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Baked Apple*



1 medium baking apple, washed, not peeled

1 tablespoon brown sugar

6 raisins

2 teaspoons margarine

1 sprinkle of ground cinnamon

1 whole-grain waffle, toasted, quartered

Directions: Cut out the core of the apple. With a peeler, pare the skin from around the top of the apple. Put the apple in a small microwave dish. Put the brown sugar and raisins into the center. Top with margarine or butter. Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon. Cook uncovered in a microwave oven for two to two and one-half minutes on High, or until the apple is almost tender when stuck with a fork. Let stand five minutes. Serve with a toasted whole-grain waffle.

Number of servings: 1

Calories: 287, Total fat: 11.2 grams, Saturated fat: 1.9 grams, Protein: 2.7 grams, Carbohydrate: 47.6 grams, Cholesterol: 0 milligrams, Sodium: 294 milligrams, Fiber: 5 grams, Iron: 2.5 milligrams, Calcium: 101 milligrams, Vitamin A: 73 RE, Vitamin C: 8.0 milligrams

* An adult should help prepare the apple and supervise the microwave.

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Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. The Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. Information and Graphics on this site are copyright protected by LSU Agricultural Center's Louisiana Cooperative Extension Services, 1999. For more information on the EFNEP program, contact