yr.
59. CHD
Eritsland, et al., 1994
3.4 g/d EPA + DHA (FO)
6 mo.
57, CABG
Leaf, et al., 1994
6.9 g/d EPA+DHA (FO)
6 mo.
447, PTCA
Sirtori, et al., 1998
1.72 - 2.58 g/d EPA+DHA (FO)
1 yr.
868, Type IIB and Type IV

Footnote: Abbreviations and
notations of Table 2
*Symbols for intake in g/d
include: FO - Fish Oil; n-3 - omega-3 fatty acids; FA - fatty acid; DHA - doscosahexaenoic acid; EPA - eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA + EPA
(FO) - amount of DHA and EPA from fish oil; g - grams; kg -
kilogram; wt - weight; d - day; ml - milliliter; WO - whale oil;
SO - Seal oil; CLO - Cod liver oil.
+Symbols for study
duration include: yr. - year, mo. - month; wk - week; d - day.
"Symbols for description of
population at time of enrollment: MI - Myocardial Infarction;
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Stenosis; PTCA - Percutaneous
Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty; HC - hyper-cholesterolemia; CAB
- Coronary Artery Bypass; CABG - Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting;
CHD - Coronary Heart Disease; Type IIB and Type IV - types of hyperlipiproteinemia. Representative of CHD disease patients and
general population.
¥General population is defined as
free of indications of CHD.
¨Symbol for intervention effect
measures: NS - non-significant;
- increase in LDL;
- decrease in LDL;
LDL - Low density lipoprotein.
Table 3 |
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Coronary
Heart Disease
Observational Studies
Disease Outcome
Reference |
Type of Study |
FO or n-3 FA or Fish - g/d]
(Source of estimated intake) |
Study Duration+ |
[no & characteristics] |
Disease Outcome¨ |
Ascherio, et al., 1995
Health Professionals' Follow-up Study |
Prospective cohort |
Fish (0.07®0.58g/d, n-3 FA)
0 to 5 serving/wk , FFQ |
10 yr. |
44895, General¥ |
Guallar, et al., 1999
Case control |
(n-3 adipose tissue) |
1449, General |
NS MI vs. DHA |
Daviglus, et al., 1997
Western Electric |
Prospective cohort |
Fish 0 ®> 35 g/d , FFQ
[0; 1-17; 18-34; >35g/d] |
30 yr. |
1822, General |
non-sudden death from
MI |
Pietnen, et al., 1997
ATBC Study |
Prospective cohort |
Fish (0.2® 0.8g/d, n-3 FA) FFQ |
6 yr. |
21930, Smokers |
n-3 fatty acid/fish CHDX |
Albert, et al., 1998
Physicians' Heath Study |
Prospective cohort |
Fish (0® 4x/wk) FFQ |
12 yr. |
20551, General |
sudden cardiac deathF |
Kromhout, et al.,1996
Seven Countries Study |
Prospective Longitudinal Health
survey |
Fish (FFQ) |
25 yr. |
12783, General |
CHD mortality |
Rodriguez, et al.,1996
Honolulu Heart |
Prospective cohort |
Fish (0® >1x/d) (FFQ) |
23 yr. |
8006, General |
CHD mortalityF |
Guallar, et al., 1995
Physicians' Health Study |
Nested, Case-control |
(Blood samples EPA+DHA) |
5 yr. |
14916, General |
NS first MI |
Kromhout, et al., 1995 |
Prospective cohort |
Fish (+/-) (diet record) |
17 yr. |
272, General |
CHD death |
Morris, et al., 1995
Physicians' Health Study |
Prospective cohort |
Fish (1® >5x/wk) |
4 yr. |
21185, General |
Simon, et al., 1995
Nested Case-control |
(Blood, DHA & EPA) |
3.5 yr. |
188, General |
CHD risk |
Siscovick, et al., 1995
Seattle, WA |
Case-control |
(Blood), (FFQ)
(5.5 g/mo., n-3 FA) |
827, General |
first MI |
Yamori, et al., 1994
Population |
(Blood), n-3 FA & urine, taurine^ |
200, General |
ischemic heart disease |
Footnote: Abbreviations and
notations of Table 3
*Symbols for intake in g/d include:
FO - Fish Oil; n-3 - omega-3 fatty acids; FA - fatty acid;
doscosahexaenoic acid; EPA - eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA + EPA (FO) -
amount of DHA and EPA from fish oil; g - grams; d - day; FFQ - Food
frequency questionnaire.
+Symbols for study
duration include: yr. - year, mo. - month.
"Symbols for description of
population at time of enrollment: MI - Myocardial Infarction;
Coronary Heart Disease; CVD - Cardiovascular Disease.
¨Symbol for intervention effect
measures: NS - non-significant;
- increase in risk of
- decrease
in risk of CHD or CVD.
¥General is defined as free of
indications of CHD.
XIncrease in risk CHD using
multivariate analysis and highest level of intake of omega-3 fatty
acids derived from fish.
FDecrease in risk of sudden cardiac
death and/or CHD mortality associated with highest level of fish
^Taurine - metabolic product (cysteine),
marker for fish protein.