Prepared by
Diane Ball Linder, EdD, LDN, RD

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Minerals are a very important group of nutrients for us to consume daily. We need to eat according to the USDA Food Guide Pyramid to be sure to get the kinds and amounts of minerals we need for the day.

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Web Site Activity

Visit the Meals for You website: 

Find Recipes: By Nutrition in the left column.
Click on Lower Sodium.

Scroll down the recipes listed on the left and click on one you might like to try. Print one recipe and try it.

Go back and click on By Popularity.

Scroll through this as a source for some other recipes you can click on to see. You do not have to order one of these cookbooks.


Minerals are a very important group of nutrients for us to consume daily. We need to eat according to the USDA Food Guide Pyramid to be sure to get the kinds and amounts of minerals we need for the day. We need to read the nutrition facts panel on the food labels. We need to make a concentrated effort to include healthy amounts of sodium, calcium and iron in our diets daily. We need to include a vitamin C food or a small amount of meat, poultry or fish with a nonheme source of iron to help our body better absorb the iron.

site mapadnu2.htm


Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. The Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. Information and Graphics on this site are copyright protected by LSU Agricultural Center's Louisiana Cooperative Extension Services. For more information on the EFNEP program, contact