EatSmart - Minerals Quiz
1. What three minerals have to be on the nutrition facts panel
of the food label?
A. Calcium,
protein and magnesium
B. Sodium, calcium and
C. Iron, sodium and calcium
2. Which mineral is especially important in bone health?
A. Selenium
B. Calcium
C. Magnesium
3. What vitamin helps increase the absorption of iron?
A. Vitamin
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin D
4. Calcium is found in which three classes of food ?
A. Yellow
vegetables, red fruit and milk and milk products.
B. Pork, dried beans
and milk and milk products.
C. Milk and milk products,
green vegetables and a few fish and shellfish
5. How much iron does a person need each day?
A. 18 milligrams
B. 15 milligrams
C. 10 milligrams
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