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Statistical Information

Louisiana Summary
Agricultural And Natural Resources

The statistical information in this summary is compiled from estimates made by agents of the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service after consulting with agricultural agency representatives, agricultural and agribusiness leaders and others and after study of various reports and resource materials. Although this material is reasonably accurate and can be used for planning and other general information purposes, this is not the official document of agricultural data for the state. Official statistical data are gathered, summarized and published by the Louisiana Agricultural Statistics Service, P.O. Box 65038, Baton Rouge, LA 70896. Reproduction or publication of information in this summary should acknowledge the unofficial nature of the statistics.

A gross value has been computed for each commodity, which in some cases includes a value from natural resources and, consequently, does not represent income to farmers. The gross value is an indicator of the commodity's contribution to economic activity, but is not an indicator of farm profits. Production costs cut heavily into profit for many commodities. Even where there might have been an increase in gross income over previous years, there might have been a corresponding increase in the cost of production.

In the state summaries, the value added in marketing, processing and transportation is estimated in order to indicate the total contribution of agriculture and natural resources to the state's economy. The state summary is not an exact summation of all parish reports. Some adjustments have been made, considering changes in average prices received, reports from statewide agricultural agencies and organizations and information from other sources.

In each parish table, only the commodities that were of economic value in that parish in 2003 are listed. Where the number of producers or the number of acres is omitted, that information was not available. An asterisk indicates that the number was so small that its inclusion might have revealed confidential information on individual producers.

Within some commodity groups, such as grains, fruits and commercial vegetables, the total number of producers has been omitted because some producers grow several different crops within the group. Adding together the producers of individual crops would not give a true total for the group.

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